Yesterday marked six months on St. John. I wanted to put together a list of what I LOVE about St. John and what I HATE about St. John. So here it is!
Driving behind water trucks all the way out to Fish Bay.
The stinky, nasty, black smoke that comes out of most of the big trucks.
Trash that blows all around the streets by the dumpsters.
That we don't recycle more than just aluminum cans.
Paying $8 a gallon for milk every 2 days.
The guy that drives the water truck past Mongoose Junction at 40 mph.
Safari Taxi's that drive in the middle of the North Shore Road.
Mosquito's and Dengue
Paying $50 to go on the Car Barge.
Cigarette butts on the beach.
That smell that comes out of the bathrooms at Hawksnest Beach.
Working twice as hard for half the pay.
When my family leaves.
The people I have met here.
Seeing animals roaming the streets.
The views from every turn.
That my son loves it here.
The beach.
The colors of the ocean.
The feel of the sand between my toes.
The restaurants.
Hearing the tree frogs chirp at night.
Being able to see the stars at night.
How crystal clear the water is.
Palm trees.
Nature/Wildlife everywhere you look
Being warm ALL of the time.
Talking with tourists.
Talking with locals.
Beach time with our friends.
Paddle boarding.
That we wake up on the weekend and our biggest decision is which beach we are going to.
The Petroglyphs.
Reef Bay Beach.
Wearing flip flops everyday.
Saying Good Morning, Good Afternoon and Good Night and having it said to me.
Driving on the left.
Live music every night.
That I don't watch TV at all.
That my son reads for fun.
When my family visits.
The sun!
Getting hugs from Shane's friends.
Not needing to buy new clothes for different seasons.
That Zappos, Keurig and many other stores ship here for free!
Gifft Hill School
That we love living here.