Once again, I would like to thank all of you that sent books to our school! They make wonderful new additions to our library!! We finished up organizing the library a few weeks ago. All of the classes had a chance to come up and we had a little orientation where we explained to them how we wanted them to use the library.
We organized the library so it was "kid friendly". We categorized each section so that the kids could easily find what they were looking for, the little kids books were placed down low in the "cozy corner" so they could sit and look at their books before making their decision. The older kids have their own section which is alphabetized by author's last name, we also separated the leveled readers and beginner chapter books into their own sections. We were even able to designate one case of bookshelves for our "new books" section.
St. John Hardware donated paint stirrer's so we had the kids decorate them any way they wanted and had them put their names on them. These are used to hold the place of their book while they look at it to see if that is the book they want to take home for the week. If not, they know where to return it. So far it working out great! It is easy for the kids to find their place and easy for us to clean up!