I think we're all a little guilty....

Travel discussion for St. John
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Post by msgcolleen »

Thanks for your insight Gromit, but as long as I get to see this view each year, it will always be perfect to me! That's the part I like to share with others.Image
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Post by JT »

Something wrong with Skinny's head? Any port in a storm, I always say!

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/12829989@N00/4821561535/" title="St. John 2004 268 by taterjoes, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4118/482 ... 175e_b.jpg" width="768" height="1024" alt="St. John 2004 268"></a>
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Post by Gromit »

As for giant pigs, there's one we passed on Centerline road a few times between John Head Road and the trip to Cruz Bay.

That SOB was HUGE!!

That was a couple of Decembers ago and it's certainly possible that he became someone's bacon, but that was no small dumpster and he was up on his hind legs , front legs hanging over the edge and his head in the can.

It was so surreal and oddly unexpected. Not sure why I think that ANYTHING is unexpected on island or why anything surprises me there anymore, but it did!
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Post by NCSue »

I JUST SAW THAT PIG LAST WEEK - and YES - that SOB was huge!!!!

I have my own reasons for loving St. John and I SOO want other people to get it. Some I know will NEVER get it.....I have a family member that would never get over the chickens at JJs -- which for some reason I LOVE !!!
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Post by jayseadee »

I really dislike someone telling me how I should feel.

No guilt here.

Post by Jorge »

jayseadee wrote:I really dislike someone telling me how I should feel.

No guilt here.

Sing it sister. I'm right there with you. :D
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Post by Diana2 »

NCSue wrote:I JUST SAW THAT PIG LAST WEEK - and YES - that SOB was huge!!!!]
I'm glad to know that the big piggy is still there. We didn't see her at all when we were there in May and I was worried that she was somebody's bacon, ham and chops.
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Post by jimg20 »

Gromit wrote:...and he was up on his hind legs, front legs hanging over the edge and his head in the can.
Who among us has not been in that situation at least once? :oops: :roll: :wink: :lol:

Come on. Admit it. You've been there. :lol:

The problem with these kinds of communications is that some people will misunderstand the ideas that are trying to be expressed. I know Gromit and I doubt that she was trying to make us feel guilty in the dictionary's definition of the word. I took that to mean something else.

We are sensative to the idea that we do need to tell people that water must be rationed, that the roads are curvy, hilly and narrow, that we drive on the left. I enjoy telling peole about Isand Time. In fact, I use Skinny's "same day service available" to illustrate the point.

One of the thoughts that I frequently have while there is that we are visiting their home and we are their guests. We try to behave as such.

Man it's like some dream we live down here....

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Post by Terry »

We are sensative to the idea that we do need to tell people that water must be rationed, that the roads are curvy, hilly and narrow, that we drive on the left. I enjoy telling peole about Isand Time.

Well quoted.

I think it's a hard sell because folks look at me like I'm wierd. "Drive on the left" "Rent a remote property in the hills?" "Cook your own food?"

Some folks will never get it...and that's okay. But I keep trying to sell it. :lol: ...mostly because I love it.
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Post by lazylane »

we all got it, others don't - their loss! No guilt.
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Post by Cruzan Chris »

(oh... sorry :oops: ) :twisted: :twisted:
Gromit , my Forum Sista...its all quite simple my dear. "WE GET IT"...THEY Don't....BWAA HA HA HAAAA!!!

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There's no place like home...
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Post by BillVT »

A nice posting Gromit but really. If people don't get Skinny's, they don't get Skinny's. It is OK. We all don't have to like the same thing all the time. If some people read this forum then go to Skinny's and wonder what the woop was, we shouldn't feel guilty about it. They might like things that don't particularly appeal to those of us who find the Skinny experience charming. Same day service and all. Sorry to pick on Skinny Legs but it could be any of the hallowed island institutions.

But you are right that we love the place more because of its' imperfections rather than in spite of them. (To a degree. You can probably draw the line well before being shot at or robbed.)

St John is not for everybody. St Thomas is not for everybody. One night there is plenty for me. Hell, Vermont isn't for everybody even in the fall. As hard as that is for me to understand.

Many (many) years ago when I first got out of college I tended bar in a mountain resort town. Early one afternoon a gentlemen entered the bar, sat down and ordered. He looked at me wearily and asked me in all sincerity, "Is there anything else to do in this town besides look at frickin' scenery? If I have to look at another tree or mountain I'm going to puke." I felt bad for the guy. All he wanted was a little action. On the other hand, when he came up there what did he think he was going find? Cavorting wood nymphs in heels, sequins and alluring glances?

What is amazing is that so many of us find so much to like about an imperfect place.
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Post by jmq »

The main point of the original post that was not to literally tell anybody how to feel but was just a reminder to be aware of the rose colored glasses STJ fans can have – both those giving advice and those receiving it.
That’s great if you don’t need reminding and/or don’t want to get lumped in with those that do some reflection that makes them reconsider the effect they’ve had on the perspectives of others. No harm meant either way.
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Post by SOonthebeach »

Well said Gromit! I get the meaning behind it. I have always tried to remember that STJ definitely is not for everyone, just like any other place is not for everyone- we all have our own likes and dislikes. I have even told some friends that I don't think they should go (trying to get that cheeseburger sooner :wink: )

What I do love is that we have this forum where so many of us have something in common and a love for this quirky place. Just had a great dinner tonight with 13 other people that I met through this forum- and we talked a lot about all the craziness- but the giant pig did not come up! Now that I want to see......
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Post by ToonMann »

I do agree with Gromit that we tend to romanticize the STJ experience on this board. So much so that anyone wishing to start a business on STJ and considering how to advertise might just want to keep us in mind. Skinny's couldn't buy what we give them.

Wanting to share what attracts us seems to be common in such forums. Open up a YouTube music video and look at the comments. They're typically positive, as the experience of that piece of music -- and the need to hear it -- draws together like-minded individuals.

Given this, anyone who comes to this forum expecting an unbiased viewpoint should expect to be disappointed.

My wife and I have visited most of the Caribbean, and it seems to us it's a spectrum of experiences . . . from funky/dangerous (Negril) to soul-less/squeaky clean (Grace Bay on Provo). But there are other spectra to consider: nationality, flora/fauna, food, access, expense, etc. (I'd be interested in going back to Monsterrat to see what it feels like post-volcano.) Part of the wonder of the Caribbean is in its surprisingly diverse variations on a theme.

So while evaluating the St. John experience is personal, here it becomes communal. If we weren't like-minded, we probably wouldn't be here.

Chaque a son gout. To each his own.

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