Informal poll... Obama or McCain?

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Who will you vote for this November?

Independent Party or Write-In
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Informal poll... Obama or McCain?

Post by Gromit »

Since CariBert sort of broke the seal on current events and IMHO they are inextricably tied to politics and policy... I was just curious as to who the folks on this board are planning to vote for this November?

I'm just taking an informal poll here.

PLEASE Let's not get into judgments or why folks are voting for someone or not. No haters please. The purpose of the poll is not to start a fight. I'm just genuinely curious as to how folks who visit this board lean in terms of candidates. I certainly have my suspicions but I'd like to know...

So, who do you plan to vote for (in no particular order)?

Independent or Write-in?

*Since I can't figure out how to edit the poll-- if you are undecided go ahead and check the independent or write in box for now...
Last edited by Gromit on Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by LysaC »

I think you need to add "Undecided".

I don't think I'm alone in still not knowing which talking head to vote for.
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Post by Gromit »

Lysa- good point. I added it into my message but I can't figure out how to edit the poll.

If Anthony can give me some help I'll fix that in the actual poll...
*Another fine scatterbrained production
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Post by Marcia (Mrs. Pete) »

Thank you for setting up this poll. It will be interesting to see how this board leans politically although, I too, have a pretty good idea.
Marcia (Mrs. Pete)

Missing St. John. As always.
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Post by piscesgirl0314 »

I am definately going to vote...just not 100% sure for which party... :shock:
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Post by MIke »

I know this is going to get me in trouble,but I was just wondering which 12 of you don't feel like your paying enough income taxes.
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Post by DaveS007 »

Or vote for someone who approved killing babies born alive that were suppose to be abortions.. oh yea he voted for this twice btw.
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Post by Lulu76 »

Actually, I don't think most U.S. citizens pay enough taxes.

Edited to add: I don't normally go back and edit posts, but I realize I just threw my comment out there and didn't really make myself clear.

Our tax system is jacked up. Some people are getting it stuck to them, while others find tons of loopholes and don't pay anything. We need a better system. Some people (and corporations) need to put more into the pot and some people deserve a break. We don't need hundreds of pages of tax code when there are better, fairer ways to run the system.

I believe there's a lot wrong with America right now. Our country needs a lot of reform across the board, and I'm not sure anyone knows how to fix it. I'm also pretty sure there are lots of people in Washington right now who are doing just fine and have no inclination to fix it, but maybe I'm wrong.

I don't really want to get into a huge debate about political ideology because nobody's going to win, and everybody thinks they're right and the other person's wrong. There's no point to it.

Much like the two previous elections, I feel that we don't have a choice to pick an excellent candidate with our best interests at heart, but simply the candidate that sucks the least, and that makes me very sad.
Last edited by Lulu76 on Wed Oct 01, 2008 1:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DaveS007 »

AS a U.S. citizen who pays .60 on every dollar earned I would ask what would you say is enough ?? 70% 80% ??
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Post by LysaC »

Ahhhh... crap.

I don't want to make any enemies and, again, I'm still undecided but...

According to Joe Biden, it's patriotic to give the government more money!


Most of you probably didn't hear him say this though cuz, unlike Palin who probably has had a Lo-Jack installed in her head by some covert media operation, Joe Biden can say things like he got shot at in Iraq or that we had TV's in 1929 and get away with it.

I hate this presidential campaign.
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Post by MIke »

I'm with you.Politics has become a disgrace to this country.Where are all the great leaders(like Jorge).
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Post by jenrale »

IMHO, this has gone WAY beyond normal 'Democrat vs Republican' politics. The people that are ruining this great country do not care which party we belong to. We have been let down by our business and political leaders from BOTH parties. For me, it's gonna be a tough choice as I don't trust either side. And it seems that neither candidate is saying anything about the big issues.... Maybe time to run to STX and hide out for a few years, and see what happens.
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Post by flip-flop »

Or vote for someone who approved killing babies born alive that were suppose to be abortions.. oh yea he voted for this twice btw.

Wow, really?

I think you misunderstand the law here or at a minimum it is being drastically oversimplified. I think a HUGE part of the problem is people speak in soundbites and go with gut reactions as opposed to actually informing themselves. As Gromit said let's keep it nice but I have a general rule if you don't have a uterus and if you aren't directly impacted by such a pregnancy than you are by definition ignorant of the "choice" being made. You can't possibly understand what it feels like to carry a baby in you that is sick, suffering and possibly dying. Usually I would keep my mouth shut, but I promised myself that if ever I could correct the misconceptions about this specific issue and help others understand what it is REALLY like for someone who has faced such a decision, I would.

As a woman who is greatly blessed that her baby survived after being given a less than 5% chance of living, I think I can speak to the reality of the decisions facing women who have been told unbelievable and heartbreaking news.

The VAST majority of late term abortions are not the result of someone deciding "hey, I don't want to have this baby after all!" The misrepresentation of the facts and the ASSUMPTIONS about women facing what is probably the most brutal decision of their entire lives infuriate me. In these cases the situation is one of two - the baby is NOT viable outside the womb & will likely die soon after birth either way from severe abnormalities OR the baby is threatening the physical health of the mother. In either case, really, do we need to legislate the options available to her?

I don't feel comfortable electing anyone who would create an environment where a woman could pay with her future fertility or even her life due to a law put on the books by a bunch of people on Capital Hill totally disconnected from her reality. You don't trust them with your tax $$s, I don't trust them with my health.

Maybe I am hypersensitive to this issue having faced a potential "late-term" abortion. I was 19 weeks pregnant when we found out that my son was struggling. We had an ultrasound tech actually use the word "catastrophic" when performing our ultrasound. Typically, our symptoms (edema and fluid on the lungs) are a sign that the baby has a devastating anomaly - genetic or structural - and is NOT going to make it. I am not talking about an abnormality that one can live with, like Downs. These babies are missing a brain or most of their heart. Trust me, google fetal hydrops if you want a peek into my reality about 2 years ago.

I would and DID do anything possible to help my baby boy's chances. I sat in a waiting room over 50 times over the next 19 weeks until he was born for various tests and procedures, each moment was gutwrenching. I had two procedures where they went through my abdomen, into my uterus, and into my son's chest cavity to drain fluid off his lung to give him a chance to survive. Each time I could have introducted infection to myself that would have necessitated an immediate abortion to save MY life. Still, I made the choice to have the procedures because they were his only shot. I was willing to take that risk. That was MY choice. Had I gotten an infection, I would have followed my ob's recommendations as she stated to me repeatedly, "we will do all we can for him, but your life and your health are preeminient."

In the cases you are citing where he "voted for someone who approved killing babies born alive that were suppose to be abortions." I guarantee you these were procedures where babies were being delivered due to severe and life ending (not life threatening) complications. These babies what were born "alive" were only technically alive.

This is the reality. Not visions of fully formed healthy babies with 10 fingers and 10 toes. We are talking babies whose heads are so misshapen you don't even recognize them. Babies so bloated with infection and lack of blood flow that they are dark purple. Babies missing 3 of 4 chambers of their hearts. Horrific things that most people thankfully never ever have to face.

How about this? Let's let the women actually faced with the decision, in consultation with their doctors and families, decide. Why is that really so hard for people. If its a God's will issue, then should I have not had the two procedures that saved my son's life?

Might this negatively impact my standing on this forum forever more...Maybe. Honestly, this issue is more important to me than just about anything else, so it doesn't even matter to me. If what I have said resonates with one person - NOT about their stand on abortion - but on their stand on who should be the ultimate decision-maker, then it is worth it.
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Post by Xislandgirl »

Flip Flop- With all my heart, I thank you for sharing your story and hopefully educating people on the reality of being a woman faced with an unimaginable choice; medically, emotionally, and morally.

We all to often, hang onto an issue for dear life without really understanding it. I am sure I am guilty of this, as well.

I hope that no one has to be in your shoes, but if they do, I hope that they still live in a country that allows them to make a choice that is best for mother and child. (not government)
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Post by canucknyc »

Hats off to you, Flip Flop. Well done.