Trip Report Chapter 2 "First Full Day"

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Trip Report Chapter 2 "First Full Day"

Post by ScottB »

11/30 Our first full day on island.

We are both early risers, and usually both up by 7am or so. Our first morning we awoke to blue skies & sunshine. We made our way onto the porch of our unit, and all you can say when you see the view for the first time is WOW!! It certainly takes on a whole new look from what we were looking at the night before. The water had that ever so enchanting turquoise blue, one that makes both of us melt. There’s something about that color that could have us both mesmerized for hours. We were both hungry, so I cooked up an egg scramble with ham & cheese. Of course we took our breakfast out onto the porch, and enjoyed the gorgeous view.

I was really under the impression that we were thorough with our packing and didn’t forget anything…..wrong!! If you can believe it, we left a very important element at home, sunglasses!! So our first order of business was to stroll into town, and grab some el-cheapos to survive the rest of our stay. As we were walking down the hill into town, I remembered that I also had forgotten to pack our waterproof snorkeling case for keys & money. Our first stop in town was Low Key Watersports. We were able to snag a couple pairs of cheap sunglasses, and a waterproof case. A lot of the shops were not open yet as it was not even 9am yet. I wanted to stop in at St John Spice and meet Ruth. The first person we met was Ruth’s husband Ron, a really nice guy. Ruth came in from the childrens store, and we had a nice chat. They were just genuinely nice people, and we really enjoyed our visit with them both.

It was time to pick up our jeep from St John Car Rental. We walked over, and they had the jeep all ready to roll. The jeep was orange with a black top. It kind of looked liked a Halloween vehicle. It only had 6900 miles, and was pretty much brand new. The driveway at STJ car rental was very steep (big surprise), and right off the bat, I felt like I was going to roll this thing!! No problem mon….off we went. I had looked at a decent Cruz Bay map prior, and figured I could at least make it to the north shore road without hassle. With in minutes we were on the first assent out of town. Of course we played the “Excited Tourist” and stopped at every overlook we came to. The first one overlooks Cruz Bay on the left, and we stopped and snapped a few pics of the bay, and of Gallows. Already we were blown away, and knew it only gets better. The first mile or so, I was thinking to myself, what is the big deal about these roads? It just didn’t seem scary at all….YET.

I believe the next overlook was Caneel Bay, and at this point I felt like I had been here before. I recognized everything we came to from seeing so many pictures of prior reports, etc. Each turn brought yet another post card view. Outrageous doesn’t begin to describe it for a true virgin to STJ. Jimmy Buffet CD was playing, and it just seemed to fit so perfectly with the unbelievable views we were experiencing at every turn. As we rolled past Hawksnest & Gibney, I knew the very popular Trunk Bay overlook was close. The roads at this point were a little twisty & hilly, but still no problem. I could make out Trunk Bay through some of the bushes, and at last we were at the overlook. We spilled out of the jeep, and just sat there in complete awe. How many shades of turquoise can there be? I believe this was the moment we both truly settled in, and were hooked. I don’t know how many remember the first time they stopped at this overlook of Trunk, but the “Warm Fuzzies” were flowing big time!! Without a doubt, this is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Can you tell we are having fun yet?

As we rolled on past Trunk, we finally came to some of the steep hair pin turns. I could feel my grip on the steering wheel tighten, and maybe just a bead of sweat on the ole forehead. As I tried to stay left, and make the steep climb while coming around a corner, the jeep just stopped, and the back wheels were spinning. The jeep started to roll backwards, and it scared the living %&^#@ out of me!! I did not panic, but stepped on the brake, and slammed it into 4WD. Gave it a little gas, and up and away we go around the first white knuckle turn. We both just kind of looked at each other with that WTF look!! Of course there were a couple more hair pins ahead, and at least there was no slipping with the 4WD engaged. I guarantee my heart missed a couple beats with in the last couple minutes of driving. At this point, my nerves were tweaking, and it was time to turn around. When it comes to crazy roads, I guess my feet were now very wet. As many of you probably recall from your first visit to the island, I found myself wondering if the driving is going to be a distraction to our relaxation. Obviously this feeling subsides as one pushes on. After seeing all these amazing beaches, we were headed back to Gallows for our suits & snorkel gear.

The drive back was somewhat quick, and we were back on our venture to get our butts on the beach asap. With snorkel gear and a few waters packed, we stopped at the Lind Point trail which leads down to Solomon beach. The path is somewhat steep, and I would highly recommend not trying it with flip-flops. We were both wearing sandals which proved to be adequate. My guess is the trail was close to a mile as it weaved back & forth down to the water. Finally after about a 10-15 minute hike down, we were on our first beach. Solomon is beautiful, with its low over hanging palms, and of course the magical turquoise water. The sand was like sugar, and was as soft as powder. Once again, we were just blown away. The snorkeling was pretty good, and we did end up seeing a stingray out away from the beach. The right hand side of the beach seemed to be the best area, and the small reef there was nice. Due to northern swells, it definitely was a bit cloudy as far as visibility goes, but certainly didn’t take away from the experience. After snorkeling for an hour or so, we eneded up talking to a really nice couple from PA. They had come in on a dinghy, and said they got pretty beat up in the rough water on the way over. After hanging on the beach for a bit, we were both hungry, and it was close to lunch time. The hike back up was definitely more tiring, and we were both soaked with sweat by the time we reached the jeep. Oh well, beats the hell out of freezing our butts off back home!!

Headed back into town, and landed at the Beach Bar. The burgers were very good, and the ice cold Coronas were beyond refreshing. Hanging at the Beach Bar looking out at the harbor just feels so damned good!! Just chillin….ahhh…loved it. Still a bit tired from our travel day, we headed back to Gallows after lunch and a few pops, and both fell asleep. It was with out a doubt, well needed rest. When we awoke from our naps, we decided to try snorkeling off the point at Gallows. This is actually a pretty decent snorkel. The rocks & coral aren’t bad, and a fair amount of juvenile fish hanging around. I do believe I could snorkel everyday of my life. Gallows has a set of stairs right into the water, entry is simple. It’s just so tranquil & relaxing to flounder around without moving a muscle. At this point, we are deep into island time.

Long before our trip down, I had planned a surprise vow renewal on the beach with Anne Marie Porter. We were to meet her on Hawksnest at 5pm for the ceremony. Of course I wanted to capture this special day on film, so I needed to find someone to take pictures with our camera. Several months back, probably closer to a year, I had corresponded several times with a forum member, Bill in VA. He had helped me with many questions I had about the island, and at this point, we had emailed back & forth several times. I felt funny about asking, but he seemed like the type of person to help me out. So I had asked Bill if he minded attending the ceremony, and taking pictures for us. Bill, being the type of person he is, graciously accepted, and agreed to also meet us at Hawksnest at 5pm. I just want to say it takes an extremely special person to take time away from his own vacation, to help out a stranger. Well, that is Bill in a nutshell. He would take his shirt off his back to help someone out, and that’s just what he did. Bill, saying thank you just isn’t enough, and some how, some way, the favor will most definitely be returned. I owe you brother!!

Anyway, I told Tracie that we were to meet Bill & his wife for drinks at sunset on Hawksnest. She was already aware that Bill & I had been corresponding previously, and so meeting him for a cocktail wasn’t out of the ordinary. After our snorkel at Gallows, we had to get showered and ready for the ceremony. Tracie still had no idea at this point, and thought we were just going for cocktails. I also told her to wear one of her better sun dresses, as we were going for a nice dinner after sunset. Well, we arrived at Hawksnest at exactly 5pm, and there was Anne Marie & Bill waiting in the parking lot for us. At first my wife thought Anne Marie was Bill’s wife, until she presented Tracie with a bouquet of flowers, and told her my intentions of re-marrying her on the beach. It was perfect, and the tears immediately followed. My first physical meeting with Bill seemed as if we had known each other for a long time.

The actual ceremony was so far beyond romantic, words simply can not describe. Anne Marie’s words were incredible. Mentioning our son Tyler was part of the ceremony. The both of us giggled & cried through out the entire event. It was short, but one of the most special days of my life. We were celebrating 16 yrs of marriage, and being together for 20. I am hopelessly in love with my wife, and would marry her again & again. During our vows, it started to sprinkle a bit, and a rainbow formed right over Hawksnest! It literally brings chills down my spine just typing this. A huge Thanks to Anne Marie, she does an outstanding job, and we will cherish this day for the rest of our lives. Can you say magical moment? Bill ended up taking 72 pictures, and believe me, there are some amazing shots. Bill…..YOU DA MAN!!!

After our renewal, we headed back to Gallows to change into some more casual attire, which certainly seems to be the call on STJ. Back to the Beach Bar for cocktails. Started with a couple painkillers, and then onto our favorite Cayman Punch. For those that don’t know what a Cayman Punch is, it’s a shot of Stoli Ras, shot of coconut rum, cranberry & pineapple, and a lime. They taste mild, but pack a punch….just what the doctor ordered.
Okay, time for “Drunkin Dinner” as we like to call it. The Lime Inn got the call, as we were both very hungry, and a tad wobblely from the cocktails….it’s all good!!

Lime Inn was very good. We had a teriyaki shrimp appetizer which was quite tasty, and both ordered grilled Mahi for dinner. Mine came with a wasabi mayo, and Tracie had hers with a lemon cream sauce. Both were fresh & delicious. After dinner, we wanted our special night to never end, so we headed over to the Quiet Mon pub for a few more drinks. We sat down, and met the owner Kelly, who once again, just a really down to earth nice person. Kelly bought us both a shot called a Red Headed Slut. With a name like that you just got to try it. It went down smooth, and honestly, I just can’t quite remember what the heck it tasted like. I’m pretty sure we were having lots of fun by now. A couple Caribs later, we called it quits, and started our stumble up the hill back to Gallows.

Our first full day on the island was complete, and we were wiped. There’s no doubt in my mind that sleep came easy that night. At this point, I’m convinced we are in heaven!! I’ll stop here, and pick up our next adventure another day……
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Post by pswlrw »

Scott - All I can say is your wife is one lucky woman! I don't remember every hearing anything more romantic!!

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Post by Jumbiegirl »

Wow. What a fantastic gift for your wife. The day couldn't have been any more perfect.
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Post by cat »

How can it get any better! You are so romantic! I love it! I can't wait to hear more!
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Post by Tracy in WI »

Scott -

I am truly enjoying your trip report and am a bit jealous of your lucky wife! Thank you sharing with us all - you have a gift with words. I do hope you'll share some of the 72 pictures that Bill in VA took!


Tracy, Seaside Properties at Grande Bay
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Post by Betty »

At this point
"At first my wife thought Anne Marie was Bill’s wife, until she presented Tracie with a bouquet of flowers, and told her my intentions of re-marrying her on the beach. It was perfect, and the tears immediately followed."
Is when my tears started to flow, I feel like I am reading a Nicholas Sparks novel. I can not wait for part 3 and all the pictures. Thank you for sharing trip with us!
California Girl

Post by California Girl »

This is a wonderful report. :wink: Now we gotta see those pictures!
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Post by silverheels »

This is one of the most magical reports I have read. What a beautiful person you are and how well you express yourself. I know what you mean about all those overlooks, I'm still in awe of the beauty every time I drive on the island and I've been going to STJ for many years and many times each year. Just after Hurricane Marilyn it was amazing to ride on the ferry and note that although there was so much damage on the island the water was as pristine as ever. I hope that the rest of your trip was as wonderful and that you will share it with us as well as some of the pictures.
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Post by ATG »

Great report, seems like the crashing waves at Hawsksnest last week did not distract from the romance of your ceremony!
Oh, and regarding those switchbacks between Trunk and Peter Bay, after 7 trips to St. John they still scare the crap out of me. Just wait unitl there is a water truck barrelling down at you from the opposite direction.....
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Post by Coden »

I am sitting here with tears welling up in my eyes for your Happiness!! I wish you and your wife many more happy years together! :D
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Post by Jan&MikeVa »

Scott, this is a great read!!

The overlook at Trunk still gives me goose bumps, and reading what you wrote gives me goose bumps. The beauty of that spot is incredible, beyond words.

I've been anxiously waiting to hear the details about your day (since I already knew about it). It sounded absolutely beautfiul. YOU are a romantic guy, you were still glowing on Sunday & Monday when we saw you!!

Loved meeting you and Tracie and kudos to another "happy marriage" there are so few left!!

Keep em coming, enjoying every word!! :lol: :lol:

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Post by mbw1024 »

oh good. i'm not the only one crying! can't wait to see the pictures if they are to come!
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Post by ScottB »

Thanks to all for the kind words.

I have plenty of pics already downloaded to my computer, but don't have a clue how to post them here... :cry:
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Post by SarahD »

Scott, I had a huge smile and tears in my eyes while reading your report. What a wonderful thing to do for your wife and what memories you'll both share from this trip.

Looking forward to more!

Post by DELETED »

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