Day 9: Gram's Birthday, Jumbie, STT, Banana Deck

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Day 9: Gram's Birthday, Jumbie, STT, Banana Deck

Post by flip-flop »

Day 9: Gram's Birthday, Morning at Jumbie, Flip-Flop and her mama go to St Thomas, a Drive to the East End, & Thanksgiving Dinner at the Banana Deck

Warning: This gets a little sappy toward the end!Go ahead make fun, I can take it!

I simply am not able to believe this is our last full day on St. John. I am too sad to think about it all being over! Today is Thanksgiving & also Gram's birthday. Mini Flip-Flop was more excited than even Gram about this day. She had started counting the days down earlier in the week! She and I had done a little secret shopping at Big Fish and Wharfside, and had a few surprises waiting for her.


Come on guys, present time!


We all share in the birthday morning with Gram. She likes all of her presents - some new earrings, a St. John hat and a cd of Frank Sinatra tunes by some guy who lives in Coral Bay (sorry, I am terrible at remembering names).

Soon I am itching to hit a beach as it is our last full day, but I am finding no takers. Everyone seems to be in slow motion. One thing I definitely realized on this vacation is I am not a lounge around the house in the morning kind of gal. I can sleep when I am dead! Maybe it was the weather forecast calling for 40 or 50% chance of rain everyday that lit a fire under me, but if I saw sun I wanted to hit the road. Any beach would do & the pool would be there for lounging later.

Gram volunteers to watch the kiddos for the morning as we are planning on taking the 11:15 ferry (just her and I) to St. Thomas. I feel a little guilty being its her birthday and all, but I don't let that stop me!

All she wants for her birthday is lunch at Gladys' - I am not sure WHY she loves Gladys' so much, but she does and it is her birthday so what she wants she gets.

We are convinced and Mr. Flip-Flop and I are on our way. We hop in the car - alone I think for one of the few times during the day on this trip! I ask him where to. I was thinking Gibney since it was so early but he says, Jumbie. Perfect choice, Mr. Flip-Flop. I love Jumbie.

The road to Jumbie


Jumbie is another one of my favorites. It is not the most beautiful or the calmest. There is good snorkeling to be had but I had a nasty encounter with some fire coral on my first trip here. Still, it is simple, pure, to me the very essence of St. John. It could just be me. It was the perfect choice for this day. Jumbie is forcibly uncrowded. There are 4 real parking spots and 2 or 3 spots where you can create a space if you are brave. Naturally limiting the number of Jumbie goers. I did note that the sign is gone. Possibly removed by some crazy diehard like me who doesn't want it discovered by newbies LOL!

There are some stairs and a bit of a descent but after the Ram Head hike this feels like nothing! Still I make Mr. Flip-Flop carry everything. I lie, I do not have to make him. He knows this is his job. He happily does this for me.

We make our way down the path


And we are surprised to see that there is very little beach this morning. I am not sure if this is because of the almost full moon or just the nature of November. I don't care. Even in this state, it is perfect.


We settled in and watched a pelican working on his breakfast


When I say no beach, I mean no beach. This was with the wave out when it came in it would cover our legs and chairs. Not that we minded, even the slightest bit.


As the waves crashed in, the water came all the way up to us. About 6 inches below my bag, necessitating moving even my flip-flops higher!


If you twisted my arm really tightly behind my back and made me choose a favorite, it would be Jumbie. Again, I can't put my finger on it very precisely but it is St. John to me. Perhaps because in all my trips it is the one beach that for me is always the same. Perfect. Quiet. Lovely. Peaceful. We were completely alone for our first hour here.


After about an hour of just hanging on the beach I notice a guy come rolling down the path and diving right into the water. And he is swimming. No fins. Just hauling tail. Then another and another and another. Probably 10 or so swimmers in all. They were in, swam out, swam back and were gone. Some kind of swimming club? I don't know but it was a little odd.

After almost two hours it was time to head back to the house so I could get ready to head to St. Thomas with my mama for her birthday lunch. We were not entirely convinced anything was going to be open, but were pleasantly surprised to find the ferry was running a normal schedule and most things were open in CA until at least 2. Our plan was to take the 11:15 am ferry over and the 3 pm ferry back.

We headed through town and parked again in Mr. Sutton's lot. SO convenient! And headed to the ferry dock.


Having a little time to kill we wandered through St. John Spice. Again not asking if Ruth was there! Picked up a few goodies, and hopped on the ferry to CA. If it had not been my mom's one birthday wish, I would have not made it to CA to shop at all & would have been totally fine with that! But we enjoyed our day together. Our first alone time as well!


45 minutes later we arrive at the waterfront


And find much to our delight, Gladys' is open. She is open EVERY day of the year. Or so she says.


The menu


We started with Conch Fritters, which were yummy but a tad chewy. Maybe conch is always chewy.

The girls were singing...


I had the roti special, chicken roti. YUM!


Gram decided on the traditional thanksgiving spread


Followed by pumpkin pie, we ate 1/2 before I remembered to take a picture. Fresh, homemade, very creamy and delish!


After we finished stuffing ourselves, we headed out to enjoy a little bit of shopping.



It was only when I noticed the Christmas decorations that I remembered it was the start of the holiday season.


But soon Flip-Flop and her flip-flops were headed back to St. John


Every time the approach to Cruz Bay feels like coming home.


We get off the ferry and hit a few more of the shops. I was HELL bent on trying the Cocoberry shake at Paradise. Thanks VickiH for planting this particular obsession. Remember this is my 3rd shot trying! The first time they were close and the 2nd time I had to settle for a Bushwacker. The lady who made me the Bushwacker several days earlier remembered me and smiled when I asked, almost pleaded, "Do you have cocoberry shakes today?" I think she thought I was a little crazy, but she was nice about it. I wandered into a shop or two while she was whipping it up. I returned and got my shake and my oh my Vicki doesn't not lie! This is one wonderful drink. I like the smoothies from the smoothie truck but this was better. And right in Cruz Bay. Much more convenient! My mouth is watering just thinking about it! Rich, creamy, strawberry-full, coconut goodness! Much like a trip isn't a trip without Uncle Joes, I am pretty sure no future St. John trip will be complete without a cocoberry shake.

Cocoberry shake in hand, we head back to Mr. Sutton's lot. I take a moment to inquire about perhaps maybe pretty please dropping off the car a little late. He says he's not sure but to ask in the morning. I was pretty sure the answer would be no, but I wanted to plant the seed since our water taxi wasn't arriving until 12:30, but we were supposed to return the car at 10:30. I thank him, jump in the car and head for the house. Tonight we are having dinner at the Banana Deck. We get home and Gram is ready for a little quiet time, but I know that my time is slipping away and sitting in the house is just not in my plan. Mr. Flip-Flop agrees and we load up the kids and head off for a last drive to the East End.

They are always up for an adventure. The kids are awesome!


Especially if I tell them Donkeys are involved


Just an Ass, Keeping left


We keep heading out. Past the Donkey Diner and Sputnik, past Skinny Legs...



The road just seems to go on and on


Eventually we turn around and head back through Coral Bay, past my Church


For me as the dusk started to set, the serious melancholy was also setting in for me.


On our way back through town, we get a glimpse of Mongoose at night with decorations


And on our way back up Great Cruz Bay road, my husband insisted I get a shot of the nicest parking spot in the world


Back at the house we enjoy the tail end of our last beautiful sunset


Soon it is time to head to the Banana Deck for our last night out. Gram and Mini Flip-Flop on their way to the Banana Deck for Thanksgiving/Birthday Dinner.


Thanks Pia for the recommendation. The Banana Deck did not disappoint. A Full Thanksgiving dinner was available as well as their regular menu. We were all happy! While we were waiting for our dinner, I decided to walk the baby boy around a little to see if I could get him to succumb to sleep. No dice. But I did manage to catch Ruth and Ron on their way out from dinner. I instantly recognized her and felt like a nerd saying, "Hi Ruth, it's me Flip-Flop" but she was so nice and made me feel like less of a dork. We chatted for just a few seconds and she too got a good look at the chubby one - the baby, not me! Another highlight of the trip for me was just a few minutes with her. She truly is so so so nice.

Dinner arrived .. I picked the Thanksgiving Spread


Mr. Flip-Flop went for Steak and Scallops


Gram went for Steak and Shrimp


I am feeling like the Forrest Gump of Steaks...steak kabobs, steak salad...

And of course it is not thanksgiving without mashed potatoes!


After eating our hearts out, it is time to head back to the house. Most are ready to hit the hay. Gram and the Mini Flip-Flop go to bed and the baby boy passes out on the way home, never waking between the car and the crib. Knowing it was the last night I was not ready to give in, and I put on my suit and headed for the pool for a last late night swim.


I've never been an "end of trip" crybaby but something in me had changed during this trip. I think I have changed a lot since my last trip 2 1/2 years ago. The baby boy gave us the scare of our lives and we have a keen sense of what does and does not matter. Many have commented about our family and how fun and laid back we seem. This is a pretty accurate representation of us. I am what I am, there are no hidden agendas. We have all seen how scary and fragile life can be and we try not to sweat the small stuff. And most of the stuff is small!

This was truly a journey for me, not just a vacation. Staring out at the moon in the still, cool water, I felt the tears begin to flow. Tears of sadness, tears of fulfullment, tears of relief and gratitude. This journey was not just about a trip to St. John, but about the long, long delay and all of the events of the past year for us. The intense personal highs and lows. The realization that no matter what I faced in life, St. John is there for me. St. John is it for me.

It is like meeting that person who really gets you, knows what makes you tick. I get it. I got it before, but I really get it now. For the first time I felt like this is a place I could live. I have long thought I would not want to live there because it would be way too much work and I would probably not feel the magic. But I really paid attention this time, not just to the beauty but to everyone and everything. The people who are making their way there. The ones living their dream, no matter how difficult it might be. Not one of them regretting it. Each trip my eyes are opened a little wider, I see the good the bad and the ugly. I am not blinded by the perfection of the beaches or the simplicity of Coral Bay. I see the big red trash containers and Lindy around town. I know this is not utopia, but like the love of your life, the more layers they allow you to peel away the more deeply you can love them. My priorities were different. My needs more basic. My desire to not leave, strong and deep in my core. I know it is not a realistic dream at this point in my life, but the possibility is enticing.

Tomorrow: Good Bye STJ, Walk of Woe ... final musings
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Post by sea-nile »

Great report again!
I wouldn't laugh at your last few paragraphs because that is exactly how I feel about STJ.
If your husband and kids feel the same way then you are lucky.

Your food pictures really made me hungry tonight!
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Post by mbw1024 »

oh God, I didn't cry when I actually left but I cry now reading about you leaving! I will kill you girl!!!!!!
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Post by flip-flop »

Sorry MB. Please don't beat me up!
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Post by ccasebolt »

Wow! Loved it, especially the last two paragraphs. Did I say wow?
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Post by LMG »

Wonderful reporting, FF. I'm all teared up just reading your words and identifying even the littlest bit.
In my first TR, I think I mentioned something about a teacher I'd had that always said "Don't Panic" and how my first day sitting on the beach at Trunk Bay I felt like I was finally in a place that "got" that. Your report really brought that feeling back- so thanks. :)

Your family is adorable, and I love that you're all in it together. (Okay, no more tearing up.)

Great job!
California Girl

Post by California Girl »

You most definitely get it 8)
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Post by waterguy »

I couldn't of said it any better
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Post by AnyTing »

Well said, girl.
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Post by augie »

Why do I get the feeling that one day we'll be reading about the trials and triumphs of your "new life" on STJ?

Good stuff!
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Post by LandLockedBeachLover »

Gees - way to make me cry first thing in the morning here at work! Really awesome reports and perspective! Please plan your next trip so I'll have the reports to look forward to!
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Post by flip-flop »

Thanks guys. I can't believe I am watching snow out my window this morning. Someday!!!
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Post by Pia »

OK, now you have gone and done it - I sitting in my office .........crying :lol:

I love love, loveyour reports, and who knows, maybe before you know it, you will be paying me a visit :wink:

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Post by flip-flop »

A girl can surely dream, PIA and I'll come your way when I have convinced the rest of the crew. The kids need no convincing. I am usually the practical one, but found the Mr. talking me down from the edge.

He keeps saying "if we didn't have little ones...." I say what better kind of life than that of an island baby!
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Post by 17th Hole »

Great report. Got a little teary at the end of it. Makes me wish I was there now. Snowing like crazy here.
A mind is like a parachute. It only works when it's open.

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