Travel discussion for St. John
IA Joe
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Post by IA Joe »

I have not had time to file a trip report yet, but I can tell you that the only negative experiences that we had all week was when were near families on the beach who felt the need to shout the whole time.

I am not talking about people who shouted once or twice, maybe to yell at the kids to come out of the water for lunch. No, I am talking about people who felt the need to constantly shout from the beach to the water, from the water to the beach, across the beach, etc.

Out of respect for others, if someone is more than 15' from you, get up and go talk to them. Do not shout. Unless of course it is an emergency.

I am usually pretty laid back and easy going, but loud people can easily ruin the beach for others.

Other than that, we had the most fantastic week ever!

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Post by Ksea »

Nothing is more irritating than a screamer! Its right up there with cell phone loud talkers. :?
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Post by Tracy in WI »

IA Joe -

I am a mom of two kids with "Listening Problems" and I will be on St. John next week.

Funny thing, just yesterday, when talking to my 8 year old about our trip, I explained to him that it is not nice to be yelling or making noises while at the beach out of respect for others! This is a lesson I will need to repeat over and over prior to this trip!

So, I hope that if you see us on the beach next week, we will be the quiet family you wouldn't mind being near!

Tracy, Seaside Properties at Grande Bay
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Post by CShell1019 »

Can't help but grin from ear to ear since this is also a pet peeve of mine but it's not only families with children but "adult" to "adult" as well! I've often remarked to myself that someone should try the "inside voice" on the beach even tho they are outside! ;-)
Then there are those little girls who love to shriek at levels that make your ears hurt when they are playing - I even have one living behind me. Always wondered why girls shriek and scream at ear-piercing levels while boys don't.
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Post by StJohnRuth »

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Iowa Joe!
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Post by hardonyou »

This is definitely a pet peeve of mine as well; especially those that have two-way radio/cells. Then your forced to hear both ends of the conversation. And why is it the more inane the conversation the louder they speak?My beach tatic? I'm an early riser, I get out, enjoy the early day beach, leave in the afternoon for drinks and naps, then back out in the early evening for dinner or more beach time.
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Post by sea-nile »

IA Joe,
I think we heard the same family!
Was it on Trunk Bay beach by any chance?
IA Joe
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Post by IA Joe »

Yes Sea-Nile, the first very loud family that we encountered was on Trunk Bay beach. They were right next to us, so the would have been not too far on the other side of the lifeguard from you.

I know many people say to stay away from Trunk becuase of the crowds (which includes the loud families). It was so nice, though, definitely our favorite beach other than the Beach at White Bay, that we stayed despite the loud family.

It just would have been so much more peaceful if they did not feel the need to shout at each other for the whole time they were there.

Even with the loud family though, it was still much nicer than any beach that I have found in Iowa!

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Post by Nic in KC »

I totally agree! Our last trip hubby was in the water snorkeling while I was putting my gear on. He knew I'd never seen a sea turtle while snorkeling and this was a goal for this trip. He found the first one in the water and started hollering for me and waving his arms. He was so excited. It was horribly embarrassing :oops: due to the stillness of the beach and the yelling just takes away from the serene setting!

We laughed about it when he realized his mistake!
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Post by liamsaunt »

Funny you should mention this! We ended up leaving Trunk because a huge group set up next to us, and they were calling to each other--water to beach. It was really annoying. Plus, one of the ladies in the group got in the water and then kept yelling "ay-yi-yi!" at the top of her lungs! It was so weird!!

We also encountered a lady yelling into her walkie talkie at Francis, but thankfully she did not stay on it for very long.
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Post by LSU Beach Tiger »

Don't people know that most people go to the beach to chill out & relax. I understand having fun, but have some respect for others around you.

Another thing I hate is when people set up right next to you on the beach when there's tons of room.

Example: Jumbie Bay, me & hubby only ones there. We were sitting in our beach chairs in the surf & this European couple came & sat right next to us--5 ft. away & then starting making out. WEIRD!! :evil: :roll: Maybe they're used to crowded beaches so they don't mind sitting next to people :?:
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Post by linne »

LSU Beach Tiger

Just because you have seen a European couple behaving strange, you cannot judge all the European people. When we are on a beach, we are normally very quit and try to find a place so far away from others as possible. I have seen Americans here in Europe who too example are very noisy, but I do not think that all American are like that.

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Post by chicagoans »

One of the best things about iPods is that you don't have to hear someone else's music on high volume! Used to drive me nuts when I lived near the beach in Chicago ... you'd see people walking around with these giant boom boxes, and of course they seemed to think that everyone else wanted to hear their music. (Even the people with competing boom boxes.)

Maybe all those loud-talkers are screaming at each other because they have hearing loss from playing their iPods too loud!
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Post by Maggy »

Beach Tiger, maybe it was becuase of the European heritage this Italian family, came to sit just 15 ft from us on a beach in Turks and Caicos, when we were the only people on it and the beach was a quarter of a mile long. And they had 5 children!!! I thought they were joking with us!

Ops, I forgot I am European myself :lol: :lol:

No offence - only joking!!
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Post by JJShaw » seems the ones that YELL are still here...only now they are bringing the boom boxes and yelling over that...Geesh....But Trunk was sure nice about 7 AM today and one other cpl for a bit...then about 11... it was invasion time..We went to Snorkel came back in and I think they were less than 1 ft from our neat sheet...We left had lunch..went to Maho later in the evening...I think I kinda like the early AM Beach thing.... :wink:
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