Support group for Mom who has a son in Afghanistan?

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Support group for Mom who has a son in Afghanistan?

Post by AquaGirl »

My nephew is stationed in Afghanistan (Army Private) and is on the front lines. We pray for him A LOT! My sister-in-law is mentally and emotionally fragile and having her son in harm's way is just so much for her to bear. (I know its hard for anyone with a relative over there!).
She lives out in the country in Blue Ridge region of Virginia (suburb of Luray if you know that area). Does anyone know of a support group for parents of kids in the military? I would like to put her in touch with a group that can relate to her intense fears and perhaps be able to help her.
This forum has people from such varied backgrounds, I thought I would check if anyone has a suggestion.
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Tracy in WI
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Post by Tracy in WI »

I can't help you with a support group, but I do volunteer with my church to send care packages overseas and I would love to add your nephew to our mailing list.

We are actually doing a collection drive this weekend and next and then mailing them out in about two weeks. I know this doesn't support your sister-in-law, but we might be able to lift the spirits of your nephew.

If you'd like me to add him or need more information, feel free to PM me. I have sent packages to friends and relatives of other people on the forum.

My prayers are with your nephew and his family.
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Post by Joppa »

I just received our December issue of American Legion Magazine. In it they have a list of web sites.\familysupport may be someplace that can help your SIL. The American Legion is a great organization. They will be there for your nephew too.
Hope this will be of some help.
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Post by AquaGirl »

Thanks for the info Joppa. I should have thought about the American Legion. Even small towns often have an American Legion group. My nephew comes home from Afghanistan for 2 weeks some time in Dec. I am looking forward to seeing him.
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Post by Joppa »

Glad to hear your nephew will be home if even for a short time. That should help.
The American Legion is a great organization and they work real hard for our troops and Vets. They were actually behind the first GI Bill. What they do as an organization is amazing, and each post does some great things too.
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Tracy in WI
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Post by Tracy in WI »

Your nephew's care packages were mailed out two days ago! Thought I'd let you know - he should be getting three of them! :)
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Post by Lindy »

B&J - My son is doing his second tour in Iraq. He was out of the Army for 3 years living a civilian life and they called him back up again....bummer!! Because he was technically active reserves the second time around we get regular phone calls from a NC National Guard group that he got attached to asking if we hear from him, if he needs anything, if we need anything, etc. He didn't even live at home anymore so I was very surprized to hear from them. When he went the first time as active Army we heard absolutely nothing from the military and got no cooperation whatsoever. Maybe you could check in your sister's area for any National Guard groups who are deployed. They might be able to provide some resources for her.

Otherwise she could try online if she's got internet access.
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Post by AquaGirl »

Hi Tracy - thanks so much for the care packages going to my nephew! That is so nice. I imagine its a great feeling to receive a package when you are in a hostile place so far from home.

Hi Lindy - That is a bummer for your son to be called up a second time. It must be difficult to be living a civilian life, then all of a sudden you are in Afghanistan again. Its nice that the reserves reach out to you. I will keep your son in my prayers too. Neither my hubby nor I have ever been in the military and its hard for me to imagine being in their situation in the war zone. When I get stressed about work or family, I try to put it in perspective, since I'm not getting bombed and shot at in my office and home.

thanks again
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Post by Lindy »

Yeah, my son WAS bummed out to have to go back to Iraq a second time. He had a nice girlfriend and was partially through an electrician apprenticeship which got put on hold. Hopefully he can get back into the program when he gets back. He broke up with the girlfriend too.

He went into the Army originally with all sorts of promises that he'd spend his active duty in Europe. His Dad and I kept telling him that they would wind up screwing him big time but he didn't listen. He got to go to Germany for about 6 months and then off to Iraq. It didn't take long for him to become disillusioned with all that "Be all that you can be" hooey. He thought he was safe from being recalled once he got to the 3 year mark, but they sucked him back in so that his one year tour would just squeak into the 8 year commitment time frame. It doesn't matter if they sign up for 2 or 3 years or whatever....the fine print says EIGHT years!!
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