Trip report 6 can't believe 5 years have past

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Trip report 6 can't believe 5 years have past

Post by waterguy »

Trip report 6

Today is the day I hoped would never happen to me. A little back ground. Laurie was my wife, lover best friend and traveling partner for 22 years, what she ever saw in me Ill never know.


She was diagnosed with cancer 10 years ago the doctors at Mayo at that time said she only had six months to a year to live. Well we decided to live our life to the fullest. In that time we traveled all over the world she really liked the Islands and when we found St John she found her favorite place on this planet. Every time we went when we would step off the plane no matter how sick she had been it was like a get well card and she would enjoy her time there to the fullest.

Well 3 day's before our 22nd wedding anniversary Laurie died. It was her final wish to have some of her ashes spread at Hawksnest what became her favorite beach on her favorite island. She wanted select friends and family to be there most who couldn't get there when we had wanted to before for one reason or another.


So this morning I'm up at 3 sitting out under the star trying to figure out what to say knowing no matter what it is it won't express what she meant to me.

We are all going to meet at hawksnest at 7:30 it's a pretty somber morning getting ready this day. We get to the beach there isn't anyone else there we walk all the way down to the end. When I try to put into words what I want to say I think it comes out horrible but everyone else says it was great. They all take turns talking about her. It is quite cloudy so we all walk out into the water and spread her ashes together as we are finishing the sun comes out to another gorgeous day. We wanted to spend the day here but the waves are pounding in pretty hard and I know the new swimmers won't have a good time. So we decide to head some where else as we get to the parking lot 2 couples pull up one is going to get married there that morning. So one life ended and another life is just starting out it seemed fitting in some way.



We head over to Trunk the newbie's haven't been there yet. They don't charge us to get in because the water in the building is off for the day for repairs we get to the beach and it is rougher then Hawksnest. Get the standard pictures and decide to head over to Maho.



Maho is like glass we are the only ones on the beach so we unload the coolers and chairs and set up shop for the day.
Paul and I head out snorkeling there are fish every where never seen so many I think it is because we are the first to swim there that day. Not out to far when I see a Mora eel come up and ask him if he seen it he asks what it is of course I tell him the next thing I see is the backs of his flippers as he heads into shore.


So I continue on the snorkeling is the best that I've seen here the only thing I don't see are the tarpon that are there from time to time. Start heading back in and see a turtle feeding I dive down and take some pictures and float above it for about 15 min. hoping that he will swim off and I can get some video of him. No luck.





Head back to the others when I come across a ray. Get out of the water and every one has a head start on me with the bloodymarys and beers so I have to catch up. Paul decides to dig a hole to china or at least till he hits water.



We fill in the hole and head to Skinny legs for lunch. The food is great as always but some of the atmosphere is gone now with the hand held order takers and the new roof and paint job the waitress is crabby but we can deal with that. Everybody gets their favorite shirts.


We get back to the villa and lay around the pool till its time to get ready for our dinner at Lime Inn. We find parking close by tell you the truth we haven't had a problem with parking all week I don't know if it's because I've been there enough to know where to look or we are just lucky.

We get there and RJ says we can be seated right away but decide to have a drink first we are a half an hour early for our reservation for that reason and he says no problem.
The meal starts out with everyone ordering some apps. Paul and I share the mussels Wessy and Jeffery have the seafood sausage both a good but the mussels are out of this world Jeffery orders another order because they are so good and sopping up the sauce with the fresh bread is great.
Paul has the spicy shrimp over pasta he says it is great I have the tuna with wasabi it is out of this world most of the rest have the lobster and say it is great. After we are done we wonder around town again to take in the sights that are coming to an end way to fast only one full day left. Head back to the villa and watch the stars again cant get enough of that. We all decide which one is Laurie it has to be the brightest to match her personality Toast her and talk into the wee hours of the morning.

Thanks for listening

Last edited by waterguy on Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by sea-nile »

Thanks for sharing your experience. What a touching report. You know that I was thinking of you and praying for you on that day.
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Post by suzi »

Oh Man Waterguy...what a fitting tribute to your wonderful wife. I started to cry when you wrote about the wedding to take place on Hawknest, just as you were leaving...
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Post by Xislandgirl »

Thank you for another great report and for sharing such a moving tribute to your wife. She was a lucky woman to have been married to you.
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Post by Pia »


I don't really know what to say - what a beautiful, moving, life and love story that you have shared with us. I'm sure it was Laurie sending all the fish for you at Maho :)

I lost my Father in England, very suddenly, back in November and I too have returned with some of his ashes to be spread here - I just have not been able to do it yet but I'm sure I will know when the time is right.

Thank you for sharing your love with us.

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Post by nascarfan59 »


What you may not have been able to say at that time you sure was able to put it in writing. Thanks for sharing with us.

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Post by pswlrw »


What a moving tribute. How lucky you are to have found such a wonderful spirited woman to share so much of your life with.


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Post by Diana2 »

I totally understand what you experienced granting your wife's wish. That's a tough thing to do. A couple of years ago we helped our good friend's wife and daughters spred the ashes of our good friend and traveling companion on Solomon Beach (one of his most loved places on the earth). We also carried some of his ashes and spred them under the Rainbow Bridge at Lake Powell in Utah (another of his favorite places). It's a powerful experience and one that I hope you, your son and your friends treasure. God bless you all. Thanks for sharing.
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Thank you

Post by SuefromMA »

Thank you for sharing your difficult journey with us.

You almost didn't need to say any words - that photo of you and your lovely wife says it all. The happiness, the joy - the love - is all there!

What a wonderfully strong and courageous woman to live every minute of life to the fullest. What wonderful memories you no doubt have of your many travels and, particularly, your moments together in the paradise of St. John.

Though it is a small comfort - bless your "lucky stars" that you found your "angel" here on earth. Not all are as blessed.

Take care & our heartfelt sympathy to you and your family.

Sue & Jim
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Post by traveler22 »

Maybe you think the words come out wrong, I think they're perfect everytime you speak about your wonderful wife. God Bless you and your family.Best trip report I have ever read!
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Post by mbw1024 »

Tom, thank you for sharing your beautiful story with us. On Sept. 30th I married my best friend. We are both 40 (well, he's 41 now!) and I hope we have 22 years together. But honestly you just don't know. So we're living life to the max as well, as best we can.
No time like the present.
It's so nice that you were able to fulfill your wife's wishes, although painful for those left behind I'm sure.
Peace to you and your family.
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Post by sitter »

Wow Tom...great story! She was only 10 days younger than me!! Beautiful woman!
Can't wait to meet all of you this summer! We can talk more then.
You have definetly inspired me to live out the same dreams as her! I doubt tho that there would be that many people there for me!
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Post by Tracy in WI »

Thank you Tom. I know your wife is looking down on you with a big smile and lots of pride. It was an honor to have met you and some of the people that were there with you to celebrate her life. I appreciate that you shared her picture with us as well. My thoughts are with you. It has been a tough day on the forum - makes us all take a look at our own families and cherish them a little bit more.

Hope to see you in July.

Tracy, Seaside Properties at Grande Bay

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Post by liamsaunt »

Oh Tom, what a lovely tribute to your wife. John and I send our sympathy to you and your son.
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