Day 2: Good Morning STJ, Maho Thwarted, Salt Pond & more

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Day 2: Good Morning STJ, Maho Thwarted, Salt Pond & more

Post by flip-flop »

Disclaimer #2: I took a lot of pictures. A lot of them are of my kids. Sorry. Like Vicki, I don't do short, but unfortunately, I am not very photographically talented, or patient!

Good Morning St. John


Ahhhhhhh....what a beautiful site to wake-up to. Unlike our last trip, I was awake each morning before either child. Both blissfully slept in most days.

Casa Luna is a lovely house and soon we were up and bustling around.

I took a few minutes to take in the house in the day light. A few words about Casa Luna. It is a great, well maintained house in upper Carolina. Very conveniently located if you don't feel the need to be near Cruz Bay. There are three levels. Parking is adequate for 3 jeeps (one of our vehicles was a larger Nitro) and we really didn't have any problems, at least nothing a few 10 point turns couldn't fix. There is a electronic gate entry that apparently had just been installed to keep out the donkeys. Unfortunately, it was not working as it should so it beeped ALLLLLL the time for the first few days. Beep Beep Beep. Pause. Beep Beep Beep. Pause. You get the picture.

Eventually we figured out how to turn it off when we were in for the night and eventually it also was fixed. Minor annoyance, not a big deal.

To get to the house you turn up where the signs are for Majestic Mile and follow the signs to Cereus Corner. Maybe about 2 minutes up the hill on all paved roads. The driveway is tight but not difficult to navigate once you master it. The lower level consists of the parking areas, including a car port, beautiful landscaping, and the pool deck & bar. There are also two cabinets with pool toys, sand toys, floats, etc on this level.

From the parking area you go up a set up stairs to reach the middle level. This is where Amber, Aunt B and Mama Gromit stayed. A small kitchenette, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living area with TV, DVD, reading materials a large deck and a screened in porch. The laundry was also on this level. Perfect for a couple with little kids or extended family traveling together. I wouldn't put two couples down here. Unlike most other "lower levels" I've seen in houses this one was VERY nice. There was a master-ish bedroom down there with a very nice view similar to our room upstairs. The 2nd bedroom was a queen (or full bed) with not a great view, but Amber didn't mind! Great for youngin's!

Up another flight of stairs to the main level. You walk into the great room which includes the living and dining areas, a smallish but very servicable kitchen, and three more bedrooms and two more bathrooms.

The Dining area/Kitchen


We took the two rooms that shared a bathroom and the Gromits took the other room with a private bath. We had stunning views out to Tortola (I think).


And down to the pool level


The Gromits had less of a view but could see over to Coral Bay.


The kids and Gram had a view of the hills


The entire upper level has a huge wrap around deck, partially under cover


Gromit set to making breakfast

Mmmmmmm bacon, yummy bacon egg and cheese sandwiches soon come...



Did someone say bacon?


Soon, fueled up by bacon sammies and coffee, we were ready to head for the beach. The master plan called for a smooth entry. MA HO.

But, it was not to be. We loaded up the cars, walkies in hand and headed out. How the couple with two little ones pulled it together before the houseful of other grown-ups did, I am not sure, but with kids ... you don't wait, you roll, so roll we did. As we came down centerline to make the turn onto the Northshore Road at the Smoothie Shack we noticed bikers. Like the kind of bikes you pedal. On St. John. These people MUST be crazy. Almost as crazy as the runners. On St. John. (Hi LMG!) ;-)

So we are careful to not run down any bikers (they had numbers on their backs so it was some kind of race or triathalon or something...unless I was hallucinating). As we were slowing to make our turn we notice a couple of police vehicles and some guys (not in uniform) waving us to continue down centerline.


Mr. Flip-Flop radioed back to the rest of the troops to let them know that the master plan was being thwarted. It was early and our minds were not clear. Had we waited probably 10 minutes we would have been fine and allowed down the Northshore, but no. So Gromit says, "How about Salt Pond?" And before I think, I say "Sure, we'll meet you there!" WHAT?!?! Salt Pond ... Maho ... Maho ... Salt Pond. Not at all the same smooth entry. Oh well, we have commited so we turn around and head to Salt Pond.

As we turn onto the road that goes out to Salt Pond (107, I think) I notice a person in need of a ride. I passed her, stopped in the road, realizing we had space, threw the car in reverse and asked her if she needed a ride. Ever so grateful she climbs in. Both of my childrens' eyes were BIG with wonder ... as if to say, "What the hell, our mama has lost her mind!" So I explain this is only something we do on STJ.

Off we go and it is not until I tell her we are heading to Salt Pond that I realize I have picked up one of the Tourist Trap peeps, Cheryl. She was very sweet and told us to stop by for lunch and she'd have a surprise for the kids. We dropped her off and headed on to the Salt Pond Lot.

I pull in, and hop out to start unloading our crap, already inside a little bit dreading the walk BACK to the car. As Mr. Flip-Flop and I are trying to figure out what we REALLY NEED I hear a little meek voice from inside the car, "Um, mama, uh, um, uhhhhh I think I forgot something." Now typically this means one of the menagerie of stuffed animals has been left behind. So I am prepared with "Whatever it is I am sure we can live without it until we get back to the house? What did you forget?" "Um (in a whisper) my shoes."


I turn and look at Mr. Flip-Flop who with a look that I can only understand after 10 years of marriage and 18 years of knowing the man that basically is the 'don't worry I'll handle this cause I know you are going to lose your freaking mind if I don't' and says without any hesitation, "I'll put her on my shoulders." This was the moment where it all could have gone horribly off the tracks, but he saved the day. We really had two choices - 1) load it all back up and go back to the house get her shoes and come back...not an appealing option or 2) Put on our big girl and big boy panties and deal with it. We chose 2. I so married the right guy! So he loads her up. The beach chairs were backpacks, so one of those goes on her shoulders and he carries the beach bag. I take up the rear with Belly Flop and the beach toys. I should have taken a picture but I was too stressed that I was going to end up carrying a baby to Salt Pond that we just moved out.

Down, was not a problem. Belly Flop tripped once and scraped a knee, and required a kiss and a carry for about 1 minute before Flipper said "Boy, you have to walk!" So he did.

Ahhhhh...we have arrived.


Everyone lounges in the water, relaxing


Mama Gromit built Max a road in the sand and he loved it.


Beautiful Salt Pond



He definitely earned that thank you kiss.


My little dude


All smiles until we start thinking about getting back up the hill


Belly Flop decides to give the water a try, but is a bit clingy. By the end of the trip he was walking in the water up to his shoulders and trying to swim where it was over his head!


Looking for boats


Finally a SMILE!


Why does this sand keep falling out of my shovel!?!?


A TON of extra work, but so worth it. Look at that face.


A happy girl & a resting daddy



Becoming ONE with the sand


A few hours of sun, sand, water, rinse, repeat the Flip-Flops were hungry and decided to de-camp to go find food. We packed it all back up, loaded up the kids and headed back up the hill. THE WORST HILL EVER! Hate that hill on a normal day. Hate that hill after a hike to Ram Head. Hate that hill. Hate it ... especially with two kids, one who is shoeless. I tell Mr. Flip-Flop to go at whatever pace he needs to go and he is off like a shot with Mini on his shoulders. Belly Flop and I took up the rear again. (INSIDE VOICE: Please please please please don't ask mama to carry you).He was determined to walk on his own and not hold hands. I was very worried he'd fall, scrape himself and melt down resulting in me carrying all 40+ lbs of him up the hill. So I tried reverse psychology, "Can you help Mama so I don't fall?" Hand holding commenced immediately. Such a little gentleman! We made it most of the way up the hill until I noticed he really started slowing down, so I picked him up, he was panting. What a little trooper. I carried him for oh about 3 hours, no it must have been 3 minutes, but it sure felt longer and soon we saw the gate! YAY, gate!

Loaded up the car and headed to the Tourist Trap!


Mary was our waitress and we asked if Cheryl was there. She was and she brought out some "No worries" stickers for the kids and a "CORL BAY" sticker for me!

I had the chicken parm sandwich which was DELICIOUS!


Mr. Flip-Flop had the Lobster Roll which he loved too.


After lunch and a frozen snickers bar we headed back to the house. Belly Flop didn't make it out of the driveway before he passed out. He had quite a workout! Back at the house, we cleaned him up (he had fallen asleep with a bite of frozen snickers in his mouth!) and put him down for his nap. POWER NAPS everyday of 3-4 hours ... except one day which we lived to regret!

Then we hit the pool. The Flip-Flops quickly fell into a routine that worked well for us. Up, breakfast, beach, lunch (either at the beach, at the house or at a restaurant), house for nap/pooltime, dinner, sleep. Repeat.

Daddy aka our personal floation device blower-uper. He has a lot of hot air.


A view of the house from the pool


Just keep floating...


That evening was the guys' night dive (that's why we'd planned an easy beach for the day, HA!) so soon it was time for them to get ready and go. They met up with Jimg20 and his wife, Diana for the dive. Hubby got a few, not great, pictures with our new underwater housing. It was at night, so they are dark, but mostly he was just testing it out. Their night dive was with Low Key (because Chris Sawyer wasn't doing night dives unless you filled the boat) and they guys both liked it. Soon after the dive, Mr. Flip-Flop started to turn green. Typically we chalk it up to motion sickness and night diving, but it seemed like a bit more than that. Still, he thought he would recover fully by the next day.



While the guys were out diving, the rest of the gang headed out to Shipwreck for dinner. Shipwreck is usually a sure thing. Unfortunately, not on this night. Our waitress left a lot to be desired and the food was mediocre. I had the fresh mahi special with garlic butter but the garlic butter sure tasted a lot more like the citrus option. At our table we did three Mahi Specials and two of the Scallop specials. We were all underwhelmed. I'll leave it to Gromit's trip report to go into more detail. I will say the kids always love it but only because they like the kitties. Mini Flip-Flop's first question was, "Do you think that one eared cat is going to be there?" She remembers EVERYTHING.

After dinner, we were pretty tired so we headed back to the house to chill out and wait for the guys. I never can sleep when they are out on a night dive until I see they are back and fine. I worry. It is what I do.

Soon they showed up and filled us in, my hubby was feeling a bit better but not 100% by any stretch, so we all called it a night.

Tomorrow: Maho for REAL this time (without sick daddy), Beach Bar Gathering and Dinner at Aqua Bistro
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Post by Diana2 »

Good start! Sorry we didn't get a chance to meet up for that beach play date with the kids.
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Post by Pia »

Wooooo Hooooo - great start and love, love, love (did I say love :) ) all your photos

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Post by KatieH »

Yeah - day 2! I've been looking forward to your trip report all morning. A perfect cure for a rainy NE day. The Jr. Flops are just too cute; we have a Max, too.

Can't wait for day 3 - though sorry to hear that Mr Flop (a.k.a the sherpa) was ill.
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Post by mit43 »

You're making me sorry I never came when my kids were at home. Oh well, We will have to bring the Grand Babies!!!
Just Another Day in Paradise!!!
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Post by AnyTing »

The pics are great.

Fell asleep with frozen snickers IN his mouth? Gotta' love that!

And I hope Mr. FF got something special for all his hard work. :wink:
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Post by Pianogrl »

Awesome trip report flip!! I love your pics...your children are precious! Thanks so much for sharing with us.
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Post by TravelinTexasGal »

Wonderful! Love the pictures!

You have a gem of a hubby! Sorry he was ill...
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Post by Lulu76 »

I can't wait until I have little ones to bring.
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Post by flip-flop »

Thanks, guys! Hubby is a gem and I was SUPER nice to him, especially the next day when he was dying! I was very worried.

We are a good team, we specialize in different areas - I am the organizer, he's the pack mule. Very complimentary. I freak out, he remains calm. I drink too much, he drives. A very good balance!

As for taking the kids, they make it about 1000x more work but it is worth it. Not that I am not looking forward to a trip W/O them, I am!!! But I have enjoyed almost every second on island with them. I think, no I know, all our travels with them have changed them as little human beings for the better.
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Post by liamsaunt »

I love it when I read that someone hates the walk up from Salt Pond as much as I do! We didn't even visit this time.

Your kids are just so adorable!
It's like looking in your soup and finding a whole different alphabet.
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Post by flip-flop »

liamsaunt wrote:I love it when I read that someone hates the walk up from Salt Pond as much as I do! We didn't even visit this time.

Your kids are just so adorable!
Diana2 - Sorry we didn't hook up either. With illness and thwarted plans everything got complicated. Still Hope you had a great week.

Becky --- hate. HATE. H - A - T - E. I don't know what it is considering we did the hike to Ram Head later in the week. Loved the hike, again. HATED the walk to the car, again.
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Post by liamsaunt »

I know! I love the walk to Blue Cobblestone/Ram Head, and that's way harder/longer than the walk back up to the lot. There is "SOMETHING" so bad about that walk though. It is like walking uphill through molasses in January!
It's like looking in your soup and finding a whole different alphabet.
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Post by stjdeb »

OMG, your kids are adorable! It's a great start, thank you for sharing. Salt Pond with a baby - thats just craziness! (I hate that walk back too, frankly not worth it! Every time the beach is crowded, I guess I'd like it better if it were really deserted)
Can't wait to read the next installment. Did I mention that your kids are ADORABLE?
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Post by star2515 »

Loved the report...we only walked to blue cobblestone and the hike that up that hill was killer. If we had gone with our original plan and went all the way to Rams Head...i think someone would have been carring me up that hill!
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