Informal poll... Obama or McCain?

A place for members to talk about things outside of Virgin Islands travel.

Who will you vote for this November?

Independent Party or Write-In
Total votes: 82

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Post by Gromit »

To all of my forum family and friends...

I am truly one of those people who likes to hear and read what other people have to say on various issues. I respect differences of opinion. It helps me to shape my perspective of the world and those around me.

Most importantly I believe that true and substantive discussion leads to (or should lead to) a middle ground that advances the interest of everyone and cultivates tolerance and understanding.

I am in a fellowship program at UVA right now that fosters this kind of substantive discussion and seeks to have us set aside our party identities and to focus on the issues so that we can create and shape sound policies that benefit as many as possible.

A couple of months ago we all sat down with retiring Sen. John Warner in the Senate Armed Services committee room on Capitol Hill. Regardless of party you cannot help but be in awe of such a man.

One of the things that he expressed to us is his desire that we set aside partisanship, party labels, setreotypes as we move forward in public life.

He said, "There's always going to be that 10% of things that we don't agree on: Capital punishment, abortion and war. But if you focus on the other 90% you can actually get things accomplished."

The purpose of this poll was to get a sense of how folks on this board might vote on November 4.

I truly respect that we all come from different socio-economic and educational backgrounds. As such you bring different perspectives. Isn't it interesting that even though there is a disparity in our political beliefs that we all have STJ in common?

One of the things that struck me on my first visit to the VI in 1995 was that when I walked into a bar and sat down I could see construction workers and lawyers sitting down together and having a drink. It was the first place I'd visited in a long time and met new people and no one asked me where I worked, and who I knew before they decided to continue a conversation with me. It was a revelation.

Your choice of who will be the future leader of this country will have far reaching impacts throughout this country and around the world for years to come.

As long as your choice is made based upon facts, not conjecture and rumor; and as long as it is made in good conscience following your own moral compass you will have fulfilled your rights and responsibilities as a citizen of this country.

You can't compromise if you can't discuss and you can't find solutions if you don't compromise.

I am eager for us as a country and as a forum to focus on that 90%.

Apologies to all for this thread getting out of hand.

*Another fine scatterbrained production
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Post by aroobagirl »

Oh Sox! You said, "This is my opinion:

Abortion is bad. Most who support abortion want to preserve a woman's right to a better situation than the one they have put themselves in."

They? Last time I checked it takes two to tango... Somehow a woman should be held responsible to carry the pregnancy to term but is not responsible enough to make a choice? What is the man's role from your perspective? Plant and run? Do you support legislating his responsibilities?
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Post by Anthony »

I am going to let Gromit's comments close this thread (since she started it!).

Peace to all -
Anthony for Virgin Islands On Line