Anyone have recent photos of the mega mansion at Peter Bay?

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Post by XOXO »

chicagoans wrote:That's the kind of house I always think of as a "testament to someone's ego." No one needs that much space, it's all about show.

Or perhaps he's overcompensating for something really small? :oops:
Too funny! I honestly have never thought of the ego aspect but really . . . what other reason is there???

I don't begrudge them but sometimes I just wonder---here this person has way too much and just today I had a lady come in and ask if she could pay her wrecker bill after she got her social security check--I am well aware that some people get themselves into situations but this lady had high medical bills because she and her hubby both have/had cancer--he is gone. How wrong is that??

Ok, I got off subject--this person has the cash and the ego--can do what he or she wants. I would just settle for that view!!

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Post by dark & diet »

couldn't have put it any better myself pete!

my boyfriend (islandchef) felt the quake last june while living on island. he called me after it happened but i didnt believe him til i read it on news of st john. at first he thought it was constructions, but turned out to be a quake
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Post by Exit Zero »

Locally it is often referred to as 'the stone masons relief fund house' - the # of workers who sent the kids to school on that construction job will attest to it. Love it or not -- it will be there a long time .
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Post by sherban »

Interesting comments here....I love architecture, and to be honest if I had gobs of money I would probably be building very intersting places like this, maybe not this style...No need to worry though...don't have the money. I would love to live in this house.

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Post by BeachDr »

My GOD …. how pathetic and transparent you come across!!! This thread has finally helped me to identify what type of people rant on this forum – and the quality of the forum itself for that matter. I am an environmental atty working primarily on smart, sustainable development throughout the Northeast. I also teach sustainable land use law at two Ivy League universities in the Northeast.

WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??!!! This place looks (in the pictures) to be built to last 70-100 years without any replacement / maintenance (… none whatsoever). The materials are all natural, maintenance free, and they look like they are all mostly recycled or reused product. Isn’t that the Chicago brick that was dismantled and shipped to STJ for reuse? Isn’t that a stone or slate roof? Isn’t that entirely local “bluebitch” stone making up all of the structures walls? Isn’t that the most natural landscaping left intact for new construction you have seen anywhere on the island throughout all history (even on places1/10 the structural footprint of this place)? This place might even be LEEDS certifiable. I mean this appears to be the best example of environmentally sensitive architecture ever built on the island (other than the original buildings for Caneel Bay Resort). This house is built in a way that we should all be striving to emulate (albeit smaller versions) in order to avoid the unsustainable nightmare that real-estate agents and developers have been pushing us into buying / believe in over the past 4 decades. The only thing that these owners got wrong is the grotesquely tacky (we’re talking Dallas Texas McMansion tacky) scale of the place.

It makes you look so petty, jealous, and like fools to speak of this place as “Sprawling”, tacky or undesirable in any way. This place appears to be the quintessential environmentally best possible construction. Yes, it is an unfortunately big house (a very big house), but “big” is just not the “big” problem. The real problem comes from buying or building in the suburban, plastic sided, disposable mainland American neighborhoods (the plastic villages).

PLEASE give us an example of what type of building you are looking for… Seriously… I hope that for each of you critics who do not answer with your own example of a St John building that better captures a sustainable model, that all others on this forum will know that you are just sniveling, pathetic, dolts who just want to complain because you have not had the same opportunities open up because you long ago decided to not to stay in school, or, more recently, you chose to not work hard enough. Otherwise, crawl back into your nightmare Mc Mansion homes in suburban hell and reevaluate where your opinions are coming from.

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Post by cinnyb »

Wow, why so touchy BeachDr? Your response is not the usual tone of this forum. Are you personally involved with that house?

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Post by Teresa_Rae »


I wish you would step back and evaluate your insulting and over-reactive comments. There is no reason to be nasty.

If you look back, most of the negative comments about this mega mansion were regarding the massive size of the place, with which you seem to agree.

You said:

The only thing that these owners got wrong is the grotesquely tacky (we’re talking Dallas Texas McMansion tacky) scale of the place.

And then you said:

It makes you look so petty, jealous, and like fools to speak of this place as "Sprawling", tacky or undesirable in any way.

So you called the place tacky and then stated that anyone else who calls it tacky is petty, jealous, and a fool...and to boot, you managed to insult Texas.

"Hello, pot, meet kettle."

You can make your point without calling anyone "sniveling, pathetic, dolts" who are also uneducated and don’t work hard. I hope that isn’t how you practice your profession.

Personally I think the house in question is beautiful but its massive size makes it look out of place on STJ. To each his own.
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Post by Exit Zero »

The 'natural landscaping left intact' you refer to was all done after the build - for the 1st 3-4 years the site was barren and rocky . The palm trees were all imported.
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Post by JT »

Teresa_Rae wrote:BeachDr-

Personally I think the house in question is beautiful but its massive size makes it look out of place on STJ. To each his own.

Seeing as I called it a festering zit, I guess that I was the petty, jealous fool in the good BeachDr's mind. Looking back on the other posts, there were very few, if any complaints of the villa, other then the size of it. Well, I work construction. I appreciate the quality, craftsmanship and overall splendor of it, just not on one of the most pristine places left. What I don't appreciate is the decadence of it, and as someone who has watched it grow from Francis Bay over the last several years, I think of it as grotesque. It is the epitome of the progress and changes on STJ that I don't consider to be necessarily positive. That's my opinion, and I'm entitled to it.
Now, BeachDr, you can call me a fool. I've been called worse, though jealous I'm not. In my eyes I'm a success, and having a lot of money, or not, isn't the reason why. You, however were out of bounds for knocking this entire forum. We're a pretty diverse community, but the one common denominator is that we all love the USVI's.

Teresa, thank you for all that you said!
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Post by Xislandgirl »

BeachDr wrote:My GOD …. how pathetic and transparent you come across!!! This thread has finally helped me to identify what type of people rant on this forum – and the quality of the forum itself for that matter. I am an environmental atty working primarily on smart, sustainable development throughout the Northeast. I also teach sustainable land use law at two Ivy League universities in the Northeast.

I must say I am impressed by your resume. Your profile states that you are a retired MD and you state in your post that you are not only an attorney but a professor.

Based on your obviously superior intellect, I guess I have no other choice to say that of course you are correct in all of your observations and I am petty and jealous to not care for the house.

I will go back to my small house in suburban hell with my small intellect and refrain from ever having a discussion on an internet forum again.
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Post by pswlrw »

What I find particularly impressive is that BeachDr was able to environmentally analyze the house ... by looking at a picture :P

People's opinions are subjective, and based on the look of the house. You can not regulate that.

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Post by alw1977 »

Some people suggested architecture that is more appropriate for STJ, like a West Indies Cottage or perhaps a smaller home made using similar local materials. As for whether or not this home is sustainable or environmentally-friendly, I asked that too and no one seems to know. Much about this home is apparently a mystery.

As for what you said, Beach Dr, your tone and name-calling was out of line. One reason I come to this forum is because it lacks the in-fighting and arguing so common on many online forums. People have differing opinions - one man's festering zit is another man's palace. But you know what? Both are allowed to have that opinion, and to express it. However, stooping to calling names? My 16-year old nephew would handle this situation with more maturity.

As an attorney myself, the conflict inherent in my job makes me much less prone to knee-jerk reactions and name calling than before I worked as an attorney (ok, I never name called, but to each his own). In fact, most attorneys I know have learned to think long and hard before we speak. The name calling in your post makes me wonder if you are somehow involved with this home. I can think of no other reason for your anger.

So, are you?
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