St. John Passion Day 3

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St. John Passion Day 3

Post by toni »

Beautiful day-but really, aren't they usually all? Sure a passing shower here and there, or rain at night, but honestly? That just brings rainbows, and doesn't usually last long enough to bother any plans. We've been caught in some serious downpours here, but I just think about how it keeps the cisterns full!

It's our first day to break in the villa, use the pool, use the hot tub, sit and watch all the views....I like Bob/Anita's comment about Villa Gravity! absolutely outstanding location. Probably the only thing I missed seeing was more boat traffic, but we could see the cruise ships at night going by which was fun.

We managed to stir ourselves enough to go into Cruz Bay for lunch and had planned to go to Chilly Billy's which is supposed to be open until 2 we thought, but they were closed at 1. We actually tried them another day in the morning and they were closed then too which we thought was weird. Oh well! There's plenty of other places to choose from! Since we were at the lumberyard we ate lunch at Polli's Mexican and it was just fine-think I had taquitos which were yummy.

We'd parked at Conrad's (husband is a great driver and would maneuver the vitara into the tightest corner on his lot-they loved Mike by the end of the week!) For the first time ever went to the park headquarters; maybe we hit them on a bad day, they didn't seem very friendly. We then went over to Mongoose Junction to do some shopping. If you're not familiar, the friends of the VI National Park have their headquarters at Mongoose on the 3rd floor, up a funky spiral staircase. You can sign up to be a friend, and they have tshirts, caps etc there too. Their website is:
and I think they're a very worthy organization. If you love the island and aren't familiar with them, check them out!

Another first for us this year? Uncle Joe's BBQ. After reading so much about it on this site (you guys are all amazing), I thought we should look for it. I actually made my husband ask at the info stand where the place was (how embarassing-it was right next to the info stand!) which is why i get my husband to do these things for me.... :oops: But really, there's no sign on the place! Just somebody there (and at the time they weren't cooking anything). But boy I agree 100% their food is good and plentiful. We split a chicken/sides that night at dinner and there was even some left over for the next day. A definite must do again!

Ready to head back "home". First stopped at the Animal Care Clinic -the local shelter on St. John. It's near the library. We stop here every year, make a donation, check out the animals. I started volunteering at shelters when I was a teenager, and pretty much anywhere I travel I check out and donate to the local places; see how they do things etc. One of the things they seem to have started this year are feeding stations around the island-there's one near Vie's we saw, where somebody's responsible to make sure there's food and water available. Not sure how well it works, but in case you wondered what those rectangular decorated boxes were...I believe they're the group too that spays and neuters the strays that they get-notch their ears when they're fixed so they can tell if it's been done.

Hit Pine Peace Market to get some more things. Now their prices are better than starfish, but boy it's difficult to park there, and it's a tight fit in that store when they're restocking and other people are there (and when are you ever the only person in a store?)

Arrived home, worked on Uncle Joe's chicken, made some brownies, drank some BBC's (versions of this became my favorite drink of the week) and chilled for the rest of the night. Life is good! :D
California Girl

Post by California Girl »

I'm enjoying your report. Thanks, too, for the friends of the VI National Park link, and the info. about the animal shelter. I donate to the Humane Society on STT, but didn't realize there was a separate organization on STJ. I'll definitely be stopping in there in May! :D
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Post by silverheels »

Yesterday's edition of Tradewinds had a nice article on the animal shelter event that was just held. The head of the affair was the lady whose wedding I went down for this past week.
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Bob & Anita
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Post by Bob & Anita »

Someone else (Robin NC) on the forum coined the phrase "Villa Gravity", we can not take credit for it. Enjoying your reports.
Bob & Anita
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