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Travel discussion for St. John
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Post by Lex »

We've gone to the Caribbean in summer, fall and winter. All of the trips have been great, but the winter trips have that extra dimension of being a reprieve from winter. Stepping off the plane and getting the first blast of tropical air is a different experience in February than it is in July. In February that tropical air is going to be somewhere around SIXTY DEGREES warmer than the air I left behind in Boston. The sense of well-being is intoxicating. A New England winter grinds people down pretty severely. I can feel layer after layer of winter stress dissolving within hours of reaching the islands. I savor and appreciate the islands more during winter. Anytime is good, but nothing's quite so sweet as leaving the cold and dark behind and just flying off to a warm, fragrant paradise.

This also means that the reentry is much more difficult in winter than in summer. I remember flying into Boston one winter after a couple of weeks in the islands. There was a fresh coating of snow over everything. It didn't look pretty to me. It looked like a vision of hell.

But I certainly do agree about enjoying the islands during the off-season. We were on Virgin Gorda last year in October, deep in low season and really loved it. I've always been reluctant to go to the Caribean in hurricane season. I figured there were so many other months when hurricanes weren't even a remote possibility that I didn't want to chance it. But being on VG in low season was such a pleasure that I'm rethinking it. I still don't think I'd go in September, but I sure liked being there at that time.
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Post by Greenskeeper »

The draw for us is we escape the cold of winter. President's Week is school vacation so we have to travel then. In the summer, we have our own private paradise here that we don't want to leave. Between that and our close proximity to great beaches, it doesn't make sense for us to travel to a warm destination in the summertime.
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Post by martini girl »

To go from flannel sheets, turtlenecks, and gloves to bathing suits and flip flops in the same day is just an incredible experience for me. Knowing that it is absolutely freezing at home while we're sitting on the beach on STJ is pure decadence. It's all about the dramatic contrast in weather and surroundings.

Even one week in the warm sunshine in February is enough to get me through the rest of the winter. Once summer comes, we're close enough to the Jersey shore that we can hop in the car and get our beach fix when we need it.
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Post by waterguy »

the best day I had was -35 to 84 degrees in 5 hours that was rightous
Pete (Mr. Marcia)
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Post by Pete (Mr. Marcia) »

We probably need to cut Snorkelqueen a break. Living in California, she may not have the same desire/need to get away during the winter that us idiots who live in colder climes do. (We officially had over 100" of snow this winter. That's nuts.)

That being said, Marcia and I always go to STJ just after the switch to low season. The price of the villa we rent goes way down, making two weeks on island much more affordable.

Also, we like knowing that when we return to Wisconsin from STJ spring will be in full swing back home. I understand the need for warm weather in, say, February, but when you come home you come back to another couple of months of crappy weather. That's depressing to us.
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Post by Tracy in WI »

I must agree with all the other cold weather posters out there. We like to get away from the winter weather and feel the warmth - even for just a week. This year we went in January and it was way to early - like Pete said we still had such a long winter to come back to with no relief, but late February/March would be perfect.

With the new record of over 100 inches of snow (normal is 49.9) we even went sledding today and it's the last day of my son's SPRING BREAK! I may need to sneak into Pete and Marcia's suitcase and Tom too!

Tracy, Seaside Properties at Grande Bay
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Post by waterguy »

Come on Tracy you will fit
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Post by shoemak38 »

only reason we are coming in June vis Feb / April school break is son is in college.

we still have 6" tp 1 foot of snow on ground also very snowy winter here in NE

Post by DELETED »

Pete (Mr. Marcia)
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Post by Pete (Mr. Marcia) »

Jorge wrote:I don't know what it is about you Wisconsin people. My wife was born in Port Washington and raised in LaCrosse. When it snows here she dives out in the snow like a kid. Virginia is to far north for me, but she would move back to Wisconsin in a second. A quick funny story. A few years back we flew up to Lacrosse for a family function. Hell, we fly up atleast once a year for a wedding, baby or funeral. Tons of family, lots of kids (catholic). We checked into a small 2 story hotel, brand new, Courtyard Marriott. I opened the room and right beside the bed was a hot-tub. I mean right beside it. It kinda weirded me out. So I went back down to the desk and asked for another room. The clerk ask me what was wrong. I told him that he had given us the honeymoon suite and I wanted a regular room. He informed me that all the rooms had the bed/hot-tub. I ask what/why? He said, in the winter in the state of Wisconsin that there really were only two things to do. "Drink & $crew", and the hotel bar opens at 7am. I love your state but you people are nuts. lol. Jorge
I had a room like that once while I was on the road preparing for a trial up in Sturgeon Bay. I had to prep witnesses in my room. It was kind of awkward. Each witness would walk into my room...and I could see their eyes go from the bed, to the hot tub, back to the bed, back to the hot tub.

I grew up in Chicago. But, I've been in Wisconsin now for 14 years. Yes, Jorge, these folks are nuts. I love 'em, but they're nuts.
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Post by dark & diet »

I've been to stj numerous times including once for a new year's eve week and all last summer. nothing beasts an off season in stj! the tradewinds and empty beaches and bars beats the heat and humidity of south louisiana in the summer. we usually go in may to miss hurricane season at home (and i guess in the vi's too) and to take advantage of the off season prices. but don't get me wrong, i'll never pass up an trip to the "love city"! i'm really glad i don't have to escape the cold weather of home to the high prices of high season.
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Post by waterguy »

Jorge you hit it right on the nose I just got out of my hot tub it is on the deck right out side of my bed roon just a patio door away with a bar to boot. It started to snow when I was in it. only 11 to go and I will be in the hot tub watching the stars on STJ
your nuts friend
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Post by Ondine »

Reasons for high season visit:
1- To Thaw Out!
2- For the sheer joy of sitting at Skinny Legs, after a full day at the beach, watching the weather channel with the radar showing blizzard like conditions and deep freeze temps while you struggle to keep your flip flops on after a few drinks! Good stuff :-)
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Post by theoverman »

right on the money lex, our winter vacations are a lifesaving oasis away from the swirling 6 month frozen gray season...i'll pay for the privelege.

...we just got back from stj last week and cypressgirl is right, people just plopping down on top of you like it's ok...more traffic, yikes...i guess we all should not have told so many people how cool stj is.

we just couldn't keep our mouths shut.

all i can hope for now is all the southern people will flood the island in the summer and create a new 'high' season.
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Post by Agent99 »

Lex described my view perfectly. There is nothing like that first blast of tropical air smack in the middle of a gray and freezing rain blowing sideways kind of winter.

The New England coast is pretty dern special in the summer and the summer is about 5 minutes long. We rarely want to leave home then. Fall is kinda pretty here too and there is no school vacation tempt us away.
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