You now Have Until February 15th to Write a Letter

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You now Have Until February 15th to Write a Letter

Post by jimg20 »

I am certain that some must be tired of hearing about the marina project proposed for Coral Bay, and you are probably equally tired of hearing about the letter writing campaign. Anyway, here we go again.

I have been told that the Army Corps of Engineers was "inundated" with letters. As a result, they have extended the public comment period to February 15th. That means that if you wanted to send a letter but did not get it off before the last deadline, you now have another chance. Save Coral Bay's web site has the guidelines for a letter and the place to send it. They also ask that we send a copy to them. This will help them prepare for the rest of the process.

I reviewed the previous topics and made a list of everyone who said, on the Forum, that they sent a letter. In addition to my wife and I who sent separate letters, here are the ones that I know about:

Tracy in WI + Juice
Jersey Shore

This amounts to 19 letters by my count. I am certain that many have sent letters that we don't know about. To those people and the ones above who wrote, THANK YOU.

If you are unhappy about the proposed marina and you haven't sent a letter, please consider this. Why complain to your families, friends, neighbors and co-workers about this? Why not complain to someone who wants to hear your comments? More important, why not complain to someone who can actually make a difference? It doesn't take long and it need not be a ten page thesis. A single page from you giving them one good reason to reject this application can make a difference.

Man it's like some dream we live down here....

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Re: You now Have Until February 15th to Write a Letter

Post by jdjcmaso »

I sent my letter. Fingers crossed!
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Re: You now Have Until February 15th to Write a Letter

Post by EagleRayLover »

Just got notification that letters CAN be sent until March 5! The extension got an extension!!! also heard there are over 1000 letters have been sent. Keep them coming. We sent our two!!
Leslie, Kids Night In Babysitting
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