Trip Report 4/21 - 4/29, Part II

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Trip Report 4/21 - 4/29, Part II

Post by SuefromMA »

Day 3 - Monday, April 23

Woke up to an overcast day - but, "Whatever".

Headed to the pool area to have some breakfast. I know that there have been many varied reviews regarding the complimentary breakfast at Estate Lindholm - but we were more than pleased. Each morning there was fresh fruit, usually cantaloupe and pineapple. Toast, English muffins, bagels, French toast, waffles, muffins and cereal. Also, eggs were available to soft boil in the microwave. The French toast, waffles & muffins were from a packaged source - but, all were presented nicely, unwrapped, in see-through display shelves. We thought that everything we had there was very fresh & very tasty. All was in great repair - toasters worked well. Refrigerator was stocked with a couple of different juices. Coffee was always made (albeit a little weak, for our taste). But, half and half was available - which was a huge hit with us.

We were impressed with the nice china plates and good cutlery. Also, nice assortment of fun designed coffee mugs. And the setting couldn't have been more lovely. Many tables to choose from with cloth placemats. You did not feel that you were sitting with or on top of your neighbor. And the view was gorgeous!!

Patio where we had breakfast each morning

View from our breakfast table

After breakfast, we called the captain of a sailboat called Survivan. We had originally booked a sunset cruise for Monday evening - and were to call him to confirm. Captain Jason was great & said that the weather really didn't sound very promising for that night and for that matter the next couple of nights didn't look much better (great news). He was very gracious in suggesting that we cancel.

We then packed up the snorkel gear, grabbed out beach chairs & towels & filled the cooler with some ice. We then headed to Deli Grotto at Mongoose Junction. We bought a turkey & swiss sandwich on pesto bread. Then headed along the North Shore Rd. - not sure of our destination, yet.

We actually pulled into the parking lot for Gibney. Lugged our stuff to the beach. When we got there, we realized why there were no other cars. There was virtually no beach. Must have been due to the heavy rains.

No beach at Gibney

So, we headed back to the jeep. Again, we decided to return to a "tried and true" beach. So - off to Francis. Found a lovely spot under the trees. Settled in with our beach chairs & decided to just chill for awhile til the sun came out. - Which, in hindsight, was to be a big mistake.

We enjoyed a nice walk along the water's edge. Then read a bit. Enjoyed that fantastic sandwich from Deli Grotto. Then it started to dawn on us that instead of the sky getting lighter & sunnier - it was actually getting darker & more ominous. The rain started coming in. Not pouring - but, just enough to be annoying. So, we decided to head back to Estate Lindholm & just enjoy the pool. (FYI: in the days ahead we finally "wised up" and got the picture that we had better enjoy conditions as they were and not try to wait for the weather to improve. Because most likely it wasn't going to!)

It was actually fun just to head back & be by ourselves at Estate Lindholm for a bit. Had a little afternoon cocktail & made another major decision. Where to have dinner?? Lime Inn it was. Another "tried and true" favorite. It did not disappoint.

Only little glitch - as we were half way through our meal, the skies opened up again. Complete downpour. We were asked to scoot over to another table so that they could give our table to family of 3, with a cute little girl, who were getting soaked at another table. The host & the family were sooo gracious - you would have thought that we had just donated a kidney or something. No big deal on our part - but, sure was nice of them all to be so overwhelmingly grateful.

Oh, and the meal was awesome. Can't go wrong with that Filet with Bleu Cheese. We dragged things out a bit by ordering dessert & coffee. But, rain still hadn't let up. We made a mad dash to Pink Papaya to browse for a bit. Again, hoping that the rain would let up. That was not to happen!! We were so hoping that it would eventually clear as we had wanted to meet all of our "forum friends" at The Beach Bar. But, it soon became evident that that was not going to happen.

We finally gave up. Headed out in the pouring rain & hailed a taxi to take us the short ¼ mile or less to our Jeep at St. John Car Rental. (We weren't afraid of the rain - but, I didn't want to ruin my sandals.) And it was totally pouring out of control!!

Back to our room - soaking wet. Looking at each other like - "What the heck is going on?". It was just weird. It was as if this weather was never going to stop. Made the mistake of checking the forecast - "Thunderstorm & rain thru Thursday" - AARRGGHH!!

Day 4 - Tuesday, April 24

I awoke at 6:30 to the lovely sound of pouring rain. Great!

This is the view that we woke up to a little later.

Foggy view from our room at Estate Lindholm

This is what the view is should look like every day on vacation.

Normal view from our room

Also, if you look closely - you will be able to see the lovely brown water of Cruz Bay due to all of the land run off from the night before's rainfall.

Murky waters of Cruz Bay

We were beginning to think that this was all a terrible dream. Anyway - one must carry on. Had another nice little breakfast. Then had to decide where to go. Decided that it was past time to get snorkeling & to try out the new underwater camera.

Drove along the North Shore road a bit & came across an amazing sight. We were told earlier by Chris at Estate Lindholm that it would be a great day to take a hiking trail that is right after the Cinnamon Bay ruins. He said that there is a nice waterfall that really develops after a good rain. Well - we had decided that our sandals were not the best thing to hike in. Plus the idea of hiking after a good rain on a good & muddy trail - did nothing to get us excited.

Anyway - while approaching the bend that goes left after the ruins, we spotted the gorgeous falls from the road. It was spectacular. One can only imagine what he must have been referring to. But, this sight from the road was pretty cool. We were so happy to have driven by at this time. By the afternoon, it was down to a virtual trickle & was by no means this eventful. So, we were blessed with a photo op that not many others usually get to see (thanks to our wonderful evening downpour!).

Waterfall after Cinnamon Ruins

While driving past the Trunk Bay overlook, it appeared that the beach did not look super crowded. So, we decided to head back there first. Good decision. The first surprise was that the water was much, much warmer than Cinnamon or Francis from the preceding days - interesting. Sand as soft & perfect as ever.

We had never snorkeled there before. So, we were anxious to check it out. We were actually pleasantly surprised. Jim spotted his first trumpetfish & we saw some really nice Parrotfish and one of my favorites - the blue-headed wrasse. Jim even spotted a peacock flounder & got a terrific shot off.

Parrotfish at Trunk

Peacock Flounder at Trunk

I must admit though, that at times I felt that I was on a crowded sidewalk - with all of the snorkeling traffic. We eventually just tossed off the snorkel gear & had fun enjoying the soft sandy bottomed beach & the gloriously warm water.

Trunk Bay

After a quick bite at the snack shop - we headed to Francis. Saw some great fish there. Saw our first Queen Angelfish, this really cute blue fish with stripes - need your help identifying him (maybe a sergeant major purple phase?). Saw lots of the usual suspects - 4 eye butterflyfish, French grunts, bluestriped grunts, blue tang and squirrelfish. We had a great time.

Beautiful Francis Bay

Queen Angelfish at Francis

Awesome blue-striped fish at Francis

Headed back to Estate Lindholm. Called Shipwreck Landing and we were happy to be able to make a reservation and be able to virtually head right out.

Got this cute shot of our donkey friends.

Wild donkeys

Made it to Coral Bay in no time at all. We really liked Shipwreck Landing. The setting is beautiful. Great location. Even though it is across the street from the bay - the view was great.

View of Coral Bay from Shipwreck Landing

View from Shipwreck sans sign

Food, as others have said, was very good! I had a nut encrusted breaded curry, spiced chicken breast with a mango chutney. Jim had a pork loin with onions & a potato hash. Fantastic meal. Our waitress was a little "under-friendly". Almost bit our heads off when we asked her to take our picture. It was the only time that we ever really were made to feel like we were putting someone out. But, besides that - it was a great experience.

At Shipwreck Landing they couldn't make any BBC's cause they "had no bananas". So - you guessed it - back to Morgan's Mango for BBC's and dessert at the bar. Perfect way to end an evening!

First night out with NO DOWNPOUR! WOOHOO!!
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Post by mbw1024 »

sounds like a fun couple of days despite the weather. nice pic of the waterfall!
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Post by Laura T »

I am enjoying your trip report...the pictures are wonderful. Sorry about all the rain. We had a trip a few years ago in which it rained nearly every day...certainly doesn't ruin the trip, but it does change it...
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Post by sea-nile »

Sorry about the rain, but the pictures are great!
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Thanks for a good and great attitude

Post by Bill in Va »

And hello there troopers. Yep YOU guys are troopers to the enth degree. You took lemons and made lemonade out of the weather. I take my hat off, if I was wearing one right now, and say next time will be drier I hope for you. Thank you so much for giving a great report and pic's. God bless.....Bill
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Post by patr »

Great report, love the pics, nice underwater shots! Thanks for sharing.

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Post by Maggy »

Nice report again. I love your photos. We did hang out at Francis at the same time on Monday. Or at least before the rain.

Where did you snorkel at Francis?
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Post by traceysj »

I love your pictures, sorry about the rain though.....
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Post by jmq »

Nice reports Sue. Thanks.
Glad you liked Estate Lindholm. Any construction there?
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Post by lavender »

More great pictures and info! Nice review of Estate Lindholm - we thought it was very lovely and a good value for our money. Looking forward to more installments!
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Post by StJohnRuth »

Fun trip report.
People just LOVE Estate Lindholm, I honestly don't think I've ever talked to a single person who didn't say good things about the property and the owners.
Funny thing: Our old boat "Shoes Without Socks" (it should be called "Where It All Started"!) appears in photos in two trip reports this week, including yours.
Still floating!
Glad you had fun in spite of the rain.

Post by obsessedmuch »

Great report and photos!

I had the same thought as Bill when I saw the picture of that waterfall- you made lemonade from lemons!

Thanks for adding to my excitement! All these reports are the absolute best send off I could wish for!
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Post by Jan&MikeVa »

You guys sure are making lemonade out of lemons. Wow, all that rain and you guys just keep going, and going. :P

Your review of Estate Lindholm makes me want to head there right now, also great pics!

WHAT is a BBC????? Thanks again, great reporting!

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A few answers to your questions!

Post by SuefromMA »

First off - Thank you for all the kind words. It is fun pulling these reports together. So glad that you are enjoying them & the photos.

Answers to a few questions:

Maggy - We mostly snorkeled to the left as you entered the water from the beach at Francis.

JMQ - We LOVED Estate Lindholm. Thank you to you - as you were most instrumental in our choosing to stay there. There was not "working construction" going on while we were there. Meaning we never "saw" anyone working. But, the "new" building is up with no doors or windows in yet & apparently not much done interior-wise, either, obviously. But, the structure seems pretty well all set. You most likely know, it is located to the right of the main walkway into the estate. It has 3 floors & no doubt, the top floor will have the most amazing view on the property, when it is completed. (When are you going to Europe? I thought it was in May - but, must be mis-remembering?)

St. John Ruth - Which boat was yours?? So glad to meet you!

Jan aka Charlie - Oh - you little virgin-you! A BBC is Banana, Baileys & Coconut (& some pineapple juice). The coconut, I am sure, is like a Coco Lopez. If you are inclined to try it - just go to Morgan's Mango. The rest of the island seems to be without bananas. Who knows - didn't watch it being made - maybe Morgan's doesn't even use "real" bananas - but, it was delicious. Kind of on the consistency of a pina colado - but, slightly less thick. And no frozen cold drink headache after - either. It was "Yummo"!!!!

Hopefully, part III will be heading to you soon. You can blame the delay on Keifer & 24!
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