Dengue fever? Worried about baby on trip

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Dengue fever? Worried about baby on trip

Post by melmd »

So I saw a post on TA about someone returning with Dengue Fever. We will have our kids 10 months and 5 yrs with us and that post just made me freak. Does anyone know how common it is? I will be a careful as possible with both kids, but I am really worried. Any advise/experince?

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Post by PA Girl »

I understand your concern. Talk to your dr about it. I was crazy with worry when our son was 4 months old until I talked to our dr who spends 3 months a year incentral America. He educated me on the preventive measures and the (minimal) risks
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John LMBZ06
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Post by John LMBZ06 »

I read that it is a bigger concern in Puerto Rico right now and that is only about 60 miles away or so. I think I read that it is spread by mosquitos.
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Post by loria »

this should give you the information you need--that being said--the bad thing is the hemoragic variety of dengue--which is far more rare than garden variety (still, garden variety isn't too fun)

If you protect your kids from mosquitos you should be fine. use long sleeved shirts and the like during mosquito prone times--I have been taking my kids there for 11 years and they have never had an issue with mozzie born illnesses
< leaving on the 22nd of march...but too lame to figure out the ticker thing again!>
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Post by hugo »

Dengue can flare up here, usually after periods of sustained rain, which makes it odd that a forumite got it recently. We've been on the dry side since September, without the torrential rains that often occur in the autumn. I hadn't heard of any cases on island for quite a while.
The hemorrhagic form is extremely rare here, I know of no cases on St. John and only 2-3 on St. Thomas.
My children never got dengue, and I can't remember anyone else I've known getting it as a child, even being here 365 days a year---I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but it's pretty low on the list of things to worry about.
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Post by gymnastika »

I just talked to a local here last nite that is just getting over it. They got it a few weeks ago and said that it was the 4th case of the year. I'm assuming they're tallying only locals for the count(?). It is here but it's still rare. I wear lots of bug spray and I still come home home looking like the measels. Grrrrrr.....
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Post by IslandTime »

I am definitely not an alarmist but you didn't say when you are going. PR is calling an epidemic? I'd freak too! Just something to think about.. ... ngue-fever
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Post by melmd »

Uggh, I am so worried now. We are going down April 28th.

Thinking I should maybe cancel, but I love love love STJ and I hate to let my worries get the best of me.
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Dengue Fever..

Post by MaineSail »

Hello friends...
Well, I am the one who returned 2 weeks ago and I have Dengue Fever. I came home ( our 4th trip to the Island) with a bunch of Mosquito bites and I started feeling ill the day we returned.
I started feeling like I was simply coming down with something, and then my bones/ joints started hurting -especially behind my eyes. A few days later, I developed a rash that got worse in a matter of hours- and I had a low grade fever. I ended up in the ER and then admitted to the hospital for one night.....with an extremely low white blood cell count (of which is being monitored 2 times a week until it gets back up to normal). My 4 year old daughter came home with a ton of bites too, but thank god she is not sick like me. I did use bug spray after getting eaten the first few days....but the spray that I used did not have deet in it (I wanted to use the most "natural" smelling spray on my children).
I always come back with bug bites- no matter where I travel. I live in Maine and I know that I am a mosquito magnet.....

I really never saw a ton of Mosquitos, however, there was one in our bedroom and when we first turned the outside lights on a night, you could see a bunch flying around the bulbs. I didn't spend a ton of time outside at night for after Sunset, my family and I stayed inside and watched the Olympics.

The Disease Control team told me that if I get Dengue for a second time, it will most likely turn into the the more severe case of it because I know have immunity to the "basic" level of Dengue. That scares me....

We love the island and I do want to return..... I will be traveling with better bug spray and long layers next time...
Feel free to touch base with me if you have any questions!!

eat, drink, & be merry!
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Post by Greenskeeper »

I'm just curious where you stayed that you got eaten alive. We were there in the same time period and it was very dry. I don't remember seeing any mosquitoes. Lots of other creepy crawlies :shock: but no skeeters.

Post by DELETED »

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Post by melmd »

Can you take the Therma Cell on the plane? Do they have the Therma Cell somewhere on STJ to buy?

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Post by tipsy »

We're sending down the Off Lantern (2) repellent in our box. It's similar to the Therma Cell but uses a votive candle to spread the repellent but less expensive and can get it at Wal-Mart,CVS etc.
Found out about it here.

Also Off bug wipes w/Deet. And spray for indoors.

Bugs love this "sweet" lady. ha
No ticker anymore. Next vac will prob. be the Fl Keys.
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Post by melmd »


What kind of indoor spray are you using?
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Post by Illyse »

What a tough decision to make regarding your children. I know there is a 100% deet spray (made by Ben's I believe) that you can get over the internet, but I'm not sure I'd want to put that on a baby either. My advice would be to talk to your pediatrician and, if you are in a major city, contact a pediatric infectious disease doctor for their recommendations. I was in STJ the first week of Feb. staying at a camp ground (Cinnamon) and got only 1 mosquito bite...but apparently there had not been much rain in the prior weeks. That seems to make all the difference. Good luck with this difficult choice. I would think that if you are going to feel completely paranoid the whole time, that won't make for a very good vacation :( I would see if a doctor can put your mind at ease.
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