Day trip's now available to Anegada

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Day trip's now available to Anegada

Post by Pia »

I meant to post this info last night but margarita's got in the way :wink: but there was a post on another forum that jogged my memory.

There is now a ferry on the first Sunday of the month going to Anegada for the day. Cost is $100 pp and you leave STJ at 8am and the ferry leaves Anegada at 5pm . The trip takes about 2 hours each way and you clear first in Tortola then continues to Anegada. Reservations are required

I plan on going on July 5th assuming it will run the day after last day of festival.

I'll report back after my trip but the post on the other forum showed a positive experience.

I hope there is enough interest that it continues to run - not sure if this is the right time to start such a new idea with us going into slow season but I hope it continues.

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Post by piscesgirl0314 »

GREAT information. 2 hour ferry ride? Hmmm...I wonder if it will be a rough ride...I'll be curious to hear about your trip. I've never been so it might be something to consider...thanks, Pia!
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Post by sandollar »

That is good news - I often wondered if anyone had thought of starting a trip like this! Hopefully it will continue into high season and given time to generate more interest. Thanks Pia!
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Post by mbw1024 »

sounds interesting! look forward to hearing about your experience.
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Post by Pianogrl »

Thank you Pia....looking forward to your report on that!
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Post by LysaC »


I hope you enjoy Anegada on my birthday (July 5th).

Please take a long deep breath of island tradewinds air for me, a long deep sip of (insert awesome island drink name here) for me and appreciate the fact that you are NOT in Southern New Hampshire :D !
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Post by Teresa_Rae »

Sounds interesting, is it a big boat?
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Post by hoosierdaddy »

Sounds interesting. Has any forum member been on Anagenda? I saw somewhere that there is a flight out of Virgin Gorda to Anagenda. I cannot remember where I saw the info.
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Post by Pia »

I believe it is the same size boat that you take from RH to STJ - there were 58 passengers on it last week - off to a great start :)
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Post by sailorgirl »

That's great news, hopefully it will prove popular and they will decide to increase the frequency of the service. It will of course mean that members would miss the BB gatherings on Sunday evenings :-(
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Post by jmq »

Based on our visit to Anegada last year, with the per person price similar to a daysail, we would definitely consider doing that, although, 4 hrs is a lot of ferry time. But, then you get the chance to spend the day at Cow Wreck beach...

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Post by Pia »

jmq - as you have been to Anegada, how would you spend the 6 hours (what beach etc) and would you rent a car? If only one location for Anegada lobster which location the Reef or Loblolly :)


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Post by devilsrule2004 »

definately sounds interseting let us know about it <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="0" height="0"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="0" height="0"></embed></object>
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Post by jmq »

Pia – I think chrisn did a great daytrip from VG last year and wrote about it here. Hopefully she’ll chime in or you can send her a PM. She might know what the taxi rates are too.
Not sure if the places near the dock like Anegada Reef, Neptunes, Whispering Pines, etc. serve lobster during the day.
The beach bar vibe and view is better at Cow Wreck and the food is better at Loblolly – folks rave about their lobster that I believe they do serve all day, plus, they even have a decent ice cream selection and a nice bar, but is off the beach.
The snorkeling is good at both Cow Wreck and Loblolly (and nearby Flash of Beauty), so splitting your time between those 2 general areas on the north side would be best.
You wouldn’t be renting a car for touring purposes, just to get from place to place, so, depending on how many are in your party, renting a car might be an option. If so, contact Dean or his lovely wife Henrietta at DW Rentals at 284-495-9677 or
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Post by mbw1024 »

if one didn't rent a car how would they get around? are taxi's plentiful?
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