Help forumites! Need advice, sick pet.

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Help forumites! Need advice, sick pet.

Post by brenda »

Well, we came home from an afternoon of shopping to find that our 8 year old cat had vomited several times in the basement and was meowing and acting like something was very wrong. So, off to the emergency vet we go. Lab work revealed that she is likely a diabetic (glucose was over 500), very dehydrated and now the kidneys are impaired. Not sure at this point how permanent the kidney impairment is. The cost for treatment just overnight is alot :shock: . Deep down, I'm not sure that I want to start the whole insulin thing with her and multiple vet trips. At the same time, I am feeling like that may be selfish on my part :cry: . We thought about putting her to sleep today, but I just couldn't do it. So, we are giving her the benefit of the doubt for now and giving her some hydration, insulin and some other bloodwork. If the kidneys are permanently shot, that may make the decision easier. Right now I am just so confused. Any thoughts from all of you pet lovers out there? The vet made it very clear that she has a few very serious issues going on.
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Post by mindehankins »

I don't have any advise, because we haven't reached that point with my furbabies, but I'm really sorry. I hope that the decision makes itself. If not, I wish strength for you.
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Post by bevm »

If she doesn't start improving in the next few days then you'll have to make that awful decision but for now just see if she improves. If she's suffering then the decision will be made easily. I know how difficult this is having lived through this myself. I don't envy you but you're kitty loves you unconditionally so you can't make the wrong choice.
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Post by Ondine »

I just put my 18 y/o cat down last Oct, and am glad I didn't rush the decision. She "told" me when it was time, she had alot of discomfort by then.
Don't rush your decision, no regrets that way.
Maybe get a second opinion to be sure?
Kidney and Thyroid stuff seems more common than diabetes in my experience and can benefit from easy daily, if there is any chance the vet is wrong about that part maybe worth double checking...?

Always tough, the animal can only really speak with their eyes, so just keep looking for their signs to you. Good Luck :)
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Post by Teresa_Rae »

I'm so sorry you're going through this, how terrible. My cats are like children to me and I would be devastated to lose or face potentially losing one of them.

I don't have any experience with kitties and diabetes, but I know there are happy cats doing fine with the disease, with proper treatment of course.

As for the kidneys, it depends on how bad they are. Kidney problems don't become apparent until 70% of kidney function is gone, but even after that cats can live for years with treatment. So it really depends if the problem is acute or chronic. I lost a cat to chronic renal failure almost 3 years ago. We treated her as long as we could and let her die on her own. The vet said that renal failure wasn't painful.

I've posted at this cat message board in the past when I had health questions: ... y.php?f=13

The people there are helpful and have had experience with a lot of different conditions. Even if you don't post you can search for discussions on this topic.

At only 8 years you have a fairly young cat and if I were in your shoes I'd do everything I could to save her. What's her name? I'll keep her and your family in my prayers.
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Post by brenda »


Here is the cute little bugger in question. Thanks for your input so far. I could hear my mother-in-laws voice today saying, "you know when it is time with an animal". She just didn't have death in her eyes, yet. Although, I think without intervention, tomorrow morning may have been a different story. My more old fashioned elderly mother can't understand why I would spend that much money if the outcome might be poor. I hope I don't get flamed for this, but it was no small chunk of change. I actually had them whittle down some of the testing (what do we really need??). They of course suggest everything gung ho. I just hope I make the right decision based on what we find :( .
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Post by lprof »

Brenda, I am sorry that you and your cat are having this difficult time.
I have two cats...14 next month; they are my children. One had some "episodes" last April and after many expensive tests was found to have a very unusally enlarged heart. He is stubborn, very stubborn, and was to be given three meds which quickly made him too sick to walk. We tried every preparation but it all became too troublesome for all of us, just trying to slow down the disease. He was dizzy and disoriented most of the time; after a month of heartache I decided to stop all the meds. He is now pretty normal, not sick and not uncomfortable...his heart disease is not slowing, but we're OK; each day is one of love and joy for me and I think for him.
All the previous posters have given good advice. Each of us wants to do our best for our circumstance but it is very hard to know that place when the crisis arises. Take your time; the answer will come.
I am sorry for rambling...I understand...take care.
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Post by Carolyn »

Brenda, sorry to hear about your kitty's problems.

Just as you knew something was very wrong today by his behavior you will continue to do your best in figuring out the next step along the way as you try to help him.

I had a cocker spaniel that was allergic to just about everything and that required me to give her shots (not daily, but frequently) . I did it because I/we felt it was the right thing to do. She lived a long time w/ her conditions,and she ended up being rather costly too. The time did come when she needed help crossing the rainbow bridge and as difficult a decision as it was to make I knew the time was finally upon us to let her go.

It sounds to me like you need a little time to digest what has happened and the cat needs some time to recover. I think I would do what you have done so far. Just keep trusting your instinct and in time you will know whether what you are doing is the right thing.

I've lost a few cats over the years and they can also be resilient .

Keep us posted and I send the best to you ALL!
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Post by Joshie »

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Post by DCphoto »

Sorry about your cat Brenda, He is young compared to when my cat got sick with Thyroid cancer. Giving pills to cats is no fun and I could not afford the Radioactive treatment. I would wait to see if the meds work, but you have to look at your expenses too. It such a tough decision to have to make. I wish I could help more. I know I waited too long about putting my cat down.

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Post by brenda »

Thanks everyone for your responses. I was just soooo sad last night. Sandy, I remember the story about your cat and how you just couldn't put it to sleep.

Well, here is an update. The cat has made signifigant progress overnight. She is not diabetic. The vet told me this morning that she has never seen that high of a glucose reading in a cat who was not. The kidney function is slowly improving and she made some urine but not until more than 12 hours of fluids. What caused all of this???? The vet doesn't know but is giving her antibiotics to treat an underlying infection. I still think the cat may have some chronic kidney issues but time will tell. Much to my pocketbook's dismay, they want to keep her at least one more night. But hey, I'm in it this far now and she seems to be getting better. I guess that is the responsibility we take when we become pet owners.

Thanks again for your support when I needed it! I post again when I know more.
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Post by lprof »

So glad to hear that she has improved...I suspect that you'll feel better once you look into the kitty's beautiful eyes. Pain in the pocketbook is tough. Time is a healer all around...thinking of you.
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Post by Carolyn »

Brenda...all things considered, today's news is very promising!

The vets sure can help us in our time of need when it comes to "curing" our pets.

You will know where to draw the line financially.

I just took 2 of my dogs to the vet Friday for well visits and w/ heartworm and flee/tick preventative I walked out w/ a $550 bill...amazing. BUT I have also had some whopper bills from one of my greyhounds that took a run-about town for 15 or 20 minutes til he was hit by a car. He spent the weekend at the vet's and I am not even going to tell you how much that all cost us. He survived the ordeal of his life and we were not going to say well thats it, the money ends there. They can be a bit of a drain that way!!!

I just had a little chat w/ my cat Chester and he sends his best to your cat!

We all wish you the best!
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Post by nothintolose »

Brenda - they put my cat on kidney function food and his levels changed drastically.

Carolyn, I feel ya'! When I leave my dog, I tell him that I am going to work to make money to pay his vet bills :lol:
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