Does anyone want to go on a "diet" with me?

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Post by cypressgirl »

Stress is not helping your weight situation either. Some of what you are experiencing could be extreme worry. This is probably TMI....but I had several years of my blood calcium level going higher and higher. My GP told me to see an endrocrinologist and have my parathyroid checked out. It's in the neck, but totally different than thyroid. It controls the level of calcium in the blood, and if the PTH (parathyroid hormomne) is too high, it leaches out calcium from the bones to your blood. So make a very long story short, I end up in Tampa, with a special surgeon who only does this "miracle" surgery and removes the bad parathyroid (the one that has the enlarged tumor) and sends me home and tells me I'm cured. A year later I get my CBC and my calcium level is still too high. My bones are probably going to vaborize in a few years. I'm just sick of Dr.'s

So I totally understand your worry. I had all the symptoms of parathyroid disease.......high BP, panic attacks, and a whole list of strage symptoms that have nothing in common. After the surgery, I've had none of those symptoms, but I didn't know for a year that my calcium levels were not normal. Now I have to decide what to do. I may need a second surgery. There are 4 parathyroids, and most people just have problems with one, but a small % have 2 or 3 that go bad. I just want to ignore it all.

I totally understand your worry and frustration.
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Post by cypressgirl »

I just read your message to CG. I have a good bio-identical hormone Dr. that has helped a lot. He has written a book that puts things in normal English. If you are interested, I'm sure you can get it on Amazon. It's called Hormones, Health, and Happiness...Steven F. Hotze, all about bio-hormones and the right supplements to bring your body back to a healthy state. Some traditional Dr.'s call it quackery, but I got off them for a couple of months, and I could tell a hugh difference. Who knows what the right approach really is. I guess it's just best to educate yourself the best you can. I've found that a LOT of DR.'s have little or no medical education in natural hormones, so you can't count on them for a lot of answers. You have to do your own homework and search out the best Dr.'s for you.
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Post by islandgirl »

HI Cypress

hmmmmm i know, bioidentical hormones are great. when i was on them a few years ago i felt like a million bucks. had my scrips filled at a bio pharmacy. i was on estradiol and progesterone cream. but it got to be a real hassle for the bio dr was so far away to drive to and then they moved their office. so i quit. i found out about this from Suzanne Somers and got a couple of her books. if my test come back normal for everything i may consider going back on it....but then again that maybe all i need. i pray that is all it is. thanks
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Post by cypressgirl »

I know Suzanne is big time into it. She's been on my D
r.'s radio show, and I've heard she has some way of getting hormones thru her company, but she is not a Dr. and I'd be a bit leary of getting hormones from Suzanne Sommers. I would not bet the farm that she looks that way from a bottle of pills or creams. But I do think she has her heart in the right place and really wants to help women. God, at least I hope so.
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Post by islandgirl »

Hi Cypress

That is how I got started was with Suzanne. Read her books and took that info to the Dr. Evidently the Dr. read her books already so maybe Suzanne knows what she is saying. Taking bios can Really make you feel like a different person. This is going on my list. Its good to know at least something works for us . :roll: :roll:
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Post by islandgirl »

suzanne has her own company??? I have not been in touch with this bio thingy for a couple 2-3 years. I know she recently came out with another book. She also looks good cause of all the exercise fitness stuff she has done over the years which was pretty smart on her part. She is not as dumb as she acts. Wish I would have exercise like that all those years.

Cypress what is the TMI who wrote about? Stress causes weight loss? Could Be!
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Post by djmom »

Island girl- It sounds like you might have celiac disease, I would get tested regardless of whether you have thyroid issues. You can get a celiac panel (blood test) drawn at the same time as your thyroid. If it comes up positive, you could then go to the gastorenterologist.

I think that if that ends up being your problem you will find that if you follow the celiac diet, you will feel SO much better. In the scheme of things, it really isn't that bad. There is so much more awareness now-restaurants that accomodate, available, that it is much easier than it used to be.

Also VERY IMPORTANT- you must have wheat in the days leading up to your test. This test is looking for antibodies (allergic reaction). If you decide to cut out wheat on your own and then take the test, you may get a false negative.
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Post by cptnkirk »

All right I'm in, could probably loose a pound or two :lol: I was trying Adkins again but I seem to really like to eat drink and be merry any more. I have started to work out a little again, not so good on the Adkins though. Hey don't make fun of that belly gals ya should see what happens at midnight if ya rub it :lol: :lol: just don't ask my honey cause she knows I'm lying :shock:
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Post by mindehankins »

Welcome Cap'n.
I was so good this week and then I blew it going to McDonald's on my way home from work. Friday the 13th and my total was $6.66.
I'm lucky I didn't choke to death. Well, at least then it wouldn't have made it down my throat.
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Post by djmom »

Hey captain! Welcome to the group. Now when our group goes private you can't go running off to all the guys when we start PMSing and starving at the same time and going ballistic on our husbands/significant others! (that's not PM'ing, I'm talking PMS'ing")

Plus we get a little extra b****y if we are aren't eating our chocolate! :cry:
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Post by cypressgirl »

cptnkirk wrote:All right I'm in, could probably loose a pound or two :lol: I was trying Adkins again but I seem to really like to eat drink and be merry any more. I have started to work out a little again, not so good on the Adkins though. Hey don't make fun of that belly gals ya should see what happens at midnight if ya rub it :lol: :lol: just don't ask my honey cause she knows I'm lying :shock:

Captain, you need to get the Dr.Oz book..... He's big on that belly fat and death rates. Don't mean to scare you, but that is a deal killer.... I know there is a number, but can't remember what it is, that you have a much higher rate of heart disease and cancer. I think it's about 38-40 inches for men and 35 for women, I'm talking waist inches. I sound like a real bummer on a Fri. night, I just care about you. :D Maybe someone else knows the exact numbers. It's so hard to live the "great" life and be fit and slender. I think all those sexy, hot movie stars, don't have any energy for sex. They are all starving to death.
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Post by Joshie »

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Post by islandgirl »


You and my old man look like twins. You two need to share and give me some of that. :lol: :lol: :roll:
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Post by cptnkirk »

cypressgirl thanks for your concern. It's not as bad as it looks I was pushing it out as far as I could.

Islandgirl you don't want none of that. I got this saying, it all turns to P@%&er at midnight. Probably what I was saying when they were making fun of my belly and took the pic. My wife was so dissappointed at the stroke of 12 :lol:
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Post by Iluvstjohn »

Hello to all of you great motivators! Not only did you help me book my trip last week, I found this thread and said...THAT's IT! I need to be on this thread. I have 30+ pounds to lose....but I would like to feel better about myself and get healthier for life in general, but also our trip in June. I hate not liking being in a bathing suit when I am on St. John.....

So, my name is Holly...and I eat and drink too much. I need to exercise more.....and I love st. John...LOL There...I said it!

May I join this fine group? Oh....and I love the sham wow....the aqua globes, and the debbie meyer green bags! LOL.....
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