Day 7: Gibney, Skinny Legs (again), and Our Last night!

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Day 7: Gibney, Skinny Legs (again), and Our Last night!

Post by flip-flop »

Day 7: Gibney, Skinny Legs (again), and Our Last night!

Up early this morning again, and I find myself in SERIOUS denial about having to go home tomorrow. We decide to make the most of our day and without a beach in mind we set out after breakfast. As we drove we decided on Gibney!

I love Gibney. There are really only two, maybe three, parking places for this beach and no sign. You kind of have to know where it is or do your research. When we were there there was one other couple there, way way way down the beach. You can also snorkel over from Hawksnest. There is great snorkeling toward the right shore as you are facing out. All in all it was a relaxing place to spend our last full day!


The path down to Gibney


This beach has a very colorful and interesting history. Read more if you'd like here...

I think the cottages there rent for $4k in the OFF season and $6k IN season. A 1 bedroom and a studio. Expensive, but I see the allure.



And the view from Gibney over to Caneel


We had taken Belly Flop's stroller down with us. The boy loves his stroller and elected to sit in it quite a bit. Silly little man.


Mini was happy to head into the water


Soon Belly Flop decides to move from the stroller to his beach chair :) A very exciting time.


Notice he now has his own rash guard, with LONG sleeves (bug protection) and that fits...ok, at least it stretches over his tummy. Protects from the 3 S's. Sun, Sand and Stings. Bet you didn't know that did you? He was not so into actually sitting in the sand. He prefers my lap or this little chair or his stroller.

This picture just cracks me up.


Sweet baby boy (I know I know he's not so much a baby anymore, but he'll always be my baby)


And the girl gazes out at the wild blue yonder while enjoying a snack


Typically we headed back in from the beach around 12-1 each day, but this day Belly Flop decided to snooze right on the beach. As if on cue and to allow his mama more beach time on her last day. We ended up staying at Gibney from about 9 am until almost 3! It was bliss!


Soon I had a stranger approaching me on the beach. "I think I've found Flip-Flop" she says ... it was Amy! What a nice person. I really enjoyed talking with her about her trip so far --- Luna Vista, Renting her Jeep on STT, THE MOSQUITOES!

She asked if she could take a picture for proof!


Flip-Flop with crazy hair but a great hat (I picked this up on sale at Big Planet the night before "Peace, Love and Beaches!" LOVE IT!)


I can't resist another snoozing in the stroller picture.


Flash-back time...10 months ago. Oh and I meant to say this upfront in the first report...19 month old is A LOT MORE WORK than a 10 month old. Totally worth it, but harder. They have things like free will and opinions at 19 months. Still, I am blessed with two very good travelers who 95% of the time go with the flow.


Does anyone know what this house is? I've noticed it several times but it always seemed closed up.


Soon everyone is hungry and the boy is waking up and its time to pack it in and go. Bye Gibney and my last beach day!


And so we are off to Skinny Legs. Here is Belly Flop thinking, I am awake. Why am I awake?


There was a mama and a baby donkey in the parking lot at Skinnys.


And inside ... one hungry boy. (I am strange I know this, but this is one of my favorite pictures of the trip)


What a face! I have no idea what he was doing here but I like to think it was craving some more skinny legs burger! Mo stopped by to talk to us. And at the end of this lunch was when the waitress said, "You are local right?" Oh how I wish I could say yes! Though a high compliment for me, I think it pretty much means we looked a wreck! I ordered a Bushwacker and it was the STRONGEST, best drink of the entire trip. I was still buzzing from it hours later. I have become such a lightweight in my old, post-children age!

The girl colors while waiting for our food.


Happy Tired Girls


Mmmmmmm food.

Hot Dog for the girl


A 3 cheese burger for me.


After our late lunch we head back to relax and pack things up for the most part.

Post-Nap we decided to take one more drive to the END of the road.


And take in some of the views for the last time.




Finally we head back to the house. Since we hadn't eaten lunch until after 3 we really were not very hungry for dinner so instead just relaxed and took to finishing up all the leftovers in the house.

My cutie pie hubby in his new "Dog is my co-pirate" t-shirt. And for the observant ones of you (Marybeth I am talking to you) that is Baby Spot in the background. I was not kidding about the stuffed animals. The girl LOVES animals stuffed or otherwise. She has no time for barbies and princesses!


And one totally blissed out Flip-Flop


TOMORROW: Last Morning in Coral Bay, Travels Back to STT and Homeward Bound
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Post by mbw1024 »

Hi Baby Spot! Great day. I love your picture of the gate. Love Gibney .. love love love. Never seem to end up in the water there, just love walking that beach!
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Post by sea-nile »

Gibney is great! Another great day.
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Post by Amy »

Awww, I LOVE that photo of Belly Flop asleep with the red blankie around him. So precious!

I'm not at all sure, but could that house be Hawksnest Villa (through Catered To)? I was wondering the same thing--what a great spot! Gibney is my new official favorite beach.

I'm really glad we finally ran into one another--hope to see you again on STJ in the future! Before you know it those little ones will be snorkeling non-stop like my kid...
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Post by mbw1024 »

Amy you are right. Hawksnest Villa
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Post by Xislandgirl »

I love your reports and I am sad that they are ending!
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Post by philbetm »

Golly the coloring picture poor little
mini-flip really was eaten alive by skeeters!

Now I'll say a southern thing..."Bless her little heart"
Great pictures and great stories...Thanks so much!

Sherry in SC
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Post by mrsb »

Thanks for the reports. I love the pic of Belly Flop at Skinny's with the fork in his hand. MMM Skinny burgers! Gibney is beautiful.
When will I see St John again?
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Post by flip-flop »

That Gate pic is my favorite non-person pic of the trip. I don't know just is.

And yes, the poor girl was eaten up! I wasn't kidding. So far no dengue fever. Seriously, I was worried about that!

And the boy takes his food very seriously and he LOVED the Skinny's burger. Didn't want anything to do with the hot dog that is usually a sure thing.
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Post by liamsaunt »

OK, you have to go back RIGHT NOW because your reports cannot be ending! I am enjoying them too much!

Love the gate photo....I'm stealing your angle next time I am there. :wink:
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Post by AnyTing »

I am seriously impressed that you had so few bags, considering one of them was obviously filled with stuffed animals. :lol:
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Post by PA Girl »

Lucky you, a beach nap on the last day.

For us, it didn't really feel like work until 2.5 years but I figured out by week's end that if we ran and swam the pants off him, he would pass out on the blanket.

So, when is the next trip? Maybe we need a group trip for the STJ lovers with little kids.
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Post by flip-flop »

PA Girl wrote:Lucky you, a beach nap on the last day.

For us, it didn't really feel like work until 2.5 years but I figured out by week's end that if we ran and swam the pants off him, he would pass out on the blanket.

So, when is the next trip? Maybe we need a group trip for the STJ lovers with little kids.
June 09! 9 months and counting!!!

We took our daughter the month she turned 3 and she was great. He'll be 2 1/2 ... we are hoping the two-s aren't terrible. Her's never were!
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Post by Lulu76 »

Oh, no, is it over? I am so sad! You have to go back because you have awesome trip reports!

We really do have similar tastes, because you did all my favorite stuff on your trip.
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Post by PA Girl »

Hey, I am trying to weasel a Summer '09 trip! July is my best shot.

We haven't had any real terribles either - knock wood, I am probably cursing myself.
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