Travel discussion for St. John
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Post by ihochman »

Ambien or ativan. One's a sleeping pill the other an
anti anxiety. Both work. I know from experience. I've taken both on different trip to Europe... they last.
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Post by Lulu76 »

You can take the little booze bottles in your liquid baggie in your carry-on. I have taken my coconut tequila everywhere in them.
California Girl

Post by California Girl »

I'm can't believe you didn't suggest weed or some kinda of funky back to the 70's hairy armpit California mushroom thing. lmao
Weed's too stinky! Don't want those airport dogs sniffing you out! And mushrooms might give you a good trip, but I think you are planning a different kind of trip, no? :lol:

Did someone already steal my line "Better living through chemistry"? 8) :shock:
California Girl

Post by California Girl »

Lulu76 wrote:You can take the little booze bottles in your liquid baggie in your carry-on. I have taken my coconut tequila everywhere in them.
Cool! That was my plan, but I weenied out when everyone said they'd be taken away from me. trip! :D
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Post by philbetm »

Hi There Jorge! :)

I'm new to the forum ! Was reading and saw where
Augie referenced a "cow pasture near Blacksburg",
if you don't mind me asking, what state is he referring too?

Thanks much
Sherry from S.C. :arrow: :)
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Post by nothintolose »

Sherry - are you coming out of lurkdom to find out where the shrooms are? :lol: :lol:

Blacksburg, Virginia :)

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Post by Teresa_Rae »

Jorge, I thought of you this morning when I heard on that radio that the number of accidental deaths from medication has sky rocketed.

A snippet:
More Americans than ever are dying because they misuse prescription or over-the-counter medications by mixing them at home with alcohol, street drugs or both. The percentage of deaths attributed to this cause has risen nearly 3,200 percent over the past two decades.

More: ... aring.html ... drugs.html

Be careful my friend :)
Let us live so that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry.
- Mark Twain
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Post by Barb Y »

Atarax (brand name) is something to calm anxiety, they use it prior to anesthesia. I believe it mellows ya out pretty good. For me a couple of nice bloody mary's does the trick!
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Post by chicagoans »

I had Ativan before having LASIK surgery. They gave me one, and I still got alittle squirrely when the doc went to make a pre-surgery mark on my eyes. He called to the nurse "Give her another one!" That did the trick for me.

I remember laying on the table, watching everything go dark, then light, and thinking "I can't believe I'm not freaking out!"

It didn't make me sleepy (you have to be awake/aware for the procedure), but very relaxing, like having a few margaritas without the hangover.
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Post by Chet »

ihochman wrote:Ambien or ativan. .
One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small, and the ones Jorge gives you don't do anything at all...
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.

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Post by RickG »

I think Jorge should try a little MDMA.

Cheers, RickG
S/V Echoes - Coral Bay - St. John, VI
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Post by Bug »

Jorge ~

I'll be glad to help you with your problem as long as you take me along :lol:

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Post by CindyM »

I just did this a week ago for our St. John trip: Couldn't sleep - took 1/2 .5 mg xanax around midnight. Got up at 4:15 for a 7 a.m. flight. I was zombified 'til we got to St. Thomas. Couldn't get my bearings in the Atlanta airport at 9 am. Thankfully I had my family to drag me around and figure out where to go (I'm usually the one that does all this). I did get some great sleep on all flights so I guess I'm saying that it worked but was in bed early that first night. The good news is at 7 a.m. the next morning on St. John, I was ready to go and was great from that point forward.
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Post by USVISuzyQ »

I used to love to fly, but now i work for a company that makes jet engines and i'm a wreck!

My vote goes for Xanax hands down, works for me, as well as itty bitty bottles of Cruzan that believe it or not, can be found at Walgreens!

Good luck kiddo!
Sue in way to HOT Arizona...
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