Trip Report 6/22 - 6/28

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Trip Report 6/22 - 6/28

Post by gavinman »


Arrival: Get Jeep from Dependable. The counter people at Dependable are nice, the guy picking us up at the airport didn't have anything to say to us. Have you ever seen the Seinfeld episode where his car smells of B.O. and you didn't think that was possible? It is possible this Jeep stinks! We head to the ferry and I can't remember if you need a ticket first. I send my wife and her friend off to find out while I wait practically in front of the ferry. They can't get a straight answer from anyone and my wife is already not liking the attitude she is getting from everyone. We finally figure it out and are off to St. John and Reef Madness.

Reef Madness is great. The house has everything imaginable and I loved the infinity edge pool. The Jimmy Buffett mix CD was great, love those outdoor speakers. I would recommend this house to anyone wanting to stay on the Coral Bay side. It's right up the hill from Skinny Legs and Donkey Diner. We all commented were spoiled by Reef Madness and will expect that type of house anytime we rent a beach house.

We eat dinner at Shipwreck Landing with the cats and chickens. My wife is starting to wonder where I have brought her. The food is good.


Off to Trunk Bay. The day starts out with clouds and rain, we aren't off to a good start. It finally clears up and we love the beach. Off to the left is not crowded. We head to Starfish Market to stock up on food. We eat dinner at the villa.


Waffles at the villa. Did I tell you how great Reef Madness is? Love the waffle maker. We head to Cinnamon Bay this day. Nice beach. The girl in the snack shop by the beach is actually pleasant and nice to us, the first person we met that is actually nice. We do dinner that night at Cafe Roma. Very good food.


We chartered Cloud 9 sailboat for the day with Captain Jason. Meeting Jason is like meeting an old friend. He's a laid back guy and we have fun. We snorkel Lovango Cay then St James Island. Lovango Cay is full of schools of fish. St James island got crowded because two other large boats were there. I got some great shots and movies, plus swam with a sea turtle. Lost the camera though at St James. Jason got in his dingy and looked for it and asked some other snorkelers to look for it. It was never found. So if anyone finds a Canon in waterproof case with some tons of underwater pics it's mine!

Tonight is takeout pizza from Donkey Diner. It was good. Pizza is pizza.


We had a flat on the Jeep and I fixed it. The Viva Villas book said the marina behind Skinny Legs can fix flats. We head down there to see if they can fix it before we head out. They weren't happy that they were recommended as a place that can fix flats. Reluctantly they agreed to plug the spare. It only cost $5. Luckily that was the only problem with the Dependable Jeep other than the B.O. that seems to get worse the hotter it gets.

We do some shopping around St.John and Mongoose Junction. We had a good lunch at Ocean Grill. Then we head to Francis Bay. I would only rate this as an OK beach, nothing special. I snorkeled around but didn't see anything. I hung out in the shade with the chickens.

Tonight was leftovers at the villa, I just didn't feel like making the drive from Coral Bay to Cruz Bay again.


Final full day. Breakfast in the villa (waffles again!) then back to Trunk Bay for the day. We love this beach. There's a little wave action and if you go left you can avoid the crowd. I snorkel the trail but the other side of the island is empty and there are a ton of fish on that side too. Then I head to the left side of the beach where the snuba people go. I see a stingray and follow it around for a while. We finally decide to pack up and check out the Westin just to see it. Too busy there for me, I like our villa better. Back to the villa for a little pool time then get cleaned up for dinner.

We were going to try LaTapa but again I didn't feel like trekking back to Cruz Bay so we hit Shipwreck Landing again. We kind of get an attitude at first from the waitress but then she warms up to us. We notice she gives an attitude to the locals sitting by us so we figure she's having a bad day. Now the fun starts.

A group of three couples sits by us. We are in the corner near the street. All of the sudden a Suzuki sidekick stops in the street and a local man, who we later learn is "Buster", gets out and starts screaming about racist MFers. We figure out he is yelling at the group next to us. Buster keeps screaming "You racist MFers, I'll kill you." Buster then produces a knife from his back pocket and is waving it around screaming, "I'll kill you, you racist MFers." It's a good sized knife. The guys in the group next to us keep giving Buster the evil eye and smirking at him. We hear one of the guys say they got into it with Buster last night at a bar and Buster pulled a knife on them there. The group was obviously tourists, they looked to be in there late 40s. One of the guys wants to take a picture of Buster waving his knife but the waitress says that will make him madder. Buster then runs up the fence by the front of the restaurant and screams at the guys, "Come on MFers, I'll kill you." I'm glad Buster is only mad at them. We are eating desert, this goes on for about 10 or 15 minutes, then Buster gets in his car and it looks like he is getting ready to leave, but wait he gets back out and opens his hood. Now Buster has a gun. Half the restaurant runs into the back kitchen. I keep eating my cheesecake, mmmm cheesecake. Buster has a problem with the guys next to us not me, I hope he has good aim. I decide maybe I should seek cover too. Buster finally leaves. We pay and decide to leave too. A family is quickly departing and another family's kid is crying. That's it for excitement.


Pack up and head out. After a few hour delay because of a broken door on the plane we make it home with a great Buster story!

We loved Reef Madness, I recommend Cloud 9 sailboat and Captain Jason, Cafe Roma, Ocean Grill and Shipwreck Landing are all good. I must admit we probably won't go back to St. John so you can say we "Don't get it." But that's OK because we loved Alaska and when we came back from Alaska we considered moving there so to each their own. The beaches are great at St. John we loved the blue water. It would take over a week to hit all the beaches and see everything.
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Post by mbw1024 »

wow - interesting Buster story :!:
Glad you enjoyed Reef Madness!
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Post by CariBert »

Thanks for the report! Are pictures to come soon, or was the Canon you lost the only camera you had with you? Bummer!! Interesting "Buster' story.

I admit, Alaska is beautiful country, but I sort of like to be able to swim to shore if I had to and not die of hypothermia within seconds of hitting the water.......brrrrrr.

Although, it sounds like you "got it", but you just don't recognize it....LOL...

Thanks again for posting your report!

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Post by flip-flop »

Will you please post this over on Tripadvisor too so people will stop visiting STJ ;) Sorry Ruth and Pia I know that is TERRIBLY selfish of me!

52 days till my next trip and 350 or so till the one after that!
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Post by Pia »

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by RickG »

Sounds like a fun trip. We usually eat early at Shipwreck Landing, so we miss the floor show. It's a great place!

Cheers, RickG
S/V Echoes - Coral Bay - St. John, VI
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Post by PA Girl »

As a former bartender/waitress in some pretty colorful establishments, it takes a lot for me to pay attention to the ramble-rousers and I would have been cr_pping my pants over "Buster!"

Reef Madness is on our list as soon as our son gets old enough.
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Post by Berlingirl »

Sorry you didn't "get it" Gavin, would have to honestly say if that was my first experience, I'd be all set myself. Don't care much for the sound of the "Buster" show. Especially as this is a family vacation for us and we don't want our kids exposed to that type of "show". We really are more Westin hotel type of people so we're happy there, we've stayed at Gallows and rented a villa and a Westin timeshare also. We love the beaches and no, the first time we went to Francis we didn't get it either, we got it after going time and time again. Now it's one of our top choices. DD's is Trunk so we spend lots of time there also. Your villa did sound nice...sign me...more in tune with the Cruz side of the island then the Coral...lastly, the peoples attitudes...usually we just kill them with kindness...usually works. Hoping to make it to Alaska one day myself.
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Post by iowaguy »

Thanks for the report, gavinman. Wow----we've been to St. John 8 times and have never had any stories like the Buster story----that would make me very nervous.

I'm personally not fond of the phrase about "getting St. John" because, to me, it implies something negative if you didn't "get it." Some people love St. John (like me), others don't love it quite so much---its not for everyone, and thats OK. I did wonder, based on your report, if you might have been happier in Cruz Bay where there are a few more dinner options. I'm glad you liked your villa---Reef Madness looks great.

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Post by gavinman »

iowaguy wrote:I'm personally not fond of the phrase about "getting St. John" because, to me, it implies something negative if you didn't "get it." Some people love St. John (like me), others don't love it quite so much---
It's probably also me. I'm more the type that thinks life is short and I want to see as much of the world as possible. We are planning to hit the blue waters of the carribean again. The wife wants a resort next time. So I'm researching another country or island we can get to easily, where I can snorkel and maybe learn scuba and she can hang out at the beach. It was a great trip and thanks to Buster one we'll never forget.
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Post by Berlingirl »

Gavin...your wife would probably love the Cayman islands, lots of beautiful resorts and fantastic scuba and snorkeling for yourself. :D Understand the "getting it" part is different for all folks. Lots of people like varied experiences, some of us are creatures of habit. Some are also older and STJ has become a favorite... :lol:
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Post by sherban »

Thanks for the report and openess. We were at Shipwreck last wednesday and there was a raving lunatic there at about 2PM screaming at a woman there and also a guy and a kid...all locals I think. No weapons. I figured he was a crack head in need of a rock...probably be in jail or the ground soon.

I liked shipwreck, the food and service was good!

I never likeed the "I get it" either because I get it usually means you understand which is tied to intellegence, education, saavy, etc...what-ever...

I guess "I get" alot of places because I love something about everyplace I go from Boston to Key West to Hawaii to St John to Europe....

For resorts I have personal friends who swear by the DR and also Jamaica...I'm sure I could "get" both those places myself too. Aruba was fun for us also. :D
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Post by toni »

Thanks for doing a report! Trip reports are always helpful, both the good and the bad and the "crazy man" kind. I loved Alaska when we visited, so I can relate to that :) The first time we came to SJ I wasn't too excited about it either, but gave it another chance. Hey, if we all liked the same place to vacation, it would be a pretty crowded vacation spot! :D
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Post by gavinman »

flip-flop wrote:Will you please post this over on Tripadvisor too so people will stop visiting STJ...

I would not discourage anyone from visiting St. John. This was my second trip there, third to the USVI, I went to St Thomas for work twice. The beaches are great and I loved the villa experience. Now it's on to somewhere else.
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