California Girl's Trip Report - Part Two w/ Pictures

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California Girl

California Girl's Trip Report - Part Two w/ Pictures

Post by California Girl »

Trip Report - Part Two, Day Two - Sunday, May 6th

It rained REALLY hard last night. It woke us up and it sounded wonderful coming down on the wooden roof. It came in waves over a couple of hours, with each wave not lasting any longer than 10 or 15 minutes. Then as it was beginning get light out, the winds picked up to what almost seemed like gale force. Like the rain, the wind didn't last long, either, and we had a beautiful day ahead of us.

For some reason I wasn't affected by the 3 hr. time difference and I was awake and up at 7:30 a.m. It's kind of like that "kid on Christmas Morning" kind of excitement, I guess. The plan was to go to Miss Lucy's for Sunday Brunch. I thought other DBFTer's were going to be there and I wanted to get there around 9:30 so we could get a good table in the shade. Uhhh... well, Rick got up at 9:00 and Sharon rolled out at 10:00. No one but me said we had to be there at 9:30. I'm on island time now, so what's the big hurry? So we got to Miss Lucy's at 11-ish.

What a trippy sign! I just love it!

I didn't see anyone I recognized from the forum, and no one seemed to recognize me. All the tables outside were taken, except one in the sun, so we went inside and got the first table inside the door. It was actually very nice. Same great view, screened-in, not in the sun, close to the music. We're happy :D



Warning!! Food Porn!!

Rick had Eggs Neptune

And I had Banana Pancakes - with REAL bananas, by the way! - and a Lime n' Coconut.

Sharon had a bowl of fresh fruit. Rick said his Eggs Neptune was good and my banana pancakes were SOO YUMMY!!

We were just about finished, bill paid and gathering up our cameras and such, and Rick says, "I think some of your friends just arrived." and I said, "Yeah? Who do you think it is?" and he said, "2 girls with Jorge caps on."


It was so great to meet Kellyanna and Wontongirl! Everyone introduced their spouses and friends and we all talked for a few minutes. Then they grabbed a table outside and we took off and drove out to Little Lameshur just to see it. It's neat out there, some day I'll have to go back with my snorkel gear and "staying a while" in mind :D

On the way back, we stopped at the Jolly Dog and checked out all the t-shirts and other touristy stuff (I'm such a tourist! I admit it! I like tourist crap... the kitchier the better. Well, maybe not salt & pepper shakers) Who should come along but Kellee and Tammy and their crew. We talked some more about who we'd seen from the forum so far and who we planned to see, what we had planned to do and Kellee's little Mary Margaret. :D They were still shopping when we left the Jolly Dog.

We decided to stop by the villa and pick up the bug zapper for the ride in the car, and then drove in to Cruz Bay to pay a visit on Ruth & Ron at St. John Spice. I had a bunch of stuff to give Ruth including a DBFT t-shirt from FlaGeorge and a string of authentic Moko Jumbie Mardi Gras beads caught by nothintolose her very self at the Mardi Gras parade this year! Ruth seemed a little stunned at all the stuff I laid on her that day :shock: LOL! But we had such fun talking about the forum and all the great people she gets to meet from here! If I had the cajones to move down there, I'd love to work for Ruth. I'd love to meet all the people from the forum and the tourists. I bet you'd meet a lot of real characters!

When we left St. John Spice, we strolled down to Mongoose Junction - I just love that place. When I took these pictures, I didn't realize that was Kellyanna in the cowboy hat at the Gecko Gazebo!


See Kellee up there in her Kenny Chesney hat?

We saw just about the entire DBF Tour at the Gecko Gazebo. It was a very happy accident! Jorge and Barbara are warm and loving people (with frisky eyes!), Paula and Jeff and Billy are really nice, too (I don't remember seeing Patricia there). Kellee and Tammy and their gang were having a blast! I tickled Jorge's ankles like a bug when we were coming up the stairs because he didn't see us coming, when he turned around and looked down, it was like seeing an old friend again for the first time! (is that an oxymoron?) There's no better description. Barbara said, "You need a drink!" and shoved some frozen concoction that tasted heavenly into my hand! Jorge said the plan was for everyone meet at The Beach Bar at 4:00 so we should try to make it.

Jorge and Rick on the stairs at the Gecko Gazebo

Rick and Kellee

Sharon & Rick & I shopped for a bit then wandered back toward The Beach Bar. We were all starving by now and we all voted for a "real lunch" instead of bar food, so we thought we'd try out the Banana Deck. We had a late lunch, a drink or two and listened to the music from The Beach Bar. After lunch, we went down to The Beach Bar and Jorge, Barbara and Billy and Tim & Kathy had just shown up. We also met BoatsRUs and Pia and Les. I may have met others, but I just can't remember now (sorry). (Good thing I have pictures to remind me of these things!)

BOATSRUS, Les, Pia, Kathy, Tim, Billy, Margo, Jorge

We didn't even really have a drink at The Beach Bar. It was really crowded, we were sort of tired from going, going, going all day, so we shopped in Low Key and headed back to the villa. None of us wanted dinner, and still imprisoned inside by the mosquitoes, we just watched some TV and crashed.

Big early day tomorrow with Captain Phil on The Wayward Sailor!
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Post by LSU Beach Tiger »

Great trip report. The brunch at Ms. Lucy's looked yummy, especially yours. Keep em coming :!:
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Post by Jan&MikeVa »

Great report!! I'm moving on to installment #3, see ya over there.

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Post by waterguy »

Thanks for the report.
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Post by sea-nile »

Great report and I love the pictures. That is so neat that you got to meet all of those forum people!
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Post by mbw1024 »

fun times! I love Miss Lucy's sign. Might need to get there next time!
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Post by kellyanna »

Margo, again, thank you for letting me hug Rick! Love your report!

Post by obsessedmuch »

Great report! How fun!

Now all I can think about are banana pancakes. :)
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Post by nothintolose »

Great report and great pics! I feel like I am there with you! Keep it coming!

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Post by patr »

Great report so far, keep 'em coming!

I love those BP at Miss Lucy's, the music and the ambience. What a great place!

~~Longing to be back on St. John~~
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Post by cypressgirl »

I read #3 first, but I really enjoyed this one and love seeing the faces that go with the names. I didn't realize your name is Margo. I guess I missed it somewhere along the way.

Thanks again for sharing!
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Post by VaGirl »

Great reports, Margo, and like Cypressgirl says, it's wonderful having the pictures to put names and faces together. Glad all of you could catch up with one another!
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