Tourist killed after being caught in gang crossfire

Travel discussion for St. John
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Post by Jorge »

:arrow: :?:
Last edited by Jorge on Sun Jul 18, 2010 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by cocosmom »

WOW, concealed weapons & even thinking of cutting people up. Just can't relate...sorry. I live between Baltimore & Washington hardly the woods, but do never felt the need for all that.
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Post by XOXO »

#2 I propose this question; In today's Over hyped, over media world we live ,are we more acutely aware of all the goings on in the world with the continual media barrage of stories we never had 20 years ago.
I am not so sure. I think there are a lot of cover-ups.

Jorge, it really bothers me that you don't feel safe either. I have been questioning myself wondering if I was too cautious. I guess it just solidifies my gut feeling. Darn it.

About feeling safe on the islands; sure we have felt safe on every vacation with the exception of Puerto Rico. Just because we felt safe didn't mean that we were. The opposite is true also. What I am looking for is a police department that is doing their job and I am not seeing it.

My husband reminded me of something last night. Some of you might remember on our last trip our St. John neighbors rolled their jeep. It took forever for the police to show up. When they finally got there they didn't want to write a report. Our neighbor insisted on a report so the police told him to come the next day and pick it up. He got there 30 minutes after they were suppose to be open and no one was there. After they finally opened he was treated hostilely. The report wasn't done. They told him to come back the next day. He was scheduled to leave. He stopped for the report before getting on the ferry and no one was there even though they told him their hours the day before. He ended up leaving without the report. He turned it over to his insurance company (credit card company), who also was treated rudely and had problems getting the report. The reason I am sharing this is to point out that the police system needs and overhaul. They are not there for their citizens.

Aruba, I am not going there. Not just because of Natalie, but what happened afterwards. The police didn't do their job.

I am going to continue researching.

Last edited by XOXO on Sun Jul 18, 2010 1:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by nascarfan59 »

I apparently look like a drug user since I been approached many of times while on STJ by locals trying to sell. Several times a cop was just a few feet away. God forbid they leave the comfort of the A/C. I too here at home always a gun within reach and would not hesitate to use it if someone broke into my home. Next year I will be vacationing on another island to be determined later with by brother Jorge. Nuf said.

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Post by CindyM »

We are on the car barge leaving St. John right now. Husband and girls just watched someone take something out of an unlocked car at mongoose junction. We also saw a guy walking around town this morning that followed the girls and I into a few stores as we shopped the other night. The girls both commented that they felt safer at our villa than in town. Smart girls for just being 17~
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Post by lv2fish »

Moring All:
I posted this on the VIMoving center board yesterday - I have a sense that what's going on with tthe VIPD beyond the posibility of covering for related gang memebrs & incompetence, and compancency might also be similar to the Government/ Police higher-ups in Dominica. Why the hell in this day in age of concerns over "climate change, global warning etc. etc - are the VIPD driving around in A/C's SUVs anyway - they're eberywhere but where are the suvvessful outcomes oftheir so called public service ?! I am steamed :evil: , sorry. ... 676,page=3

lv2fish [ PM ]
Re: Koki beach shootout
July 17, 2010 09:03AM Registered: 5 months ago
Posts: 10

Does anyone know if the notion of placing a rotating LIVE webcam has been suggested as part of the UVI Gov't.
Coki Beach revamp project? If not - maybe this should be suggested to GOV De Jong & the VIPD.

On a related note, I am a frequent visitor to the isalnad of Dominica thus the appeal of the USVI, and found this link from the Cruise Cruitic message Forum, in a nutshell it suggesting per the Domincan Magistarte that , "high officials run local drug trade ". I am NOT a USVI local but I do own an investment older condo in STJ. We almost bought in STT @ Sapphire Beach Resort & Sapphire Hill Village - what stopped us was the growing violent crime stats - we'd been real estate monitoring/ shopping STT & STJ since 2004 - looking at properties twice in 2004 & again this past FEB. 2010, ultimately we had a gut instuinct that STJ was a safer investment. Our decision to buy on STJ was at least 95% based on our perceptions and review of crime stats being relatively lower on STJ.

Can any long term locals speculate on the dynamics of the root cause (s) of what is perceived as, OR at least leaves the impression that government & local police are incompetent, turn a blind eye due to corruption (as in Dominca, LINK here


related to the (criminal offending) gang members themselves and turn a blind eye (or fear for their own lives). I am not dismissing nor minimizing the socio-economic contributing factors (like poor parenting, family values, illegitmate births) - even here in the 48 contiguous states that is a huge issue - BUT our violent crime RATES/ population stats in NO way compare with STT.

While there is yet to be wide spread television media network/; cable news ocverage here in the mid atalantic region at least, you should be aware if you're not already that this topical discussion has gone VIRAL on Trip Advisor and it's partner site Forum - at just a glance there are at least (and I am sure this is an underestimation) 20 threads on the various forum categories (from Caribbean/ STT/STJ portsof call board through Royal Caribean cruiseline whose Oasis ships holds a disgustingly number of about 5,000 passengers visting STT weekly) - there are an estimated minimum number of views in excessive of 15,000 on that forum alone, and this is NOT an over exageration. So expsure & awareness to the problem is out there and being read and discussed.
*excuse any typos I missed
Welcome comments, speculation!
Have a blessed & safe weekend all.
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Post by Pia »

I know Jorge is no longer here on the forum so therefore will not be reading this, but what I would have said, and will say to anyone else who feels the same way is that it is not to late to change your vacation destination for a scheduled trip in November - Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas even next week. Will you be out a few dollars - yes, but will it be worth it - probably. I hate to think of anyone using hard earned money for a vacation that they feel less than happy with and feel they will have the constant feeling of unease and stress - I mean what kind of vacation is that.

Do I feel safe - yes, do I hitchhike - yes, do I pick up hitchhikers - yes, has the island changed for me - no. Please, I really, really don't mean to lessen anyone concerns I just think no one should feel obligated to visit a place when they can't wait for it to be over and to move on to another island.

Just something to think about.

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Post by susan & herb »

I just posted that we have a new ticker for May 2011 but just wanted to share regarding the crime that has hit a lot of the caribbean islands.
This May we were looking for a change and chose Eleuthera to visit. I did lots of research and it sounded like a place similar even less touristy than ST John which it was. Nice friendly people, very little crime great beaches.
Well we found all this to be true although I do prefer STJ as the scenery and terrain are nicer.
Well, we were robbed while we slept in our house. They cut the screen on the porch to my sisters bedroom and came in thru the sliding door that she had open so she could hear the ocean.
The took my hook bracelet and money. Thank God she did not wake up. I have to tell you I still have trouble thinking about the incident. The police I am told did catch the persons as they had hit 2 other houses on the beach where we were staying. The took a rental car,went into the house and grabbed the keys. We of course are still waiting for the police report. It's been 6 weeks, but it's island time which I knew would be the case and they also were busy capturing the "barefoot bandit"
We were told by some on the island that after the quake in Haiti a lot of people left and came to the other small islands and that they are the ones that are committing these crimes.
I guess seeing this happen on another island besides St John has made me feel that I must go where I want to spend my vacation but be aware of my surroundings and not pretend that "paradise" does not have it's drawbacks.

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Post by Berlingirl »

Susan...sorry to hear of your robbery in the out islands in the Bahamas. Yes, agree that crime is just about every where.

I told my husband about this thread...he doesn't read forums, but he gave me his opinion, which is..basically, things really haven't changed all that much in the past 5 to 10 years. It's just that people have been made more aware of them. They were there, we all knew they were there, we just didn't want to face them because we loved the destination (in our case the USVI) so much we didn't care as it hadn't personally affected us. We ignored the attacks and robberies of other tourists on STJ and STT. We rented a villa in April on STJ and the rep who checked us in told us that in order to have a cross breeze we had to open the big back door in the living room. However, Don't even think about leaving it open while you are gone or even while you are sleeping. Also, we ate at the Lime inn and had a our USVI Daily with us. Rich asked..why are you even reading it?? It's just full of crime...I asked really, is it as bad as it sounds?..he said...It's worse.

The USVI's are not the only place with crime that we've run into. We went to Galley Bay in Antigua a couple of years ago...on the ride to the property, our taxi cab driver told us of the jobs, bloods and crips now controling the island crime is abundant. Then last year I think it was there was the murder of a cruise passenger there which caused the cruise lines to stop their visits,plus a breakin murder of a honeymooning British couple at their villa.

In Aruba...we were blasted by the security guard for not keeping our balcony lanai door locked at night...
he said even if we were not looking for trouble, with the door unlocked it would find us.

In Hawaii, a few years back, we drove the road to Hana...passed a spot with a beautiful pool and waterfall. We parked and ran down to it...thought we had found heaven. We hadn't noticed the white van parked to a side of a bridge above it. Sitting on the bridge was a lady (the lookout). Hiding below were two guys by the water, we thought they were workers taking a break from work. WRONG. My husand caught it first...One started up the side of the hill towards our car. Another started towards us. Long story short, we bolted...husband went first...I threw DD after him...jumped up the side of that muddy hill and we were lucky that day, but came close to disaster.

A number of years ago, I was on a cruise that stopped in Jamaica...There were gunshots in the market area and we had to run back to the RCCL ship...

Walking in Paris a couple of summmers ago on the Champs Elysees, I was caught between pickpockets..I recognized the set up as I'd read about it...Ploy, do you speak English was the question I was asked by one to slow me down...I screamed no and started to run. Husband said, I called it perfectly,

Really, there is crime everywhere. I could go on and on with just our experiences.

My business is selling travel. I am NOT mentioning that because I seek no clients here. Really, everybody here is a capable travel agent for themselves.

I counsel people all the time who are not sure about where they want to go, do, see, etc. I always caution people that no matter where they do, always look over your shoulders. For nervous clients, nothing is wrong with the all inclusive experiences.
I know what islands love us and what islands hate us. Same for destinations.

Pia...wouldn't worry about Jorge not reading the forum..he has his mind made up and whilst I'm not a gun toting gal myself I don't want to mess with his 2nd Amendment rights. I don't know what brought him to his unhappiness about the USVI, but oh well, it's his loss.
Hoping for a USVI ticker in 2013!
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Post by sherban »

A common way to quantify and manage risks is to use a tool like an FMEA...the key idea being quantification of the rate of occurance and the severity of the risk (there is usually a detctability quantification also but I'm gonna skip that for now)...although a bit technical and maybe obscure to most, this makes alot of sense because it helps to eliminate invalid comparisons/conclusions. The data for crime on the various islands is probably inaccesible and likely frought with incorrect/missing info....

That said I feel one of the most important things to look at when the discussion of "Island safety" comes up is WHAT TYPES OF CRIME you are trying to understand/avoid. If it is all crime then stay at home. Petty theft occurs everywhere, every island and every city. Don't let that freak you out.
Now, escalate from more severe categories of crime and ask if those types of crimes exist in your destination and if they often?
The only type of crime that wreally worries me is intentional violent crimes against tourists...that is what I will avoid at all costs. There are islands out there where bad guys are holding up tourists with guns or knives or beating them up...or murdering them.

I get most of my info from the various travel forums, go to a spefic forum and search for things like "attack, gun, robbery, etc.)

IMO- theft, unintentional harm to toursists, and intentional violent crime against tourists are very different things and should not be mixed/confused.

As far as Aruba goes...that Island is the friendliest I have ever been to, period. There was one very unfortunate incident where a partying young lady intentionally got in a car with several young men and drove off with them at ~2AM and was never seen heart goes out to the family (of course) but this poses no risk to me.
IMO- stay away from the islands that have intentional violent crimes against tourists...I have my list...example- I was considering SXM Vs STT for 2010, I chose to go to STT.
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Post by Larry »

Jorge was pretty negative as is (also he was a brand new member) so don't take what he says seriously. I doub't he really carries weapons and cuts people up, he just wants to get a rise out of everyone. Enjoy the sun.
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Post by Terry »

Uh, Larry...sorry but Jorge is not a brand new member. :roll:
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Post by Teresa_Rae »

Larry wrote:Jorge was pretty negative as is (also he was a brand new member) so don't take what he says seriously. I doub't he really carries weapons and cuts people up, he just wants to get a rise out of everyone. Enjoy the sun.
Jorge has been around here longer than most of us. He took a hiatus from the forum and was back recently.
He's one of the most well known personalities on this forum :)
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Post by Larry »

Teresa_Rae wrote:
Larry wrote:Jorge was pretty negative as is (also he was a brand new member) so don't take what he says seriously. I doub't he really carries weapons and cuts people up, he just wants to get a rise out of everyone. Ignore the nut. Enjoy the sun.
Jorge has been around here longer than most of us. He took a hiatus from the forum and was back recently.
He's one of the most well known personalities on this forum :)
Oh well, he's still threatened to cut people into pieces and place them into 7 dumpsters. He needs to return to hiatus.
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Post by Pia »

I guess Jorge is still reading the forum as I just received an email from him and his only words were "kiss my white a**" Sorry that he feels this way - I don't believe I made a personal attack on him (or any other person reading) I was simply pointing out that no one should feel forced to continue with their plans to vacation here if they are not comfortable - such a shame.

Realtor - St John Properties
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