island time is mainland money -the true value of time on STJ

Travel discussion for St. John
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Post by Greenskeeper »

Terry wrote:It seems from a few on this post that STJ has become like "crack". I agree that it is the most beautiful island in the North American area. However is there another island in the world that compares? Probably not.

We had to break the addiction a few years back and tell ourselves that it is a Big World and we need to explore other countries. To our amazement, we can travel to other countries cheaper than we can to STJ.

We're getting older and there is so much to see. Bucket list is growing. But we continue to share experiences of STJ with friends that have not been and they are intrigued and will be visiting in the future.

It's the old verbage of pass it forward.

As far as budgeting for a trip. we budget, but while there, throw the budget's once in a lifetime experience.
I hear what you are saying Terry. We've struggled with the idea of doing more cultural vacations. But we always come back to the same thought process: we have 7 to 10 days per year, in the middle of February and that's it. Our business, kids schedules and budget preclude us from travelling other times of the year. We bought a home at the beach so to use the few long weekends we take off would be counterproductive to why we bought the house. Someday we'd like to do a house exchange in the summer and see Italy but it's not in the cards yet. Until then, the laid back vacations we take in STJ are what we look forward to. We've traveled to other warm weather destinations in winter and found that STJ was by far the best that we had experienced.
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Post by tashtego »

This topic is very interesting. I like seeing how how trips compare to others. We have been to St John 3 times, the 4th is coming in about 3 weeks. Here is how the four of us do it for about 10 days:
1600 Airfare from TVC (cashed in some miles)
60 parking at airport
600 Hotel in St Thomas first and last night
1250 Camping at Cinnamon bay (Tent for 3 nights cottage for 5 nights)
576 Car rental (we like the freedom even if we dont use it every day)
600 Day sail (gonna try Dreamweaver this year)
140 ferry and taxi fares
550 food, dinner and lunches out (we try to shop at starfish and eat out about three or four times)
500 for booze, shirts, souveniers, and stuff.
So our budjet is about 5800 for the trip. Seems like a lot, but with the kids in thier teens, we know there is a finite amount of family vacations before college, marriages, and grandkids kick in. I guess we got to do it while we can.
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Post by Terry »

Agreed that we are at a different stage in our life. Kids have been out of college for years, engaged in their careers and making more $ than us. Just the two of us on vacation now. We're still working and have the extra income to travel anywhere for several weeks. I receive 4 wks paid vacation per year with 3 weeks of paid time off on top of the 4 weeks. Hubby is self employed and can take off whenever he wants.

Took our kids with us on all vacations when they lived at home. Only discovered STJ after they were in college. They weren't interested in going with us then. We weren't cool enough yet. Now they would love it, but they travel to Europe instead.

I hope they see STJ someday to know what our addiction was all about.
Last edited by Terry on Mon Mar 15, 2010 6:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by iowaguy »

I just wanted to chime in and say I got a kick out of Terry's analogy. I admit it--I'm a crackhead. And one or two of my kids love STJ too----guess that makes them crack-babies:) (apologies to Lex for my smiley-face).
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Post by stjdeb »

What I love about this island is that all visitors I have met (and Island residents too!) have all been so welcoming and friendly. You can't tell if they have a smaller budget and staying at Cinnamon or Maho, or if they have a mini mansion in Peter Bay. Because it is a certain type of person that loves the vibe of the island - financial differences or classes goes out the window. Frankly, truth be told, I think we all spend more than we want and no one is really sorry for doing it, and will do it again on the next trip.

Can not do a vacation this year, hubby and I both lost our jobs, still looking, but unemployment is still very high in our area. It's rough, but I do hope we only have to miss one year! LOL (okay, maybe a little spoiled).

At any rate, enjoy it while you can and have a cocktail for us! We will meet in the future!
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