a question about doors for villa owners and renters

Travel discussion for St. John
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Joined: Fri Mar 01, 2013 8:03 am

Re: a question about doors for villa owners and renters

Post by jpm »

As a neighbor of both Coconuts and Plumeria, I agree with Kevin's discussion about windows/doors in the Gifft Hill area. We also have a house near Hart Bay where the prevailing wind caused major problems. The problems were the fixed window panes in the 4 French doors facing east and no a/c in the great room. The result was both we and guests would open the doors to be comfortable. Invariably on windy days, lamps (some quite heavy) would blow over breaking bulbs and squashing lampshades. (For a while, we had a budget for lamp replacement.) The problem was solved by making the 2 end French doors immovable and changing out the fixed panes for louvers in all 4 doors, which control the wind from the east. The great room is quite comfortable now and we have not had any damage to lamps. BTW our neighbors, who also face east, have sliders, cannot control the wind, and use a/c much of the time.
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Joined: Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:55 pm

Re: a question about doors for villa owners and renters

Post by LarryJT »

The first time we stayed on St. John, the villa rep. made a big deal about the doors and the lock, and how not to break them. I think I'm as responsible as the next guy. But hey I'm on vacation, don't really need to worry about this stuff.
My advice....keep it simple. If your renting, go lower budget, you'll sleep better
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