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Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:25 pm
by shoemak38
djmom wrote:I hope I didn't offend anyone. The way I look at it is that this forum has good people and I trust your personal experiences more than a medical forum of people that I don't "know" at all. I don't need advice from a doctor (I have that.) I wanted to hear what it really was like to have the surgery, or to hear other advice from real people.
I think you pretty well summed up the nuances of the off-topic forum. It's a relaxed, non-egotistical place to ask questions about subjects where we are soliciting objective viewpoints to help us make decisions. egotistical people cannot comprehend how a group of random people can make this work. Good luck with your decision

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:51 am
by PA Girl
DonnaM wrote:I know 2 people who had the endometrial ablation and it worked quite well.
My mom and one of my close friends were pleased with this procedure, said it made a world of difference. Djmom - Both did it for the same problem you are experiencing.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:17 pm
by mindehankins
I had an ablation maybe 10 (?) years ago. I don't remember it being any worse than a D&C. Neither were a big deal. The ablation worked.

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:07 pm
by LysaC
djmom wrote:No see um sounds like the most unhappy person on the most beautiful island on earth. I took a good look at it myself. Let's drive by an empty jar on a mailbox every day for two months. And do nothing about it but post a complaint about when is someone going to do something about it.

Seriously, my uterus is way more interesting.
That's so freakin funny :).

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:03 am
by Backtotheislands
Best thing I ever did! My dr. had me scheduled 2 years before I had my hyst. done and I canceled due to the horror stories I found online. Weight gain, lack of libido? No thanks! I was miserable! Never knew when my period would hit or how long it would be, but spent more time having one than not. I couldn't wear light colored pants! My dr. had me on all kinds of hormone therapies and I was miserable! He finally gave me no choice when my hemoglobin dropped below 7. I was scared to death. I had cysts, fibroids, and had endometriosis for years. Mine was complete and I felt so much better afterward I wondered why I'd waited so long. If you need it don't be afraid. I even wear white now!

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:12 am
by Florida Girl
I had a complete hysterectomy at the age of 35 due to an ovarian tumor the size of a volleyball!! Fortunately it didn't turn cancerous, but it was close! It had to be done, it wasn't a choice in my case. Since we had already decided not to have any children, it was no big deal in that regard, it was just scary because of the possible cancer.

I've never looked back, and I think it was one of the best things I've ever done! Since I didn't want kids, what's the point of having all that plumbing?? I went on Premarin for about 20 yrs. and when I turned 55 I was off of it. I never went through any type of menopause symptons (hot flashes, etc.) and I haven't had to deal with periods or those terrible cramps since. How nice it's been not to have to plan my vacations around my period!! :)

As my mother used to say, "take out the baby carriage but leave the play pen!" (obviously it's an old saying! haha!)

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:30 pm
by stjdeb
Backtotheislands wrote:Best thing I ever did! My dr. had me scheduled 2 years before I had my hyst. done and I canceled due to the horror stories I found online. Weight gain, lack of libido? No thanks! I was miserable! Never knew when my period would hit or how long it would be, but spent more time having one than not. I couldn't wear light colored pants! My dr. had me on all kinds of hormone therapies and I was miserable! He finally gave me no choice when my hemoglobin dropped below 7. I was scared to death. I had cysts, fibroids, and had endometriosis for years. Mine was complete and I felt so much better afterward I wondered why I'd waited so long. If you need it don't be afraid. I even wear white now!
I can relate to this! I, too, can now wear white! Really, because everyone is so different, Im sure you will make the decision that works best for you. As far as negative replies go? Ignore them, take what you need from a supportive and resourceful group and leave the dirty dishes on the table! I know I don't post often, but read almost daily. I only respond to things that I feel people can use. Most topics regarding St. John, have responses from so many people more knowledgable than me, I don't offer my two cents. So, there is my 2 cents! Good luck and stay well.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:02 am
by linne
I donĀ“t have any experiences with hysterectomy, but just want to say that it makes the Off Topic Forum
more interesting that so many different matters are discussed here.


Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 4:51 pm
by chicagoans
djmom wrote:... Seriously, my uterus is way more interesting.
Seriously, that just cracked me up!

Anyway, speaking as someone now 50 years old who is facing those lovely getting older issues but refuses to let them slow her down or wreck a vacation... I went on the pill a few years ago even tho I don't need it for preventing pregnancy (DH has had a vasectomy.) Lowest dose possible and it keeps everything predictable. I'll do this until my doc says no more. I'm just sharing this (OK some might say oversharing) in case it gives you another option to consider and discuss with your doctor.

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 6:23 pm
by djmom
Thanks chicagoans, and yes I have tried that. It worked really, really well but I discontinued because I have a few risk factors for stroke and DVT. I stopped the pill about 1 1/2 years ago and all hell broke loose after that.

But for anyone else going through this, yes, it was really effective and I wish I could have stayed on it.

So, I have seen the doctor and have to wait three weeks for an ultrasound (which is seeming like an eternity). And of course during the waiting, the mind starts working and worrying about all other diseases/conditions that cause these symptoms.... :roll:

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:28 am
by needmesomesun
Hi Djmom - I applaud your openness. Sometimes it is so helpful to others when things that used to be taboo to talk about are brought out into the open. I have a quick question:

Does a hormonal iud or that cervical ring have the same risk (as far as stroke and DVT) as being on the pill?

Also, having to wait three weeks for an ultrasound in the US in 2012 is really appalling. I am sorry you have to worry about this for that long!

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:11 am
by Marcia (Mrs. Pete)
needmesomesun wrote: Does a hormonal iud or that cervical ring have the same risk (as far as stroke and DVT) as being on the pill?

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:14 pm
by djmom
needmesomesun, I'm not sure if the wait is because it is a "routine" ultrasound, where my doctor just needs a confirmation that my fibroids have grown, or if it is an excessive wait.

I did call and ask for an earlier one and they said I could, but the doctor wouldn't be there that day. The doctor likes to be there to talk to her patients after and to take a look herself if needed.

So I decided to just wait and figured it would be harder to have the ultrasound, watch the tech do her thing and me "interpret" her reactions (cause she won't be able to tell me anything) and wait a couple of weeks to see the doctor. If I just wait the three weeks I'll hopefully have all the info laid out and I can decide what to do at the same time.

I'm hoping if the doctor felt something suspicious that she would have made the ultrasound happen sooner. Although I'm not quite sure so that is why I'm fretting over it.

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:48 pm
by sea-nile
The laproscopic hysterectomy that I had in 2008 was the best thing I ever did. PM me if you want details. I don't want to get into trouble.

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:59 pm
by mindehankins
In my personal and professional experience, if the doc doesn't balk at a long wait for a diagnostic study, he/she is pretty certain that he/she knows the answer already, and it isn't anything medically urgent. Personally urgent for you, but not medically urgent.
I'd start researching the most like diagnosis and most likely procedures, so you go in with some opinion.
I like emedicine/medscape, and if you surf through the technical talk, I'd give you my user name and password, cause I use the professionals side of the site.
Just PM me if you want them.