Snorkeling flotation?

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Nic in KC
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Snorkeling flotation?

Post by Nic in KC »

We plan to snorkel at Waterlemon during this next trip and while Jason and I are both strong swimmers, I prefer to have something for flotation should I get tired or the current be extremely strong. Don't really want to drag life jackets with us.

I've heard people mention snorkel belts. Is that like a water skiing belt? What other types of flotation that are easy to pack do you use to snorkel? We have our own snorkel gear, but is there anywhere to rent something for a safety net on the day we go out to Waterlemon?

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Post by alw1977 »

Nic -

Just curious, have you been to Waterlemon before? We were just there a couple of weeks ago and I had no issues whatsoever with the swim. I don't consider myself a strong swimmer - decent - but not strong by any means. The current was fine (a bit noticeable but nothing to stress about) and if you get tired, you can just hover at the top with your gear on. Honestly, you are never far from the shore except for a brief swim across the deeper water, and once at Waterlemon, there is a beach to rest on. I typically suggest "knowing your limits" and following them, but I thought Waterlemon was a piece of cake - pretty much like snorkeling Trunk. That's just my opinion and I know currents can differ depending on the day.

If you really feel like you need a flotation device, I saw them for rent on the island, I think at Everyting, the store connected to Gallows Point resort. Here's what they look like (scroll down to snorkel belt):
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Post by wink1134 »

this might sound kind of funny, but here's what we used for snorkeling.. We went to Wal-Mart and bought those really cheap (about $1) round kiddy inner tubes. They are maybe 12 inches across. They pack super easy - just blow them up (with maybe 3 or 4 breathes) at the beach and you're ready to go! We didn't intend for them to be 'life-saving' devices, but when they are about halfway inflated and placed under your belly, they hold you just at the water line so that you don't have to use so much effort staying afloat and when you're swimming back - if you get tired, you can actually sit on them (they keep your head out of the water). They were perfect for us. Not sure what you'd do with it if you wanted to dive down into the water, but we don't really do that anyway. Hope this helps!
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Post by jmq »

The water ski belt is not a bad thing to have snorkling around Waterlemon.
For some reason I'm prone to foot cramps on a longer snorkel like that and it was real easy to just lean back with the belt on and work the cramp out.
Just have to put up with my wife and daughter laughing at me when I put it on before I enter the water. Good thing I provide them with such comic relief.
The belt is easy to shove into the side or bottom of a duffle (doesnt weigh much and can cushion your booze on way home!) or rent on island for that day.
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Post by Diana2 »

You can rent them on island. I'm pretty sure Crabby's in Coral Bay has them for rent by the day. Several location in Cruz Bay have them too.

On occastion the current can be strong at Waterlemon but if you go counter clockwise around the island you should not have a problem.
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Post by INfamily »

We have rented flotation belts in the past from Crabby's, but this year I bought one from this company online: ... =equipment

The belt helps if you get into current, and I find I can stay out longer while wearing it. Also, we worried less about the kids in our group if they had one on.
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Snorkeling belts

Post by Knolmom »

You can rent them on St John by the day or the week. They rent them at Cruz Bay Watersports--if that is the place in the Lumberyard Complex, and also at the t-shirt store on the ground floor at Mongoose- you park in front of it- next to the hat store.
We have rented them on and off for the last 10 years depending on where we were going to snorkel.
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Post by Bug »

I always take along one of those blow up life jackets. They are make of nylon and are completely flat material so they are great to pack. They have a little blow tube that you can use to inflate it. They work great. I know you can buy them on island at Crabby's.

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Post by Nic in KC »

Thanks everyone for the information. We haven't snorkeled Waterlemon before so I wasn't really sure what to expect. I think we'll rent them for the day to have along and then if we don't need them oh well!

It's one less thing I have to buy and pack!

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Post by liamsaunt »

Does anyone know if you can rent snorkeling weight belts at the watersports shops? I am interested in getting one for October. I've gotten a lot better at free diving, but I think a belt would help me stay under longer for picture taking purposes.
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Post by waterguy »

Just don't stay under to long. :lol:
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Post by snorkelqueen »

I am a very weak swimmer and love to stay in the water for hours. My husband took a small foam "kick-board" like kids use when they are learning to swim. He attached a small leash to it that I can attach to my wrist (it has a velcro strap) if I want to. It easily fits in the luggage and is perfect to float on if I need to adjust my mask or just take a breather. Fish, turtles etc. don't seem to notice it and many times I just let it float behind me (holding end of leash) as security.
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Post by Buddles »


Those weight belts are standard gear at dive shops. I plan on trying one next time - I have too much natural bouyancy.

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Post by bobcside »

Nicole, my wife and I snorkel alot and useually use the snorkel vests. They are light weight and lay flat in luggage takeing no more room than a T shirt. The vests got a bad rap here due to the Cruise ship folks using them. As far as I am concerned it is foolish to take a chance with your life for such a silly reason as the vest looks funny or childish. They do not have to be blown up but a small tube allows you to do so while in the water without taking the vest off . A couple good breaths and your good to go. They have an added advantage of making you more visible to boats. A good one will run you about $45.oo. Make sure to get one with a between the legs strap in addition to the chest strap.
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Post by liamsaunt »

Buddles wrote:Liamsaunt,

Those weight belts are standard gear at dive shops. I plan on trying one next time - I have too much natural bouyancy.

Thanks, that is good to know. I did not want to have to use the kind of belt I used for diving--the strap with the moveable square 4-pound weights--I think that would be too heavy for snorkeling, plus I hate the way the weight blocks dig into my hipbones.
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