snorkeling death at waterlemon

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snorkeling death at waterlemon

Post by loria » reported in the tradewinds.....
so sad.
a reminder to go with a buddy and be careful out there....
< leaving on the 22nd of march...but too lame to figure out the ticker thing again!>
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Re: snorkeling death at waterlemon

Post by PA Girl »

I have a "Six Degrees of Seperation" link to that family. Very sad.

No doubt there are many, many people that have snorkeled there once (and more than once) and will say the current is not a problem, nothing to worry about and so on but I got caught up there once myself and that experience has stuck with me.
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Re: snorkeling death at waterlemon

Post by stjchica »

So sorry...Prayers to the family...
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Re: snorkeling death at waterlemon

Post by Teresa_Rae »

Wow, how awful.
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Re: snorkeling death at waterlemon

Post by mindehankins »

Oh my. :cry: That poor woman. Prayers going out to that family! We went to Waterlemon on our first trip, and I didn't feel good at all about it. Someday we'll go back, but it will be with Pam Gaffin or Capt. Phil. RIP Mr. Snorkeler - I hope you had a heart attack and passed peacefully, doing something you loved.
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Re: snorkeling death at waterlemon

Post by Knolmom »

Went to Waterlemon and snorkeled off a charter boat. Was with DH and 2 others. I slowed down to avoid hitting my fat $$$ on the sea urchins on the bottom and we became separated. It was the first time I have ever been frightened while snorkeling and thought I would drown while being caught up in the current. Friends thought I was right behind them circumnavigating the island. After 25 years of snorkeling, I have never done it offshore since. I will walk out from Hawksnest and do Trunk and the shallows at Francis and Maho and thats it for me.
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Re: snorkeling death at waterlemon

Post by Laura T »

Very sad. My thoughts are with his family.

I have to say, I have always felt safe snorkeling in St. John (not so much in Hawaii). A reminder, however, that caution is always important. Like someone else said...hope it was a heart attack and he died as peacefully as possible.
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Re: snorkeling death at waterlemon

Post by KTinTX »

I will definitely second the insecure feeling when snorkeling in Hawaii. My wife and I snorkeled for the first time ever at Black Rock on Maui. Despite the many others in the water, we got caught in the current offshore as it swept by the point. Before we knew it we were a)in well over 50-60 feet of water and b) separated by 50 yds or so. We're both decent swimmers and don't panic, so we handled the situation fine, but it was the deep water and power of the ocean that can put a real sense of fear in you.

Now, with multiple STJ visits, my wife rarely snorkels...preferring to read, float, repeat. This summer will be our 2nd trip without kids, and yes I do snorkel alone....HOWEVER...we've never done Waterlemon (and won't alone from shore), and I stay visible to her or have even asked others if they minded me tagging along when going further out like Cinnamon Key.

My sincere condolences to this family. It will serve as a reminder to me this summer to always be aware of where I am if out in the water, regardless of depth, alone.
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Re: snorkeling death at waterlemon

Post by Caw954s »

My husband and I were snorkeling at waterlemon on that morning! We arrived early (before 8:00am) and the waters were choppy that day. So choppy that my husband was looking at me like I was crazy for wanting to swim out to that little island. Plus, the beach is rocky and it's not easy to get in, I scraped my knees, but once we were in we stayed close to each other (I did see the spotted ray!). We could feel the strong current that day too so we didn't even go around to the backside. We had a great time but I did feel it was a little dangerous that day. But I wanted to go and we are strong swimmers.
The next day we went on the reef hike with the NPS and our guide told us what happened. My husband and I just looked at each really made us realize that as fun as snorkeling is, there is a danger there. I thought about that snorkeler and his family often since that day..very sad.
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Re: snorkeling death at waterlemon

Post by Connie »

Yes, snorkeling can be dangerous. We had a run in at Waterlemon and we also had someone caught up in the current grab onto our dingy.

Also, we were in Grand Cayman snorkeling and my husband panicked and was grabbing on to me. He was in survival mode.

It can happen in a heartbeat, so safe out there and if it doesn't feel right, don't do it.
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Re: snorkeling death at waterlemon

Post by Pia »

I walk that trail daily - the morning this happened, and for the following 3 days conditions were NOT good for snorkeling the Cay (the beach was relatively calm so snorkeling would have been OK) every person I passed on the trail that was heading to snorkel I stopped and gave them a warning of unsafe conditions around the Cay and a possible very strong current advisory - only 1 couple thanked me and turned around, the rest said "oh we've been swimming all week to build up our strength" or "thanks but I'm good" - one couple even had a child around 8 years old that was planning on snorkeling the Cay !!!!

Now it is unclear at this time if conditions were responsible for his drowning and I'm no expert but please, if a resident gives you a warning of any kind (snorkeling, high surf etc) please consider a change of plans.

My heart breaks for his family - my thoughts and prayers are with you at this time

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Re: snorkeling death at waterlemon

Post by PA Girl »

When I got caught, I was in my early 30s and at that time in my life I was swimming an hour a day, four times a week for excercise. I also have two rounds of life guard cert. and plenty of open (ocean/bay) and river (lots of currents) swimming under my belt. As it was happening, I thought to myself "this is how people drown." It wasn't just the current pulling me away, it felt like it was also pulling me under. I was able to stay calm and all was ok in the end but I can imagine someone with less experience could get into serious trouble.

I get anxiety when I read posts that blow off the current as no big deal. I am glad those people had good snorkeling there but I think sometimes paradise can give a false sense of security.
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Re: snorkeling death at waterlemon

Post by Rebubula »

Pia - I hope we bump into you for some local perspective when we are there in April, I would love it!!
This is sad and scary. It is typically just my hubby and me, and I usually will stop snorkeling well before he wants to. Some beaches such as maho or Francis don't concern me as much, however this area does.
Certainly need to be smart and know your limits, I also read on another forum a solo snorkler asked others if he could buddy up with them. Not sure all would appreciate the tag along, however this is an area we all should keep eyes and ears open.
Be safe, respect the water!
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Re: snorkeling death at waterlemon

Post by Pia »

I have posted this before but thought I would repost....

"A fairly good indicator is to look at the ocean over the stone wall at the Annaberg parking area and if there are good waves then the Cay will be a difficult snorkel and best avoided - the bay at Annaberg is usually quite flat with gentle/hardly any waves. Having said that, even though the Cay would be rough and best avoided, the beach area at Waterlemon is 99% of the time still a good snorkel"
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Re: snorkeling death at waterlemon

Post by mindehankins »

PAgirl, I get that same anxiety when posters assure newbies that everything will be just hunky dorey. Thank you, Pia, for warning people when you think it looks dangerous! This story just breaks my heart. I can't imagine the horror for that poor woman!
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