
Travel discussion for St. John
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Post by jadkins08 »

After months and months of planning, we will be arriving on Saturday. I would like to attend a church service on Sunday morning. We will be staying at Cocotier. I have attended a Church of the Brethren my entire life and I would probably best describe it as a conservative Baptist denomination for those of you that don't know anything about the Church of the Brethren. Anyway, I am looking for recommendations and the times for services. Thanks for your help.

We can hardly wait to get there. My wife and I have been to St. John twice before, but this will be the first trip for our son (2.5 years old), my mom, dad, sister, and brother-in-law.
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Post by loria »

this might help
there is also a more comprehensive listing in the st john tradewinds news around page 18

just go to and register then down load the PDF and scroll thru to find it
< leaving on the 22nd of march...but too lame to figure out the ticker thing again!>
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Post by Seasister »

I posted this same question this time last here. Some of the information on the lists is out dated as several of the churches didn't exist anymore. We ended up visiting the Calvary Baptist Church right by Miss Lucy's. The congregation is all locals and it is small, but we found them very warm and welcoming. The kids had fun and the message and music were blessed. It was a very simple service and a nice break from the all out production we are accustomed to at home. The people there love the Lord and that was all we wanted to see.

One of our favorite things to do on vacation is visit churches. If we are around on a Sunday, we look up a service and attend. It's a wonderful thing to do and the kids continue to talk about it long into the future.

I did hear about a service on St Thomas of a Bible church that we almost tried to make, but we simply didn't want to catch the ferry and then a taxi, etc.

Blessings to you and let us know if you make it to a service!
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Post by Seasister »

BTW, I don't remember the service time, but we were able to call the pastor that morning and he told us the time. Also, it may be best to park at Lucy's and then plan to have brunch afterward if you go. Parking is limited and we got blocked in which was fine by us since we went to Lucy's.
Also, the teaching was conservative and Bible based. I think you will find it just right for you! We loved it.
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Post by mkb »

I attended church on the beach at Cinnamon Bay twice and loved it. It is a program through the following organization:

I just don't know how you can be closer to God than sitting in the middle of his creation. Both services were very different. The first year it was a quiet peaceful setting, causing me to reflect more on what God had created. This past year the waves were really crashing in and it put me more in the mind to think of the power of God. The people leading both services were very good. I would describe it as a non-denominational environment.

I do like the idea of attending with local folks and that is what I had intended to do, but after I found I could attend church on the beach, there was no other choice for me.

You can check on the bulletin board at Cinnamon Bay the day before to be sure they are having service. And the notice may direct you to the amphitheatre, but the service is held right next to the building on the beach. There are benches there.

Both times I attended it was in March, I am not sure if they have service during the low season.

Enjoy your trip.
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Post by lazylane »

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