Planting seeds

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Post by augie »

Sheriff John Brown hated me,
For what, I don't know,
Every time I planted a seed,
He said "kill it, before it grow,
Kill them before they grow...

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Post by Bluwater »

I love this thread and hope you all keep contributing. I especially love reading the stories from people who live in the mid-atlantic (like me) and have success with growing tropical plants. Virginia Pineapples??!!!

I have learned that Lowes and Home Depot will sell their withering plants and flowers at Clearance rate and will mark them down even more if you just ask. They often don't have them marked as being on sale, but if their garden manager is out there, just ask him. 2 days ago I bought a bunch of $10 plants for $1.50....and they weren't really that bad - just needed some water and sun. They're already perkerd back up! Going back for more today.

Just bought a new house last summer. Went from a small lot to a half acre and the people who lived here before me had some mature plants and shrubs near the deck, but didnt plant anything in 90% of the lot....just grass. Its like a blank canvas!

I am also composting this year.

Gardening is soooo much fun, and like some of you have said, very relaxing.
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Post by GraysonDave »

One of my earliest memories is eating a peach at my grandparents' house in Georgia. I was maybe four years old. I told everybody that I wanted to plant the pit so I could grow my own peaches. They all said oh, it'll never grow, don't waste your time, blah blah blah. Except Paw-Paw. He took me down to the barn where we both got shovels and picked out a spot at the corner of the yard. Me and him dug a hole together and planted my peach pit. All the grown-ups thought that was so cute and then forgot about it.

Well, the next spring that thing sprouted and we ate peaches off that tree for 20 years. Dang good ones too.

Nice thread.
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Planting Seeds

Post by greyhoundmom »

We have also found that Lowe's has great bargains, especially on Monday mornings. Their discounted plants go quick. We have some lemon and orange trees that were .25 each. They just needed some TLC. I have gotten some great coral geraniums for 1.50 each. Our Riverbanks Zoo has started composting elephant waste and S/O got their first truckload offering last weekend at $43.00 for a front end loader scoop. We've put it out in the backyard around all existing plants. Interesting concept at
Donkey diner seeds are sprouting!!!
California Girl

Post by California Girl »

I put some Donkey Diner seeds in my flowerbed and they're taking root! Except when I went out to check on them this morning and found out that my cat decided to dig a hole and pee on some of them! Grrr! They'll fill in nicely if they get a chance to grow!
California Girl

Post by California Girl »

Boats! These are for you! :wink: :D

Morning Glories in my backyard


Some Fuschias in my patio
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Post by BOATSRUS »

Beautimous!!!.. :) I love fuschias but have crappy luck with them... it just gets too hot here...Thanks gurl!!
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California Girl

Post by California Girl »

BOATSRUS wrote: I love fuschias but have crappy luck with them...
You might notice I didn't photograph the whole plant! :roll: :lol:
California Girl

Post by California Girl »

Lookit my Donkey Diner plant! I just noticed the flowers this evening and didn't get a very good picture, but I'll take another picture as more flowers bloom! :) 8)

California Girl

Post by California Girl »

The continuing saga of the Donkey Diner plant. It looks like it might kick the bucket after it's done blooming. I think I'll start a new one! :D

California Girl

Post by California Girl »

The continuing saga of the Donkey Diner plant....

I don't think it's going to die, but I'll probably cut it back. It sent out all these new shoots from the stalks, and the new shoots are getting babies.


And the babies that dropped off the initial shoots and landed in the pot are beginning to grow.


It looks like I'm going to have a gazillion of these! :shock: :lol: No wonder my friend told me not to plant this in my flowerbed! I still love it though and it's been like a school project watching all the different phases it goes through!
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Post by greyhoundmom »

Oh, Green Thumb Goddess.....can I have a few more babies if I send you a stamped addressed envelope?

Mine does great until I bring it inside for the winter. Then, no matter where I move it for sun exposure, no amount of TLC will keep it going :(
California Girl

Post by California Girl »

greyhoundmom wrote:Oh, Green Thumb Goddess.....can I have a few more babies if I send you a stamped addressed envelope?

Mine does great until I bring it inside for the winter. Then, no matter where I move it for sun exposure, no amount of TLC will keep it going :(
I will be more than happy to send you some babies! Just PM me your address, again...the postage won't be anything to worry about!
I should take some babies back to the Donkey Diner! :lol:
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Post by LauraD »

I love gardening, last year my yard took a big hit with all the freezing(2009-2010). Some things came back but will have to replace some of my hibiscus and gingers, strangly enough my plummies survived. I got some ylang ylang seeds that I am going to try and grow. Wish I could post some pictures as I have some really beautiful plummies and hibiscus. Laura[/list]
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California Girl

Post by California Girl »

Laura, set yourself up with a free account at When you upload a picture it gives you the code to paste into your post, and voila! you've posted a picture! :D

It amazes me how hardy Plumerias are. I just cut mine back and left the cuttings out to heal on the ends and will start some new plants in the spring. Would love to see your photos!
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