RULES for the off topic forum - please read before posting

A place for members to talk about things outside of Virgin Islands travel.
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RULES for the off topic forum - please read before posting

Post by Anthony »

So things have definitely been up and down here - and I have received both criticism and kudos from many of you. We have walked this road before, but I am just going to post again some extra rules and guidelines for the "Off Topic" forum. If you want to discuss these, email or PM me (long time users will know that I hate discussing the business of the forum... on the forum).

1.) Don't flame (meaning don't post topics that you know you are posting just to get a rise out of other users).

2.) Don't be rude.

3.) Don't partake in personal attacks.

4.) If you witness behavior of this type, please let me know, via PM or email. Don't worry about or think you are bothering me, etc. I appreciate people letting me know what is going on here.

5.) I will delete (with a much quicker trigger) posts that in my judgement violate the above - and please don't complain about it if it happens to you. I am not censoring you - I am trying to maintain civility and integrity here.

From what I have gathered from the various messages and emails I have received, the feeling is I should be doing something here to monitor this forum better. I really don't want to shut it down, but I do ask - if you see a post that you know is going to rile you up, etc. please ignore it.

We'll see how this goes for now and I will act further if it seems necessary.

Thanks -
Anthony for Virgin Islands On Line