The restaurants pay this site to advertise their establishment. It's a great way to try new restaurants or to go to a place that is a little more expensive than you usually go to. You join, it's free, then start shopping. You print the coupon right from your printer. I've used it about 5 times and have never had a problem. Just be careful when you get the bill, sometimes they automatically add 20% tip to the bill. Just make sure you don't tip them it did!
I used the coupons that I bought that day, without trouble. I went back to the site yesterday, though, and see that there are far more limitations and conditions than previously. I'm not buying any more coupons there, with the restrictions I see now. They might be just for my area, though.
I live in the Charlotte, NC area, and have been using this site for years. Never had a problem using the coupons - just make sure you understand the restrictions before you buy. happy eating!