Unfortunate parking experience on STJ - fine $1000!

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Post by CShell1019 »

Hereabouts the violation of using a handicapped spot is a $$$ amount that I don't recall (maybe $700 if memory serves me correctly) AND up to 90 days community service. Now wouldn't that be a kicker! Can't leave St. John 'cause you gotta finish your community service.
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Post by Buddles »

I'm sorry to disagree, but this was a handicapped parking space. This parking spot is not there as a trap. These spaces are there for people with true handicaps, like the elderly, the disabled and our wounded veterans. They are not convenience spots. Sorry to rain on your parade.
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Post by mountaineer girl »

Buddles wrote:I'm sorry to disagree, but this was a handicapped parking space. This parking spot is not there as a trap. These spaces are there for people with true handicaps, like the elderly, the disabled and our wounded veterans. They are not convenience spots. Sorry to rain on your parade.
How old is elderly? I think a couple in their 60's should fall into that catagory.

I thought things were more "relaxed" in the islands. Evidently, not all things. I know from being married to a state trooper for 6 years, that common courtesy (esp toward an "elderly" couple) would have been extended first, politely pointing out the handicapped sign. Issue them a ticket if they REFUSE to move. But of course, in this country, a business' lot is a private lot anyhow, and the police are of no assistance. (ie - don't ever have an accident in a mall/Walmart parking lot!)

I think the policewoman acted unprofessionally, IMO! :evil:
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Support for Thomas

Post by ShelleyZ »

I feel that I must speak up for Thomas of Hospitality Car Rental. This is a great guy who runs a small business and is surely as much of a victim as you are. If he's told that he's liable for your $1000 ticket, then he must charge you.

We found Thomas to be helpful, warm, fair-priced and he went out of his way to accommodate us. He is extremely hardworking, running both the car rental and smoothie stand. (And he makes the best smoothies on the island.)

In a place where there are many fine car rental agencies, Thomas is our favorite. We will definitely rent from him again AND we will watch out for the sadistic ticketing police officer. That's where the real problem rests.

Please don't blame Thomas and potentially harm his business. He didn't tell anyone to park in a handicapped spot and have her waiting to ticket them. The problem is with the police department.
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Post by Xislandgirl »

I think that there will be many people that will disagree that someone on their 60's is elderly. My parents are in their mid sixties and are far from elderly.

The point is that they were in a handicap spot and they are not handicap. The VI fine is $1000 for this violation and had they not paid the ticket the car rental company would have been responsible. (that happens all over, the US included)

I think that the perhaps the police officer could have been a bit more understanding, but in the end the only one to blame is the driver.

We can debate that the details all we want but the fact of the matter is that this person made a costly mistake.
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Rent in St Thomas...

Post by hawksnestbay »

We got a $25.00 ticket in 2003 for stopping off to the side at the dock so that we {wife and 3 and 5 year old} could drop our bags off at the end of our trip. Unpleasant experience, but lesson learned. Since then We only rent on St Thomas, and skip the whole load, tip, unload, tip, ferry, tip, ferry unload,tip... thing on both ends of the trip. Much less stressful.Peace.

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Post by Xislandgirl »

Jorge, you would probably make a fortune!
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Post by JT »

I do seem to remember noticing in my contract with Cool Breeze that I was responsible for any parking citations issued and that any unpaid violations would be charged to my charge card.I still have a copy of STJ Car Rental agreement from a couple of years ago, but parking violations aren't mentioned. It sounds as if the cop could've used a little discretion. As to the car rental agent, he really had nothing to with parking a car he owns in a handicapped spot, but he could be responsible for paying the fine unless he had proof that the car was rented out at the time the infraction was written up. I always think that there's more to the story than first reported. This "report" came from the person who got the ticket. The fact is, you can't park in a handicapped spot without a handicapped sticker. That's the law of the land! I still feel sorry for the guy though.
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Post by Bluwater »

Is there no due process down there?

Violation aside (there was clearly a violation) - doesn't the offender get a day in court, if they choose?

Forcing someone to pay on the spot seems ridiculous.

My son parked in handicapped spot while he ran into a pizza shop to pick up his order (in my car). Ticket was $125.00

And, no, the VIPD doesn't go out and solve crimes. They stand or sit around waiting for crimes to happen within 10 yards of them. How easy and nice to sit in your cruiser with the AC running and talking on your cell phone......and wait for what you KNOW will happen....a visitor will park in or near the handicapped spot.

Then again, I often see cars with no handicapped tag, parked in the handicapped spot. It is wrong - even if you are just unloading. Someone with a disability could pull up at that moment and need the spot - and maybe they, too, are late for the ferry. The police shouldn't have to go around asking people to move. The spot is designated for handicapped people. Don't park there. How hard is that?
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Post by suzi »

Oh my goodness...how many times my husband has dropped me and the kids off with the luggage and he then takes the car back! Where can we pull over to unload? I am going to be all worried in April when we get dropped off for the ferry! YOu know the character " The Soup Nazi" in Seinfeld???Well, be on the lookout for " The Parking Nazi" in STJ!!!
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Post by ncallas »

The way this police officer handled this does seem really harsh, but it seems she was within her authority to issue the ticket and make poor Thomas charge the credit card. On the other hand how do you go about dropping off your bags??? Is there a designated pick up/drop off spot?

And another question...can you use a handicapped placard from here (NJ) on St. John? My husband is handicapped, and we haven't figured out yet how to deal with this issue.

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Post by liamsaunt »

It's funny, I was telling John about this issue at dinner last night, and his take on it was that the $1000 fine was fair because it is so congested near the ferry and if the fine was only a few hundred dollars some rich people might use the spot despite the fine for the convenience of unloading right at the dock, and block someone who really needed the space.

I really would like someone to tell us where the best place is to unload. Previous trips we've hauled our luggage over from the Penns lot to avoid driving in the chaos near the ferry. That's not the most pleasant way to do it.
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Post by MrsCARolph »

If you don't have a hadicapped tag, you don't park in a handicapped spot. Period. I think most adults would understand this. The part of the story that truely disturbs me is that the car rental agency charged them for the fine. That seems shady. I would be hesitant to pay a fee that didn't go directly to the PD.

It's a crappy situation they were in, but it seems like it all could have been avoided had they just been more patient unloading.
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Post by mfaughey »

I've rented from various car rental agencies, and they always have dropped us off at the ferry after settling up.
liamsaunt wrote: I really would like someone to tell us where the best place is to unload. Previous trips we've hauled our luggage over from the Penns lot to avoid driving in the chaos near the ferry. That's not the most pleasant way to do it.
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