Brief Trip Report-March

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Brief Trip Report-March

Post by toni »

Husband Mike and I had another wonderful trip to the islands in March. Our last trip here had been in December of '06 and there were many construction changes since then. We stayed 7 nights in Casa Blanca on STJ and 2 nights at Mafolie on STT. I've reviewed both in the villa reviews above.

Continental flight out of Newark on a 757 with the individual viewing screens in the seats-made 4 hrs go by quickly! Between games of battleship, Quantum of Solace and tv shows I never catch it was fun flying.

Casa Blanca was good for the price and location-easy to spot once you know to look for the flags-
<a href=" ... 0335-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... 0335-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<a href=" ... C00249.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... C00249.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<a href=" ... C00912.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... C00912.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

The views from the crow's nest were pretty nice:
<a href=" ... C00265.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... C00265.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<a href=" ... C00268.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... C00268.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

We loved being so close to Cruz Bay and enjoyed eating there more than we ever usually have time to. Rental from Courtesy was easy and they were very nice to deal with. Enjoyed Sogo's as always-she serves big drinks for the price and the food's yummy Caribbean style. Tried the Quiet Mon for the first time and liked it-didn't try Woody's -too many people-we like the quieter places.

Made it to Solomon for the first time and will definitely go again. If you are concerned about parking-get a pass at the visitor's center and you can park where the employees park. We were the only ones there for a couple hours-except for the deer that got startled in the brush and came running straight at us while we were lying there-scared the *** out of me! :o
<a href=" ... C00937.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... C00937.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<a href=" ... C00934.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... C00934.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Loved the old favorites-Maho, Francis-lots of chickens and roosters at Francis-one rooster kept coming around and crowing-I had my video camera and taped him then played it back to him when he came around again-it made him run down the beach-it was very funny :D Another time my husband was in the jeep at Maho while I was taking pictures on the beach. I came back and as I was walking up to the jeep a chicken jumped into the car with him-dinner anyone?
<a href=" ... C00463.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... C00463.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Sunsets by Frank Bay were a treat:
<a href=" ... C00108.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... C00108.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Mafolie Hotel has wonderful views and a great restaurant.
<a href=" ... C00530.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... C00530.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<a href=" ... C00517.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... C00517.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

it's nice they include shuttle service to Magen's Bay-we've never really explored STT much and this beach is so long you don't feel crowded. Fun being there on a Sunday with families bbq'g. From this picture we're probably 2/3 of the way down the beach so there's a lot of stretch still behind us!
<a href=" ... C00963.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... C00963.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Always try to eat at Gladys' in Charlotte Amalie and never disappointed-excellent food.

Some extra pictures:
Railing of the crow's nest:
<a href=" ... C00263.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... C00263.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Driftwood overexposure:
<a href=" ... 0363-2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... 0363-2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Sea Lace (or whatever it's called!)in the rocks walking out towards Waterlemon:
<a href=" ... C00484.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... C00484.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Stopped in to St. John Spice and bought a sweatshirt for the flight home and a forum shirt. Ruth/Ron weren't there at the time. Tasted some of those hot sauces and practically burned my tongue off on one of them :shock: Yow!

Loved just being able to walk around by staying near town. Made it easy for dinners and lots and lots of drinks (multiple stops at the Beach Bar, though we did try out several new bars this time!).

Lowlights: (or disappointments)
Disappointed in Uncle Joe's-food's good, but I have issues with people that work there-never a problem elsewhere, but I always say good afternoon/evening whatever and am friendly and they act like why am I bothering them. Has happened more than once there for whatever reason.

Tried to do happy hour at the bar in front of the Lime Inn one day and there wasn't anybody there? Sat there for 5 minutes and didn't see a soul, so I don't know what was going on. Oh well!

The construction! Grande Bay, Pond Bay, Sirenusa and all the stuff going on at Calabash Boom? Wow, there's a lot of building since we were there last. Guess you can't stop "progress". The number of houses that have been built as you're going out towards Salt Pond considering how quiet that used to be.

Didn't make it to Vie's :(

Wrap up
I love St. John, and I enjoy a few days on St. Thomas too for the shopping and seeing different things. We're hoping to go again in December which would be wonderful. I just ordered up NY state vanity plates-STJ USVI (luckily it wasn't taken -I have little creativity otherwise!) which should be here soon. I think we've realized that if you really like someplace why go otherplaces? It's just "special" when you walk of the plane and the warm air hits you, or you're taking the ferry over and see STJ from a distance and you know you're "home" again. Thanks for taking the time to read this! :)

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Post by ifloat »

Thanks for the interesting trip report.

"Made it to Solomon for the first time and will definitely go again. If you are concerned about parking-get a pass at the visitor's center and you can park where the employees park. "

Really? I had no idea. I wanted to see that beach but couldn't figure out where to park.
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Post by vi lover »

Thanks for the trip report and the great photos. Glad you had a great time. We agree - we keep talking about trying someplace new, but keep coming back to STJ. I like the comfort and familiarity of it.
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Post by lprof »

:) thanks for a very nice report and terrific pictures...
does anyone else see a rabbit face and ears in the driftwood photo????
...glad that you had fun.
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Post by brenda »

Call me crazy, but I see it too.
Going "home" again October 26th!
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Post by lprof »

brenda wrote:Call me crazy, but I see it too.
:D that's a relief...thought maybe I'd been influenced by Joshie one time too many... :wink:
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Post by psufan »

Funny you mentioned the "rabbit". When I saw that picture I thought it was so appropriate for today. Great trip report. Thanks for the tip on Solomon. We didn't get there on our first trip and would like to go there this time.
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Post by mindehankins »

Great report, Toni! We're definitely hitting Salomon the first trip. Happy bunny day.
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Post by StJohnRuth »

Thanks for the report, toni. Sorry we missed you at the store and at sunset in Frank Bay.
Great idea about playing rooster videos to roosters. I think I might try that.
See you next time.
- Ruth
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Post by toni »

Ruth-great idea-I didn't think about how useful it might be for your situation! :) I picked up one of those wooden skull/crossbones you had on display too-great gift idea for a friend who keeps animal skulls (don't even ask me why).

Those of you who see the bunny-I didn't want to suggest it and influence you, but yep, I thought so too so I added it-perfect day to post the report!

Oops, misspelled salomon... the walk was pretty easy to get there and definitely worth it. When you ask for the "parking pass" they just wanted to know how long we thought we'd be-they were very nice about it. If you haven't tried it, it's definitely do-able.
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