Snorkeling Spots for Novice - no sharks

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Post by sea-nile »

Not to scare you, but we saw some large sharks at Waterlemon and I think they were black tip reef sharks or tiger sharks. But really they leave you alone.
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Post by djmom »

Hi first timer-

Maybe others can chime in on this, but although many have seen a shark, your chances are still quite small of seeing one, maybe unless you are purposely going to a spot where you know they are.

To put it in perspective, my husband and daughter have snorkeled all over St. John, I think every beach, way out, etc... for hours and hours each 7-10 day trip for about 10 trips and they have only seen two sharks. Total. And believe me, they want to see them!

I am more of a novice and snorkle a bit each trip and have never seen one. And I don't want to!

I think she will do very well with her practice, she will save herself a lot of stress by learning how to use the snorkel ahead of time.

I would second the Trunk Bay recommendations along with all the others, except to advise to go early at Trunk, before the cruise boat passengers, so the water is clear and isn't as stirred up from all the people. I think she might feel comforted by the presence of the lifeguards.
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Post by psufan »

I have to chime in with a vote for Maho Bay. I took my 75 yr old Mom there to try snorkeling for the first time. However, she isn't a much of a swimmer and really panicked when she couldn't touch the bottom. Our solution was to take her over to the rocks on the right side, give her a snorkle mask and let her stand while sticking her face in the water. She was amazed and there was so much for her to see. This was a totally new experience for her and one that she proudly tells her friends. She saw lots of small fishes and a sea cucumber which really fascinated her. I was thriled that we could give her a memory that she will never forget. Have fun with your Mom!
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Post by nothintolose »

We had a novice snorkeler with us last summer and the middle of Maho worked great for him as he could see lots of turtles and rays, and it was shallow. He also did well off of the beach at Leinster (right by Waterlemon) but freaked out at the deep water on the way to the cay at Waterlemon. He was okay close to shore there though.

Two other places are Hawksnest and Gibney/Oppenheimer where the reefs come right up to the beach. The rocks at the point between the two are an easy snorkel also. We usually snorkel Hawksnest and to get to Gibney, we go to the far right (if you are facing the water) at Hawksnest then snorkel around the point looking at the stuff in the rocks (saw a bunch of small squid there one summer and a puffer fish another summer) then walk on the beach over to the reef at Gibney.

Last summer when we snorekled Jumbie, the current was pretty rough.

One summer we snorkeled the area to the far right of Cinnamon that is right off of shore and saw lots of fish there. That was an easy snorkel too. The far left of Trunk is also a nice snorkel.

Salt Pond Bay can be an easy snorkel as well though some have seen sharks there, we haven't.

I think Vie's is a bit more difficult if you got out by the rocks.

Alot of people like the Trunk snorkel because of the underwater snorkel trail. We like Trunk because we tend to see at least one angelfish there and have seen huge tarpon there.

We love the angelfish and tend to see them at Trunk, Maho (at the point) and Frances. We saw doormat sized ones at Frances and lots of turtles.

I think as long as she is knowledgeable about it all, she will love it!
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Post by XOXO »

I agree with Trunk because there are so many people--it really does help me relax. For example, when we went there was an advisory and I wouldn't have even gone in to body surf if I did not see other people doing it. Sad but true. So, you mom might feel the same way.

Maho had plenty of people there also while we were there and I felt it was a great place for a beginner.

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