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Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 11:06 pm

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:02 am
by mia
Jorge wrote:
"You are truly blessed. You should kiss the ground."

Blessed because we don't need to depend on a rebate check?
I guess you and I have different views of what a blessing truly is....mia

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 1:40 am
by Pete (Mr. Marcia)
I'm confused why rebate checks are being issued. Could someone explain it to me? It feels kind of a payoff, or something.

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 9:29 am
by sailorgirl
SJfromNJ wrote:I actually have to send a check to the IRS. I am taking it with me and mailing it next week from STJ. I hope it takes forever to get there!
I Like the way you think!!! Can I send you mine to drop in the mail in CRuz Bay :-)

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 9:38 am
by Kathyzhere
Just sharing something that I rec'd in email...
Just to state from the start, not necessarily MY views :wink:

The Federal Government is sending each and every one of us a $600 rebate. If we spend that money at Wal-Mart, the money will go to China. If we spend it on gasoline, it will go to the Arabs. If we purchase a computer it will go to India. If we purchase fruit and vegetables it will go to Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala. If we purchase a good car it will go to Japan. If we purchase useless crap it will go to Taiwan and none of it will help the American economy. The only way to keep that money here at home is to buy prostitutes and beer, since these are the only products still produced in the United States.

Thank you for your help!

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 10:06 am
by RickG
Pete (Mr. Marcia) wrote:I'm confused why rebate checks are being issued. Could someone explain it to me? It feels kind of a payoff, or something.
(Dusting off my economics degree, not good for much - the computer science degree pays the bills)

I think this is really about trying to manage people's expectations. If we get our asses kicked by a recession then the current executive and legislative branch can point to the rebate and say the took "decisive strong action." This is great for them rather than taking the blame for driving an overheated economy through big tax cuts and borrowing followed by monetary policy that devalued the dollar 62% against the Euro since 2002. But hey, you got a rebate!!

Rebate? Hah! I just got the K-1s from my new business and thanks to the complex tax policies I owe money even though we posted a small lost last year.

Don't feel bad for me, I've enjoyed the Republican tax cuts on the highest brackets along with the rest of the folks that don't get a rebate. We get our money before we pay the tax bill, not after. Shifting the burden of taxes from the well-off to the less well-off definitely benefited my whole region. I also have a mortgage on an expensive house and share the single largest subsidy in the US - deductible mortgage interest.

Maryland just instituted a tax surcharge on people that make more than $1M per year. I think we should bring back the higher Federal tax brackets for the big earners again. If I ever move beyond the 39.6% bracket, in a fair and reasonable tax environment, then my banker and I can commiserate. Until then: screw the poor, the middle class and the upper middle class - I'm getting more than my fair share.

Cheers, RickG

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 10:13 am
by cypressgirl
My whole gripe is that they call it a tax rebate, but 50% of the people getting it did not pay any taxes. Shouldn't there be a "bate" before you get a rebate? Just call it what it is.

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 10:18 am
by Xislandgirl
Jorge wrote:
mia wrote:I'm also thankful that we don't need to rely on a rebate check to go to St. John. :)

You are truly blessed. You should kiss the ground.
I guess I am in Jorge's corner on this one. I wish that I did not need a rebate check to help with my STJ fund, but I do. If you don't need the check to help, then you really are blessed. Some of us are not so lucky.

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 10:59 am
by mia
I suppose it is a matter of semantics.

I did say I was thankful that we are not dependent on a rebate check..I don't consider it a "blessing". And I certainly wasn't asking for anyone to "be in my corner"...the idea of kissing the ground because I don't rely on a rebate check seems somewhat shallow and ridiculous to me.

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:46 pm
by California Girl
mia wrote:I'm also thankful that we don't need to rely on a rebate check to go to St. John. :)
Boy Mia, you really know how to put down people you think are beneath you don't you? FYI I don't RELY on a rebate check to go to St. John, I welcome it as "extra stash" to get me there sooner (and I absolutely LOVE the idea of spending it off the continent). If I had to RELY on a rebate, how did I ever get to STJ twice before? My husband and I work our butts off and keep our heads way above water in the expensive state of California (where airfare to the USVI costs twice as much as it does from the east coast). Maybe you should try moving to California for a year or two and then re-think the offensive comments you have made.

(and by the way, I'm not a fan of Hillary or Obama, either for that matter.)

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 1:14 pm
by mia

I sincerely apologize for offending you or anyone else...I didn't realize that by saying I was thankful for our situation, I came across as putting anyone else down. My bad!

As far as being told that I should feel "blessed" or that I should kiss the ground...I happen to find that very offensive. At least I wasn't telling anyone how they should or should not feel. I would never be so presumptuous.

I have a list of blessings and being able to go to St. John without a rebate check to help is definitely NOT on my list.

FYI...I have no reason to believe that others are beneath me. I am truly sorry if I gave you that impression.

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 1:36 pm
by Lex
These are not called "rebates". The correct term is "economic stimulus payment".

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 1:44 pm
by California Girl
And if what I heard is right, we have to pay them back next year. Maybe I should just put it in the bank, collect the interest for a year and send it back again. :roll:

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:05 am
by RickG
Well, I was busy working on a business plan, bottling beer and building raised beds for the veggie garden this weekend (plus two big dinners out). No tax work and no trip report yet. It's looking like extension time for me.

Cheers, RickG

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:07 am
by JT
I, for one, don't really get the mathematical logic of this stimulus package. For each qualifying individual it comes out to about $11.00 a week "rebate" on their taxes. Now, I'm not wealthy enough to say that a STJ vacation is no skin off my back. Actually, other then the first time we went, it has been financially reckless on my part to go, but I tend to live by the "Eat, drink and be merry" matra. But we're entering the autumn of our lives, put two kids through college, debt-free, and last month made the last mortgage payment on our "starter house" from 30 years ago. We're unique in that though we don't have much, we owe nothing.
Now that said, I live in a somewhat rural area outside of DC. I'm surrounded by folks of all economic classes. I'm, by choice, a self- employed general handyman, for lack of a better description. I come in daily contact with a diverse mix of people. Now, I'm gonna tell you what: Most folks are doing "OK", though many of the older ones living off pensions, IRA's and Social Insecurity are feeling more then a little pinched by rising prices, especially energy prices. Many are "zone heating" their houses, and even with that the thermostat is set at 60 degrees, because heating oil is nearing $5.00 a gallon. That means to fill up a 275 gallon tank, which was $400.00 6 years ago, is now over $1100.00! So that short lived, one time $11.00 week reduction isn't going to go too far. For me, it doesn't begin to cover my increased gasoline prices.
For those of you through hard work, inheritance, marriage, or whatever that don't need the rebate to go to STJ, counting your blessings is actually not such a bad idea.
Actually, CG, you will not have to report it on next years taxes as income.
Now, quit reading the forum when you're supposed to be earning the taxes you're going to pay, and get back to work!