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Wild Mustard Photo

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:34 pm
by California Girl
I took this picture on my way home from work yesterday. I live sort of over by that street light on the right. Anyone who's driven down I-5 will probably recognize "Porcupine Hill" where the landowner, in a dispute with the city over a rule prohibiting building on the ridgeline, planted all those palm trees to protest. For Linne: These are the real funny business :wink: :lol:


Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:47 pm
by JT
Nice shot! I'd probably get along great with the guy!

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:07 am
by Kentuckygirl
Very nice picture ... love the colors!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:19 am
by mrsb
Gorgeous :D

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:32 am
by flip-flop
Maybe he also owns the house over by Christmas Cove.


Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:17 pm
by California Girl
Good call, Flip! :lol:

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:36 pm
by sea-nile
great picture!

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 2:20 pm
by liamsaunt
What a great photo! You are lucky to live in such a a beautiful place.

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:49 am
by linne
Hi CG!

Another fantastic picture. And I have to admit. The sky is really exceptional blue, where you live!
You don’t need to edit :D .

I envy you that you in February are able to look at such colours in the nature. So I need to remember promoguys pictures and your fire picture too.


Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 10:51 am
by California Girl
Linne - There are "costs" to living anywhere, I suppose. I'd rather live in the land of the occasional earthquake and yearly fires, than in the land of tornadoes or 6 ft. of snow! :D

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:36 pm
by linne
Hi again CG

Yes, I understand you, even though I love snow - - when it's white, and it’s sunshine. I have been in Greenland, and it was sooo beautiful there, you could nearly cry seeing it. But I wouldn't like to live there the whole year! I have never experienced big tornadoes or earthquake or big fires, but all three things must be awful.

Just now the weather in DK is dull, it is overcast, and we have rain. But winter aconites, snowdrops and crocus are in flower, so you know that spring is near. It helps.


Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 8:04 am
by Agent99
So gorgeous! Great photo. I only have had the pleasure of seeing SoCal once...last March when my husband's company had a thing in Coronado. Three days was not enough to do it justice. It was so beautiful and the weather was fantastic. We've been to the north coast a few times and thought it spectacular. I'd love to go back and spend a few weeks..... fly into San Diego, rent a convertible, spend some time there then wind our way up the coast stopping at BB's and vintage hotels along the way......all the way up to Trinidad.

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 12:06 pm
by Teddy Salad
Nice pic CG.

99, your post reminded me of a trip we took a few years ago, September 2002. We flew into LAX on a Friday, rented a convertible, stayed in Santa Monica for 3 nights, saw our beloved Buffs dismantle UCLA at the Rose Bowl, tooled around the Santa Monica Beach, went to the Getty Center (amazing place), then drove up the coast, stayed in Morro Bay one night, saw the Hearst Castle, then Monterey one night, Sausalito 2 nights, did a Napa valley jaunt, saw Alcatraz, stayed at the Mark Hopkins in San Francisco one night, then flew back home from San Fran. It was a blast, and I'm sure you'd enjoy it.

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 4:08 pm
by California Girl
Teddy, when someone asks me for suggestions of what to do and see in California, I usually suggest almost that same itinerary up the coast. The views are as breathtaking as any on St. John, only just different :D Glad you had such a good time!

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 3:18 pm
by promoguy
I'm with CG and Teddy on the route to follow if you're doing a driving tour. We all like to complain about living in SoCal, but the truth of the matter is, if you can put up with all the people you really can't find a more perfect climate. People always ask whether those of us who have been in snow, if we miss it. Well, it's just a short drive up to the mountains.

If you want another great route to travel, scenic in a different sense when you come out, try the drive on the Eastern Sierra up to Tahoe/Reno area. It's a state with a lot of things to see and do and most of them without cold.

And today is so nice that I'm going to throw some ribeyes on the grill for tonight.


This morning off the beach in Redondo Beach