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Pic's Pics & Report: May & June 2016 - Vol.1

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 7:23 pm
by Pickle
Yes… we were back on island. When we left St. John last summer, we weren't sure if we could return this off-season. We made it happen with some sacrifices. I will find out how stinging those sacrifices are at the end of this year - but for now, I am glad that we made more happy memories on St. John.

The usual warning - this report will be snorkeling-heavy. It is our favorite activity when vacationing on St. John. I felt that our overall snorkeling experience on this trip was one of the most satisfying since we began visiting in 2002.

Our two weeks were split between two properties - Seawing and Summerwind. We very much enjoyed our stay at both places. Seawing is a cute 2 BR cottage with a nice hot tub, located between Coccoloba and Shipwreck Landing in Coral Bay. The main room with a loft bedroom is perfect for a couple. It is the more affordable of the two properties. Summerwind is a 4 BR villa with a pool and a hot tub on Bordeaux Mountain. Both the main room with the kitchen and the master bedroom are spacious and exceptionally comfortable. If you are interested, here are the links to the photos of the properties (regarding the bedrooms, I only took photos of the ones that we used):

Seawing: ... 6948620793
Summerwind: ... 6937003424

Our jeep was rented from St. John Car Rental. We've been renting from them for years and will continue doing so. We find them to be great, service-wise and people-wise.

All the photos, under and above the water, were taken with the Canon PowerShot S110.

----- Arrival -----

Our non-stop from EWR arrived early. Our checked luggage made it with us, unlike our last trip to St. John, so we were on our way to Seawing. It was past 5 p.m. when we got to the house (we stopped for groceries on the way). Dena, the property manager, is very nice, knowledgeable and responsible. You will be in good hands if you decide to stay at Seawing. Before unpacking or anything else, we sat on the deck and soaked in the view of Coral Bay towards the East End.


The soaking-in moment was disrupted by undeniable hunger! We left our luggage unpacked and drove to Aqua Bistro for scallops and grouper. Of course, we did not forget obligatory colorful drinks.


I suppose we eventually unpacked our bags but can't remember much about it. I must've been pretty worn out.

----- Maho Day -----

When we feel like we are dragging, like the day after travelling, this is our preferred beach to snorkel and hang out. We almost always end up here on our first full day on St. John. It wasn't the brightest, clearest day for the beach but it did not matter. We were just happy to be back on island!


We snorkeled the right side (facing the water) around the point to Little Maho.

Queen Angelfish


Spotted Scorpionfish


Scrawled Filefish


Maho garden with Lemon Shark


Lemon Shark



It was nice to see a shark on our first day. Although I see sharks often while shore-snorkeling around St. John, I don't see as many as we've seen in some other places on Earth. Good for those St. John visitors who have a fear of them. I am generally an invertebrate girl but sharks are my favorite fish. I admire them and look forward to seeing them in the water. That, of course, depends on the species of shark.

We must've eaten in since there are no food photos to jog my memory. We are usually in bed by 10 p.m. on St. John. At home we sometimes haven't even eaten dinner by then. We are night, but not party, people by nature (if there were such a nature). St. John is the only place that miraculously transforms us into morning people.

----- Francis Day -----

We love Francis - except for the pesky no-see-ums that often pester us at the beach. Funny thing is that only a very few of them were around when we got there in the morning but we felt more of them when we got out of the water after snorkeling. We weren't mobbed by them like we are sometimes at Francis, but their presence was annoying enough that we sadly left our favorite beach by early afternoon.


We snorkeled the right side towards Mary Point as usual. The water felt chilly to me, so we didn't get to snorkel as far out as we normally do. I wear a thin (5 mm thick) neoprene shirt that looks like a rashguard. It's the only way I can snorkel for 2-3 hours. Without it I may not last an hour in the water.

Checkered Puffer


Caribbean Spiny Lobster


Stoplight Parrotfish


Green Turtle


Spotted Scorpionfish - I find them more each year at Maho and Francis. I wonder if I'm just getting better at spotting them or if there are actually more of them now.


We stopped at Aqua Bistro (again) for a late lunch and then headed back to Seawing for some hot tub time.





We cooked a light meal for dinner and went to bed tired. We hadn't snorkeled since last summer and were trying to get used to it again. Our bodies adjusted pretty quickly and by the third day we were back in our usual snorkeling shape.

----- Maho Day (again) -----

I know... we were just there two days before. What can I say… we just felt like Maho again.


This time we stayed and snorkeled on the left side. I like snorkeling both sides of Maho. Neither is what I consider "dramatic" snorkeling, compared to some other spots around St. John, but I especially like finding creatures that are hidden in the Maho water.

Red-Ridged Clinging Crab



Green Moray


Spotted Seahare - About 6 inches long and fully grown. Apparently, when they are disturbed they produce purple fluids (harmless), which I did not witness with this guy.


I was a little disappointed that I spotted only a few octopuses that day - all hidden. My record is a dozen along the left side of Maho (it was as if they wanted to be found!). I see octopuses on the right side as well but for me the left never fails.



Yes… more Spotted Scorpionfish.


Spinyhead Blenny - These cuties make me chuckle every time I find them sticking their tiny heads out of tiny holes. They usually let me get close so I can take some close-up shots of them. I don't know what they are thinking but their expressions are always priceless.


Near the point that separates Maho from Cinnamon, a Nurse Shark was swiftly swimming by in the deeper water. I saw one yesterday at Francis as well but neither shot turned out well.

After hanging out at the beach, we headed back to Seawing and stayed in for the rest of the day. We ended up going out only three nights for dinner during our two week stay. We were on a tighter budget than usual but I think we actually felt okay not eating out much. As active as we were in the water during the day, we often just wanted to relax at Seawing or Summerwind rather than go out at night.

Late afternoon view from Seawing


----- Hawksnest & Gibney Day -----

As you know, the parking by the iron-gate at Gibney is limited. They were all taken by the time we drove by so we opted to park at Hawksnest and swim over to Gibney. We snorkeled our way to the far right side of Gibney and continued along the shoreline to the point that separates Gibney from Denis. We turned around there and eventually swam back to Hawksnest. All in all, it was a fairly long swim. The snorkeling was just okay. We had seen more there in the past but not that day.

Getting ready at Hawksnest


Fire Coral


Sharpnose Puffer


Hidden octopus


Gibney garden filled with Silversides


Barred Hamlet




By the time we got back to Hawksnest, I was more cold than tired and could not keep going much longer. We snorkeled over one of the reefs and then got out of the water.


I watched my husband wading while I rested under the seagrape trees.



I better move on to the next day since we stayed in at Seawing again the rest of the day. We enjoyed the hot tub as we did every late afternoon and some nights. We never turned on the TV the entire trip, which is a norm for us while vacationing on St. John.


----- Waterlemon Day -----

I woke up earlier than usual. The sun was about to rise. I like the color of the sky at this time of the day - not that I see it often. I quietly made some coffee and watched the sky getting brighter.


Eventually my husband got up and we decided the destination for the day would be Waterlemon Cay. The hike was nice and cool in the morning. When we got there, we found ourselves alone on the sandy beach. Every time that happens, it stops me from whatever I am doing and I take some deep breaths. Even if it's only for a little while, I feel grateful to be alone on the beach.


We started snorkeling from the sandy beach as we always do, instead of hiking farther out to the point. It is a long swim to and from the cay but there is a lot to see in the sandy bay and we don't want to miss it...

... like this Spotted Moray in the shallow along the right side...



... or a Caribbean Spiny Lobster. I rarely see them out and about during the day.


In the deeper water between the point and the cay, my eyes caught a shadow of a Spotted Eagle Ray gliding past on the deep bottom. Before I even attempted to follow the shadow, it quickly disappeared into the blue. I hadn't seen one in a while so, even if it was a glance (and the only photo I took is crappy), it made me pretty happy.


Peacock Flounder


Basket Star - It coils up like this during the day and spreads out its arms to feed at night. I really wish I could night-snorkel and witness the underwater night scenes, but I'm afraid of pitch darkness and mildly claustrophobic. Maybe someday…




Spotted Trunkfish - They often look like they're whistling...


Green Turtle


This was a very good long snorkel. I remember feeling happy, satisfied and thankful.

Baby Lemon Shark and my husband


Once again, we returned to Seawing, stayed in and enjoyed the hot tub and the breeze from the east.

----- Great Lameshur Day -----

You might have noticed that we rarely ever beach-hop in one day. We usually stick to one beach. After snorkeling we just want to take it easy on whichever beach we are at that day. This day was spent at Great Lameshur. We snorkeled along the shoreline towards Tektite but didn't quite make it all the way. It was cloudy and at times it rained and I got cold before reaching Tektite. I prefer taking underwater photos when it's cloudy but, for me to last longer in the water, I need a lot of help from the sun. I didn't get that help. With that said, it turned out to be a great snorkel.


Banded Coral Shrimp - She was pregnant!


Spotted Drum - I'm always happy to find them. They are often found under a rock.



Honeycomb Cowfish


Caribbean Spiny Lobsters


Caribbean Reef Squid


Glassy Sweepers, Blackbar Soldierfish and French Grunts under large rock


Fairy Basslet


Slender Filefish duo - I had seen them solo but it was my first time seeing a couple hanging out together. We watched them for a long while. Wherever they moved one followed the other rather discreetly. They were 2 inches long and were so cute together.



We had a late lunch at Miss Lucy's. It was a relaxing end to our stay in Coral Bay.




The next morning we left Seawing by 10 a.m. Since no guests were staying at Summerwind prior to our arrival, the house was ready for us, and Terry (Terry Witham, the villa manager) let us check in as soon as we checked out of Seawing. By 11:30 a.m. we were unpacked and ready for activities for the day... but I'll tell you that and the rest in the next and final installment.

Seawing flower


So long Seawing…


Re: Pic's Pics & Report: May & June 2016 - Vol.1

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 12:56 am
by David 12
Thank you for the great pictures and report! I share your passion for snorkeling and your excellent pictures makes me feel like I am snorkeling beside you.

I also know what you mean when arriving on a beautiful and deserted beach!

Take care,


Re: Pic's Pics & Report: May & June 2016 - Vol.1

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 1:24 am
by nothintolose
Awesome report and pics!!! Thanks SO much for sharing!!!

Re: Pic's Pics & Report: May & June 2016 - Vol.1

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 7:55 am
by sasky
Gorgeous, thank you for sharing. While I do love snorkeling, I often don't last long due to motion/sea sickness. So I adore seeing these.

And I totally get the stopping to breathe and soak it in when alone on a beach. I am not a spiritual person...except in those situations when I give thanks to the universe for those moments!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: Pic's Pics & Report: May & June 2016 - Vol.1

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 8:46 am
by SheilaW1
Great report and loved your pictures! So you used a Canon PowerShot S110 for the underwater ones too. Do you need a special underwater housing for it? If not, is that the waterproof version of the PowerShot? Those underwater shots were great and I would love to take some underwater pics when we are down in July and will get the Canon PowerShot if that is the case. I am really looking forward to your next trip report installment and pictures!

Re: Pic's Pics & Report: May & June 2016 - Vol.1

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 8:57 am
by kklay
I love looking at your beautiful pictures. I am more of a beach sitter/walker/ swim around in the ocean type person rather than a snorkeler so I do appreciate those who take the time to take pictures and share on this forum. It is amazing the beauty that is under the sea!

Re: Pic's Pics & Report: May & June 2016 - Vol.1

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 9:01 am
by papabou

thanks for the wonderful tr and pics extraordinaire! wife and i found stj fairly late in life with a 1st trip in 2004. to me stj is about the vistas, the gin clear water, peaceful beaches, and most of all the teeming marine life, vibrant colors, and remoteness just below the water's surface. your report and pics are almost like being there.

age and wife's health issues may keep me from returning, but this sunday morning in my office reading your report and feasting on your pics brought me joy and an inner peace. look fwd to second week. hope you enjoyed summerwind as much as we did on our last trip with another couple a few yrs ago. we really enjoyed the panoramic views, sunrises, evening lighting of coral bay and east end and spaciousness of swind.


Re: Pic's Pics & Report: May & June 2016 - Vol.1

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 9:19 am
by islandjo2010
Pickle ~ I always LOVE reading your reports! Your snorkeling photos are always incredible and I LOVE that you label them!

I hadn't come across Seawing before (probably because in the past I've looked for 3 bedroom villas). It looks beautiful. I now have added it to my shortlist for future visits!

Thank you for sharing some of your happy memories with us and I look forward to your next installment. :)

Re: Pic's Pics & Report: May & June 2016 - Vol.1

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 12:09 pm
by Diana2
Sea Wing is the first (and 2nd) villa we ever stayed in on St. John. We loved that house but it's been private for many years. I'm happy to see that it's back on the market. It's perfect for just 2 people. We sent our daughter there for her honeymoon 20 years ago.

Summerwind is also a house that we have stayed in twice. Also a great house. Love the location.

I always love your trip reports. You never disappoint. Looking forward to Part 2.

Re: Pic's Pics & Report: May & June 2016 - Vol.1

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 12:33 pm
by papabou
nothing to do with content of this thread, but i happen to notice there are several long time viol posters out today. several will be celebrating 10 yrs this august. i long for the days when there were hundreds of daily posts of great trip reports, inviting questions, thoughtful replies, and lots of good reading. trip advisor's stj board has the posts but most seem quiet dry. heard there's good stuff on facebook but i don't participate and granddaughters think i'm from outer space. oh well.


Re: Pic's Pics & Report: May & June 2016 - Vol.1

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 1:10 pm
by loria
always beautiful!

Re: Pic's Pics & Report: May & June 2016 - Vol.1

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 2:56 pm
by sasky
papabou wrote:nothing to do with content of this thread, but i happen to notice there are several long time viol posters out today. several will be celebrating 10 yrs this august. i long for the days when there were hundreds of daily posts of great trip reports, inviting questions, thoughtful replies, and lots of good reading. trip advisor's stj board has the posts but most seem quiet dry. heard there's good stuff on facebook but i don't participate and granddaughters think i'm from outer space. oh well.

Not sure if I was included in this, but it will be 9 years for me in August and I have not been active for quite some time. I do miss those days. But I am so happy to see threads like this when I pop in from time to time.

Thanks again Pickle!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: Pic's Pics & Report: May & June 2016 - Vol.1

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 3:43 pm
by toni
Thank you for sharing; you always take such wonderful photographs. I'm not much of a snorkeler, and they always give me an appreciation of what's out there that I'm missing!

Re: Pic's Pics & Report: May & June 2016 - Vol.1

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 5:08 pm
by Pickle
David 12 wrote:I share your passion for snorkeling and your excellent pictures makes me feel like I am snorkeling beside you.
I'm happy that you feel that way. :)
sasky wrote:While I do love snorkeling, I often don't last long due to motion/sea sickness.
I am susceptible to motion sickness, too. As much as I love St. John, it was hard for me to deal with the island's endlessly winding roads. Choppy water made me queasy as well. Then I found that Bonine actually works for me. I know it doesn't work for everyone but that little pill has really changed my experiences on St. John.
SheilaW1 wrote:So you used a Canon PowerShot S110 for the underwater ones too. Do you need a special underwater housing for it?
Yes. It is a regular camera so requires an underwater housing that is specific to the camera. I also have a housing for my Canon G15 but I didn't take it underwater. The S110 is more compact and the quality of the shots it takes is as good as the G15's. I also have the Canon D20, which is an underwater camera. It does a good job but I find it inferior compared to the other two so it is my backup in case the housings fail.
papabou wrote:age and wife's health issues may keep me from returning, but this sunday morning in my office reading your report and feasting on your pics brought me joy and an inner peace.
Glad to hear my TR brought you joy and peace, papabou. I wish you and your wife well and hope you will return to St. John one of these days...

I know what you mean by longing for the heyday of this forum. I miss it, too. As much as I still admire this forum, there have been times when I thought I might stop posting trip reports, to be honest with you. But every time after posting, I feel glad that I did. The idleness of the forum gives you the impression that no one seems to be around... but nice folks are still around, oldies or newbies or whoever. A while ago I saw a dry comment (I believe he was a member here at one point) on tripadvisor describing this forum as “dead”. It made me determined to post a trip report here.

Oh, on our departure at the airport on STT, I spotted Vicki (VickiH) in the custom line. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to talk to her - not that I’ve ever met her in person or she would know who I was!
islandjo2010 wrote:I hadn't come across Seawing before (probably because in the past I've looked for 3 bedroom villas). It looks beautiful. I now have added it to my shortlist for future visits!
Seawing is perfect for a couple that doesn't need a large villa. We felt it was a good comfortable size for the two of us. When we moved to Summerwind, the property almost felt too large, which we got used to, eventually. We tried to find a property for our first week for $2K or less and we are happy with our find. The hot tub was one of the cleanest that we've ever had.
Diana2 wrote:Sea Wing is the first (and 2nd) villa we ever stayed in on St. John. We loved that house but it's been private for many years. I'm happy to see that it's back on the market. It's perfect for just 2 people. We sent our daughter there for her honeymoon 20 years ago.
I didn't know your history with Seawing. It is a sweet place. We liked Summerwind, too. They are two different experiences, both of which we enjoyed.

I appreciate every one of all the kind comments. Thank you for taking time to post!

Re: Pic's Pics & Report: May & June 2016 - Vol.1

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 7:49 pm
by Coconuts
Pickle: Spectacular underwater (and above) photography, as is your hallmark. Great shot of the Queen Angelfish between the point on the right of Maho and what we refer to as "Bird Poop Rock". That pair always shows up if I linger in that area; with such an awesome color scheme, it's my favorite fish. They are a bit shy, so I struggle to get photos as well-framed as yours. The harder I try, the more they decide to vamoose.

Thanks for the great photo-report!

All the best,
