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TSA soon do you need to be at the Airport?

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 3:07 pm
by fmzip
Posted from the St John Forum. The mention American Airlines....why so early?

I have TSA Pre and understand that St Thomas now has this. Does that help in the equation at all?
iheartsj wrote:There has been a third barge that goes into action when lines are really long. Just go to the barge staging area and wait in line. On your return to St. Thomas be sure to be at the barge staging area at least an hour before the barge you HAVE to be on to make it to the airport 3 hours before flight departure (if American Airlines). If your flight leaves at 4 pm that means you must be on a barge no later than noon. So I would try for the 11 am just to be sure and arrive at the dock no later than 10:30 am. Not sure how long it takes to return a car on St. Thomas so you may even want to allow more time. Better yet don't rent a car on St. Thomas and you won't have to deal with the barge.