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Safe Sea Lotion

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 10:11 am
by BuddyRock
Has anyone used Safe Sea lotion? Was it effective against stings? How was application-goopy, greasy???

Am considering giving it a try for my kids but the jury is still out.

Re: Safe Sea Lotion

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:24 am
by AquaGirl
I bought the kids version of Safe Sea Lotion with SPF 30. I have sensitive skin, so I decided to try the kids version. I was using it and didn't get any stings, then one day snorkeling at the Indians, I got a sting on my face that hurt like crazy, then the pain went away after a few minutes. I realized I had applied the lotion in the morning, then forgot to reapply it before our afternoon snorkel. My hubby got a sting on his hand that resulted in some bumps looking like poison ivy.

After that, we diligently applied Safe Sea lotion on all exposed skin. We didn't get any stings from then on. My caveat is that this is not solid evidence that the lotion works, since the stinging buggers seems to come and go.

Its not gloppy, nor greasy, but is slightly more "sticky feeling" than regular SPF lotion. Once it was on, I didn't notice anything different from regular lotion. Some people on this forum and other forums are big proponents of it, so you may want to go for it. I haven't been stung since I was a kid, and it was quite startling to get stung. Your kids will appreciate having the lotion on. I got ours at a local dive shop.

Re: Safe Sea Lotion

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 9:22 am
by mahofan
We were on St John the last week of May. And I don't care what you call them...Plankton, Sea Lice, Hydroids, etc...those suckers are annoying. We ran into them at every beach. For some reason, they seem to get worse as the day goes on. So go early if possible. I used Safe Sea every single day and the rest of my family did not. We all got stung about the same with no allergic reactions. Safe Sea does not rub in very well as it leaves a white coating on your skin. I'm guessing that is why it is supposed to protect you, but my 14-22 year old kids would not use it for this reason. We had heard that when the tide changes, it takes all those critters away from the beaches. So maybe with luck, you won't need Safe Sea!