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TR Pt. 4 New Horizons II

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 1:17 pm
by LSU Beach Tiger
Part 4 New Horizons II Trip Report (slideshow)

Woke up early & headed to the St. John National Park Dock for 7:45 am to meet the New Horizons II crew for our BVI Day Tip to The Baths, Marina Cay, Snorkeling at Camanoe, & White Bay, Jost Van Dyke. The crew arrived from St. Thomas on time & had 10 visitors from STT on board as well as 2 crew members (Kevin & Daniella-I think?. Six of us from St. John boarded and we set off towards the BVI.

We stopped in Peter Bay, STJ and the captain went over our agenda for the day & showed us Kenny Chesney's house & the huge rock villa that owns. Daniella served us drinks & muffins to get started. I had a mimosa & we all drank from children's sippee cups, both cute & practical for rocky waves--no spillage. They had a good variety of complimentary drinks aboard: beer, champagne, painkillers, rum, sodas,bottled water, etc. Along the way Daniella pointed out all the different islands, told pirate stories, & passed around a map & fish id cards (for snorkeling). We filled out our customs info for BVI and ordered our lunch from Pussers which the captain called in.

Arrived in Virgin Gorda & Daniella walked over info & customs fee for us and we met her in Spanishtown. We then went to The Baths which we had to swim in. The boat provided us snorkel gear & Daniella gave us an interesting tour in The Baths. We even bellycrawled under the boulders -- sorry no pics from that. we spent about 1 hr there, which we didn't mind b/c we've been there before.

Afterwards, we headed to Marina Cay & ate at Pussers (you pay for lunch). The hamburgers were good, but the only thing I din't like was eating at one long table with the rest of the New Horizons II passengers. Sort of wanted some privacy, after all we were going to be on the boat all day with these people.

We then arrived at Camanoe Bay (not sure but something Camanoe?) for snorkeling. We jumped in from the boat and there were fish all over. All in all it was a good snorkeling site & stayed for 45 minutes, which was enough tfor me. We were ready for some Soggy Painkillers.

Next, was White Bay, Jost van Dyke. We swam in & yes our dollars got wet, ziplocs do not work! We got some painkillers, bought some t-shirts, & I got up on the table to sign the LSU flag hanging from the ceiling. I signed it "Kristy & Jeff", but didn't put the date or "LSU Beach Tiger"--oh well, next time. we enjoyed just chilling out at white Bay in the hammoks and floating in the water. There's nothing better than drinking painkillers in the water. We stayed there fr 1 1/2 hours & was our favorite part of the trip by far.

We then headed back to USVI & had shrimp & fresh fruit, & of course more drinks. We arrived in St. John around 4pm & went thru US Customs.

All in all, New Horizons II is a great day trip with a great crew. The boat wasn't too crowded & it got you to your destinations quickly. The free drinks & snacks were plentiful & good. I would recommend them anyday. :)

<embed src="" flashvars="" menu="false" quality="best" width="425" height="384" name="WebshotsSlideshowPlayer" base="" wmode="opaque" allowScriptAccess="always" loop="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""></embed><br><br><a href="">ST. JOHN Part 4</a>


Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 1:50 pm
by Ksea
What do you carry your camera in so it doesnt get wet? Or do you just take a water proof camera to Jost Van Dyke?

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 2:18 pm
by LSU Beach Tiger
Ksea wrote:What do you carry your camera in so it doesnt get wet? Or do you just take a water proof camera to Jost Van Dyke?
Well, I purchaed a disposable Kodak sport camera that is waterproof, but all of the pictures were ruined. I don't know why, but when I picked them up after getting them developed all of the pics were grainy & dark. I didn't think the camera was broken when I was using it & have used them before just fine--just bad luck. The pics that yu see are from my digital camera & I just swam in to Jost with my arm over my head--very carefully.

I'm bummed about my disposable camera pics though, I remebered taking some good shots.

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 2:25 pm
by Ksea
Oh OK. Yes what a bummer about the waterproof camera. I have always had very good results with those. I think I will leave my good camera at the villa and bring two waterproof disposables. Thanks for your report by the way...GREAT!

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 2:43 pm
by nothintolose
I LOVE the sippy cup idea - practical yet hilarious.

Keep 'em coming am totally lovin' it!


Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 7:16 pm
by waterguy
Great report

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 7:28 pm
by sea-nile
Thanks! I love your reports and pictures!

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 9:30 pm
by cat
Nothintoloose, We need sippy cups for our trip! Perfect for limin in the water! Great idea! Thanks for sharing!

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 9:43 pm
by augie
Great report and pix - thanks!

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 9:33 am
by cptnkirk
Great report love the slide show

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 10:56 am
by LSU Beach Tiger
cptnkirk wrote:Great report love the slide show
Love your avatar---ahhh the memories, sitting under the perfect palm on a perfect beach--priceless :D

New Horizons II Trip

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 1:25 pm
by jimg20
I really enjoyed your report and photos. Our trip with NH II was good but not as good as yours. Our captain was Chad and our guide was Lisa. Lisa was excellent. At First I thought the woman who sold us on the idea of this trip had oversold what we would get. You, on the other hand, got what we were promised. The reason I say that is that we were told Chad would tell us all the stories that you heard. As far as information, it went something like this:

Passenger "Which island is that?"
Chad "Tortola."

Passenger "Is that Virgin Gorda?"
Chad "Yep, that's it."

It didn't take long before everyone gave up and kept to themselves. There were no maps or fish id cards.

Lisa's tour of The Baths was excellent. We enjoyed the lunch and the one table. It gave us a chance to talk with the doctor and her husband from Arizona, the sales manager and his wife from Tenn., and the couple with a young child back home in Maryland.

The man from Maryland had a small dry bag that he used to get all of our cameras and cell phone ashore and back to the boat at Jost (THANK YOU!). That was real helpful. We recommend that you bring one with you if you are going to the US or BVI.

The food and drink on board were very good and very plentiful. The snorkling and Soggy Dollar were fun.

It looks like you were on the Johnny Quest like we were. It's a good boat and got us out there very fast.

If you have the chance, try NH II. It looks like most of the trips are like LSU Beach Tiger had.[/quote]