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WOW mack & papabou cleared for dec roadtrip

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 2:41 pm
by papabou
for viol members who enjoy an old fools ramblings, read on; otherwise move on to the next post. great news, the wives have bannished mack and me for a second time this year. since stj is only place we can remember how to get to & from,here we come. the saga continues.

we have our dates, arr 12/8 dept 12/14, (wives missed us so much last time they cut us back to 6 nites this trip), 1 plane ticket (mack's, i'm holding out for a freebee), jeep reservation (requested the same puke green or PG one we had in july) & trying to tiedown a place to stay in cruz bay. hope to have deal confirmed soon before owner (vrbo) finds out who we are.

our prospective accommodations are advertised as small but adequate, great views and short walk into cruz bay so slimman doesn't get in our pocket for parking. just hope the tip that the place is a short walk to woody's for happy hr (and only slightly farther to joe's rumhut) is legit. know we can roll down hill, issue is getting back up. afraid what we save on parking may go to cab fares this trip. we will miss the proximity of columbo's smoothie stand and the free rum with your smoothie, but feel certain we will find our way back there as we venture out into the island.

since everyone was able to miss us when we were on island for our last minute trip 7/4 to 7/11, i wanted to give a new crowd more time to make plans to have a "siting" this trip. also there are accommodations and plane seats available to accommodate others who would like to do a last minute trip to st john and join mack and papabou for more adventures and great advise about stj and life.

mack just called and interupted my typing to excitedly tell me that during his afternoon nap he dreamed of big g burger's, pain killers & dregory from pennsylvania. the boy's got his mind in right place.
till later.


Re: WOW mack & papabou cleared for dec roadtrip

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 2:52 pm
by RickG
Sounds like a fun trip at a great time of year.

Cheers, RickG

Re: WOW mack & papabou cleared for dec roadtrip

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 4:23 pm
by Lovermont
I'll be on island. Consider myself duly warned! :lol:
ps - I hope you don't get our favorite Jeep. We call it the Green Gecko!

Re: WOW mack & papabou cleared for dec roadtrip

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 9:12 pm
by loverotties
I can't wait to read about your & Mack's adventures in Dec . Your last report made me laugh ......

Re: WOW mack & papabou cleared for dec roadtrip

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 6:34 am
by cocosmom
Yeah, more fun reports from you! You make me smile...

Re: WOW mack & papabou cleared for dec roadtrip

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 6:40 am
by cocosmom
Will Mack be sporting the royal blue body suit again? Just wondering :D

Re: WOW mack & papabou cleared for dec roadtrip

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:56 am
by papabou
thank's for all encouragement but wife would assure you we need little to become a couple of wild and crazy guys (apols to steve martin & dan ack). wanted to be a standup comic but was advised i'd need a sense of humor; oh well.

sorry to say mack had to retire the royal blue body suit, but he has a new black one with the patented blue racing stripes on sleeves. that of course will be topped with a half top royal blue "polly wet suit" for warmth and bright "easter duck" yellow life jacket for safety (boy is very safety conscious) for all water entries. we figured about 8 lbs of weights about right to keep face in water. takes so long to dress out we have to get to beach early. he's also a slow sleeper so he has to go to bed early at night, but that's another story.

have confirmation on lodging assuming my check clears, "sand dollar" at battery hill in cruz bay. we were sold on proximity to woody's and joe's rum hut till i started checking those all important geographic stats that are very important on both stj and snow slopes: "veritcal fall" and pitch. seems travel from battery hill to back of lime inn is similar to coming off cornice at top right of arapahoe basin which i mastered 1st time. mastering can be by becoming proficient or learning to avoid. i had a choice at a-basin not sure about rte from bathill to woody's.

special note to rickg whom i've personally designated as chief of stj promotions. rickg you traitor! i realize that sailing gives you the wonderful feel of the wind in your face and the enchanting whisper of the bow cutting the water at 10 knots. but doesn't the daily bathing in joy to rid your body of the salt, the roominess of a small walkin closet and the call of the wonderful villas on stj that served you so well mean anything? yes, you just used her all up and discarded her like smelly underware. have you no sham? i hope all your ice melts! just kidding, know you have had and will have wonderful times. sailing the islands is great fun, been there done that and decided it was the vacation for those who have no respect for the tender parts of the body.


Re: WOW mack & papabou cleared for dec roadtrip

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 7:27 pm
by mindehankins
OMG LOL! :lol:
I can't wait to hear about your adventures. You and 54B should hook up - your collective stories would KILL (in comedian terms).
I don't forsee us bumping into you guys - this time, anyway. Somehow I just know that we will, one of these trips!

P.S. A taxi trip up the hill to Cruz Views was only $5 per, if you end up needing it.

Re: WOW mack & papabou cleared for dec roadtrip

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 9:30 pm
by RickG
Bro, take it easy on the nutmeg! We'll still do land vacations! I wish we were there to play with you.

Cheers, RickG

Re: WOW mack & papabou cleared for dec roadtrip

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 8:38 am
by kklay
Congrats on your up coming trip! Our group is going to miss you by a few days, it sounds like you guys would be fun to talk and hang out with. I hope our trips coincide sometime in the future! We'll try to leave some rum on island for the two of you!

Re: WOW mack & papabou cleared for dec roadtrip

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 8:09 pm
by Myheart'sinSTJ
Hi Papabou! I'm so looking forward to your postings when on island, since the trip is so close to Xmas you should probably consider a little Cmas shopping for the Mrs. :wink: . Your trip will be here before you know have a great time!

Re: WOW mack & papabou cleared for dec roadtrip

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 9:04 am
by kklay
Great suggestion about doing a little Christmas shopping in STJ! There are several nice jewelry stores that I'm sure your wives would really appreciate a gift from. Just think, they'd probably approve additional trips in the future if they got a little something in return! :wink:

Re: WOW mack & papabou cleared for dec roadtrip

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 10:33 am
by ski2play
This is going to be fun!

Re: WOW mack & papabou cleared for dec roadtrip

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 10:48 am
by papabou
can't speak for mack's wife but mine is on the ball on this xmas gift stuff. my being gone to stj for 7 days (6 nites) is her xmas gift, not to me but from me to her - all that peace and quiet. if i were to bring jewelry or something back for her, she'd be suspicious. what a woman, but i'm beginning to at least get curious as to why she's so glad to get rid of me all the time. any thoughts out there?
will do some "live reports" again and hope when with grandkids for thanksgiving, they can show be how to add pictures to my reports. talk about teaching old dogs!
can't wait for all to see mack dressed out for the ocean.

Re: WOW mack & papabou cleared for dec roadtrip

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 1:43 pm
by EagleRayLover
We stayed at battery Hill a couple times prior to our move. It's so convenient to town and love walking to frank bay for a great sunset with cheese and crackers and a cocktail from the condo! We stayed I a different unit than you but we loved the pool area during the day and especially at night to just hang out.