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Ever had a flat tire on STJ?

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 8:28 am
by mbw1024
We never did until this week. I am not entirely thrilled with how our rental company handled this so I figured I should find out if this is the norm.
Had a flat out at Maho. Had no cell service but a local guy was kind enough to place a call for us. Called to rental agency only to be told "no service people on duty today so just change it yourself". Not easy in bathing suit and flip flops but it got done.

In talking with rental agency after the fact we were told 2 things. 1. Tires are our responsibility but since this was an old tire they were not charging us. 2. Had they sent someone out to change the tire for us they would have charged us for a service call.

Anyone have any past experience with anything like this? Just wondering if other agencies handle the same way.

Re: Ever had a flat tire on STJ?

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 8:51 am
by Exit Zero
It is well worth the effort to check that your rental car has a working jack, a proper lug wrench and an inflated spare before you leave the rental agency. A can or 2 of fix-a-flat is not a bad safety investment since most of the flats on island are nail punctures - they are usually slow leaks so ignoring what "looks a little low" on a tire in the morning can be totally flat the next morning. Expecting a service call to come and change a simple flat tire is wishful thinking,probably a long wait, rarely really necessary or as in this case -- just not happening!
If you are physically unable to change a tire and the fix-a-flat option isn't an option it is not uncommon on these islands that the next few passersby will usually stop and help out - having a cold beverage available in the jeep cooler is a bonus ample reward.

Re: Ever had a flat tire on STJ?

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 9:01 am
by liamsaunt
I have had two flats on St. John. In both cases, the rental company sent someone to change the tire. The companies were Penns and Cool Breeze.

I also once temporarily lost my jeep key at the villa. The car company drove to my villa with a spare key at no charge. They did say that if I could not find the lost key they would have to charge me $200, but I did locate it eventually (it fell into my underwater camera housing of all places). That company was St. John Car Rental.

Curious which company you used?

Re: Ever had a flat tire on STJ?

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 9:09 am
by mbw1024
Becky, the companies that sent someone to change it, did they charge you?

Re: Ever had a flat tire on STJ?

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 9:55 am
by Pete (Mr. Marcia)
We've had one experience with a flat tire. We noticed that the tire was flat when we went to the jeep after dinner. Due to the hour, I knew that no one would be at Sutton's. I changed the tire and brought the flat to Conrad the next morning. He simply said thanks and gave us a different spare.

Re: Ever had a flat tire on STJ?

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 9:58 am
by Agent99
We had a flat last year- woke up to find it flat in the Gallows parking lot- probably a slow leak like was described earlier. Bougainvilla came in about 5 minutes, changed the tire and did not charge us.

Re: Ever had a flat tire on STJ?

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 10:11 am
by Pia
Not good - who did you use Mary Beth ?


Re: Ever had a flat tire on STJ?

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 10:25 am
by jayseadee
We haven't had a flat, but did have some car starting issues out at Lameshur last November. Fortunately, a few bangs on the battery terminals got it started. When we returned the car at the end of the week and reported the incident, they guy sounded as though they would have come out to rescue us - this was C&C.

Re: Ever had a flat tire on STJ?

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 11:57 am
by EagleRayLover
We have had two. One in the parking lot of brown bay trail and one, the same week, in the driveway of our favorite Villa, Reef Madness. Since we rented from Amalie in STT, Augie just fixed it the first time. After the second time, he took it to A&c upon Rith's recommendation and we got it patched for $6.00. Best $6.00 we spent and Amalie was very happy with our decision to patch it as opposed to calling them.

Re: Ever had a flat tire on STJ?

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 12:15 pm
by liamsaunt
Hi Mary Beth, no, neither company charged us. With Penns the jeep was at Mongoose so a couple of guys walked down and changed it there. Cool Breeze came out to Gibney to change the other one.

Safe travels home today.

Re: Ever had a flat tire on STJ?

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 2:02 pm
by mbw1024
We used Courtesy.

Re: Ever had a flat tire on STJ?

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 10:37 pm
by AquaGirl
This is a great thread, at mbw's expense...
We never check that there is a working jack, lug wrench and inflated spare, but will now. Great idea. We have always used Bougainvillea, and no flat tires. The check engine light kept coming on last trip, but when we stopped to talk to the folks at Bougainvillea, they said its "normal" for it to do that. We were concerned because we were headed to Lameshur and definitely didn't want any issues way down there!

Re: Ever had a flat tire on STJ?

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 5:50 am
by sloopjones
most everyone I know on STJ carries a can of
fix a flat in their car.

Re: Ever had a flat tire on STJ?

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 1:48 pm
by Teresa_Rae
My husband and I have never had a flat but my parents had one on their first trip. They were out on the east end when it happened and changed it themselves. The Jeep was from Budget on STT. The Jeep also had an awful smell to it (bad enough to make you gag) so I called Budget and they brought over a new Jeep on the ferry to swap.

Re: Ever had a flat tire on STJ?

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 3:01 pm
by dreamshark
I would really like to know which agency this was. I've never had a flat tire, but have finally begun to realize that if I keep renting jeeps on STJ, sooner or later it's likely to happen. I was not happy with the answer I got when I asked about this last time I rented, and probably will not go back to that agency. I'm curious if it was the same company.

Also, where do you buy that Fix-a-Flat thing on STJ? It sounds like a good idea, but pretty sure you can't bring it in carry on luggage. In fact, I'm not sure you can even bring it in checked luggage.