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any recent viewtiful info out there?

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:16 am
by papabou
looking good for last minute trip to stj with my snorkel buddy around 7/4. our wives say trip too hard on them. we've made 2 couples trip to bord mountain side of coral bay side (summerwind and casa bueno) and buddy and I like the location and general feeling.

we toured viewtiful in summer 09 and liked the views, location, and last minute rates and that's where we are planning to stay unless someone has a major negative about her. have rented from the private home ladies on 3 occasions, so comfortable there. we currently have a few possible backups closer in to coral bay if viewtiful rents or heaven forbid vful is the stj version of the bates motel though we would be happy with motel 6..

done search here and on trip adv but nothing recent on 1st hand knowledge. anyone know anything?


Re: any recent viewtiful info out there?

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:04 am
by Laura T
My experience is not necessarily recent, but we stayed there perhaps six years ago. We thought it was a very nice villa. Nothing negative to report!

Re: any recent viewtiful info out there?

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 6:18 pm
by GotToGetAway
I almost rented it for my first trip, but the rep from PHPV told me the pool is icy, so we didn't rent.
Turns out our alternate choice also had an icy pool, so go figure. I think that's normal for that part of the island.

Re: any recent viewtiful info out there?

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 8:04 pm
by papabou
thanks laura and gtga for info. frankly based on info I've gotten for phpv through the yrs on prior rentals I would be surprised if much real negative stuff turned up. I know the layout, location, and amenities and I know she's older. also the villa is next door to the reps home.

figured the pool would be cold since we're stayed twice in mt bord villas and had similar experiences. not sure i'm ever stayed in a villa with a really warm pool except alta gracia on contant.

perhaps, no news is good news and still hope to head her way in a couple of weeks. unless?
