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iPod Found on Trunk Bay Beach today (June 18th)

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 8:04 pm
by sherban
We found an iPod on Trunk Bay Beach today, it still works!

Contact me if it is identify it and arrange for shipping if you would like it back.


Re: iPod Found on Trunk Bay Beach today (June 18th)

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 5:28 pm
by sherban
"second call"...anyone know a young adult who lost an iPod on Trunk?

Re: iPod Found on Trunk Bay Beach today (June 18th)

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 7:24 pm
by JJShaw
If there was a Cruiseship in that day it could have possibly been from there..You could check Cruise critic to see if anyone has made a post there..Although, if they were on a week long voyage they may not be home yet..and even check the ship schedule to see what ships were in port that there are different boards there for different cruiselines..BTW..I think its very honorable of you to try and find the owner..Kudos to you !!!..99% of people would keep it and not say a word..its good to know there are still honest people in the world...:)

Re: iPod Found on Trunk Bay Beach today (June 18th)

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 11:09 pm
by sherban
I finally found the took some detective work though!
Sending it back to her next week!

Re: iPod Found on Trunk Bay Beach today (June 18th)

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 12:42 am
by JJShaw
Good for you...Karma will surely be kind to you..:)

Re: iPod Found on Trunk Bay Beach today (June 18th)

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 8:32 am
by sherban
JJShaw wrote:Good for you...Karma will surely be kind to you..:)
Thanks, I shared the effort to find the owner with my kids, it was fun...the iPod took on a persona along the way, it had the name "Meghan" engraved on the back and so the iPod became Meghan. Then we listened to the music on the iPod together and you start thinking you know the person a little from their music. I played the iPod in my kitchen while cooking and the whole family would listen and comment on some of it (sometimes eyes rolling, sometimes hip shaking).

So here's how I found the owner, I downloaded her songs onto my computer and then accessed them and that brought up her iTunes email address! But that email address was from back when she was in college...I sent an email to that address BUT it was out of date (she graduated in ~2007), so I Googled the email address to see where it was from (what school), I found that and then looked for people with her name in that state (her email address included a truncated version of her last name), I found a person via Google that looked like it was probably her, ....had the same first and last name and went to that college, then I Googled that name for phone numbers and found one related number but it wasn't directly for her, so I called that number and got an older man's answering machine and I left a message.."Hi I'm looking for Meghan "Z" I believe I found her iPod, my name is "J", my phone number is ... and my email is ..., if you know her please have her contact me so I can arrange to send her iPod back.

Then yesterday I get the email: My name is mom said that you had contacted her and told her you found my iPod? If you could send it to me I would be SO grateful, id be happy to send you money to pay for the shipping. My address is
And I plan to send it back to her this week!

Re: iPod Found on Trunk Bay Beach today (June 18th)

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 9:20 am
by JJShaw
Wow, thats great..I know she had to be glad to hear from you...My daughter had hers stolen at school a cpl yrs ago..( She was told LOTS of times not to take it to school ) My son had had helped with it th Christmas before, and had set up her Icloud acct. I called him and had saved the serial number and had all her info on we were watching for it to connect to the internet and had left a message on it so that if it did connect to the internet it would shut and hoped whoever it was that had it didn't know how to jail break it, so after about 3 weeks I checked and it had new phone numbers and emails in it...and luckily they had put their home number in it as well...needless to say they got a call and I agreed not to press charges if I could just get it back..The kids mom met me and it was returned. I don't think this kid had taken it as he went to a different school than she did. But I know I was grateful to get it back and not have to replace it. forward to last yr. my daughters boyfriend had borrowed it...and guess was stolen has not at this point been recovered and probably never will...his mom was nice enough to replace it for her and I've threatened her if she takes it back to school..or loans it I imagine the owner of the one you found was grateful as well..Its good to know there are still decent people in this world...Hope to see you on Island someday..:)

Re: iPod Found on Trunk Bay Beach today (June 18th)

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 7:42 pm
by Myheart'sinSTJ
Yay Sherban! Is there a second calling in your future?? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: iPod Found on Trunk Bay Beach today (June 18th)

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 8:30 pm
by mfaughey
Now, THAT is an awesome story - great way to start the week for me!

Agree on Karma finding it's way to you!!!

Re: iPod Found on Trunk Bay Beach today (June 18th)

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:59 pm
by sherban
Well, here's the deal....I did it for two reasons...

1) I'm a big fan of random acts of kindness!

2) I love to solve a good mystery, I started on Hardy Boys books in grade school and loved them,

...then moved onto harder stuff...Agatha Christie, Clancy, Le Carre, Trevanian, Baldacci, get it..
And motion pictures...James Bond and even Charlie Chan!

Solving a mystery to achieve a random act of kindness...priceless.

Re: iPod Found on Trunk Bay Beach today (June 18th)

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 6:25 am
by DonnaM
Wow! That went above and beyond a random act of kindness!

Re: iPod Found on Trunk Bay Beach today (June 18th)

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:38 am
by jmq
I would say that she is mighty lucky that YOU found it i.e. someone with the combo of kindness, detective skills and perseverance to pull that off. Well done!

Re: iPod Found on Trunk Bay Beach today (June 18th)

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:41 pm
by Tracy in WI
Sherban and family,

I just wanted to jump in and say I am very impressed with your efforts at getting the iPod back to its rightful owner. I would have no clue how to do what you did and know, as others have said, that what goes around comes around!! Thanks!!

Re: iPod Found on Trunk Bay Beach today (June 18th)

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 3:05 pm
by sherban
Hello All- Just wanted to share the conclusion of our STJ lost and found story with you...

I sent the iPoD and Bose headphones back to their owner this Tuesday, sent Priority mail so they should be there by now...

And we received the sweetest thank you card (below) along with a $10 bill and a $25 gift card for Target that said "For my favorite beachcombers!"

So like ya'll said... the good karma came back around to us...what a fun "message in the bottle, lost and found" story!

Re: iPod Found on Trunk Bay Beach today (June 18th)

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 4:14 pm
by mnfun2bme
Wow.... sounds like you also must have watched McGyver, too! Amazing detective work! So wonderful of you to get Meghan home!
You are good people! :)