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Hey Forum FB friends....

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:20 pm
by Coden
Hello to all of my Forum FB friends. Today I deactivated myself as I need a break from FB. I've been thinking about doing this for the last 2 months, at least. Doesn't mean I don't love each and every one of you, I just need a break. I found myself sitting on my couch, on the internet, way too much. I need to break the cycle. :wink:

So, I will see you here, and look forward to it!!

XOXO, Coden (aka Pinky Floyd)

Re: Hey Forum FB friends....

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 7:34 pm
by Florida Girl
I will miss you greatly on FB, but I understand! Maybe after a break you'll reconsider and come back to FB one day! I'll see you around the Forum in the meantime! xoxo

Re: Hey Forum FB friends....

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:41 pm
by jayseadee
At least let us know when the grand baby arrives.

Will miss you and your happiness.

Re: Hey Forum FB friends....

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 10:50 pm
by Coden
Thanks Florida Girl and Jayseadee XOXOX

I realized that I posted a "I am going to take a break" on FB and then immediately deactivated myself, so probably no one saw it. Silly me!! I think I will go back in, reactivate myself and then just try to stay off of it. If it works, I'm good to go.

Whichever way I go...I will let you know about our new grandson...due Sept. 26th. Can't wait!!

XOXO to you both!

Re: Hey Forum FB friends....

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 10:23 am
by linne
I understand you!

I don't use FB because I'm afraid that I will be " sitting on my couch, on the internet, way too much".

But many people love FB, and I understand them too. A good way to be in contact with family and friends.

So one have to choose, how they want to use to use their time. And I'm sure that your coming status as a grandmother will take a part of your time .

Good luck!


Re: Hey Forum FB friends....

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 6:34 pm
by silverheels
Morning Glories will be missed. I'll catch you on here and keep up with your comings and goings, especially a new grand child. Are you sure you're old enough to have one! Looked pretty young to me. :D

Re: Hey Forum FB friends....

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 7:36 pm
by mindehankins
About facebook eating away your day. I switched from reading news and keeping up with current affairs, to reading facebook once or twice again. The conent at FB is EXACTLY the NEWS that I'm interested in "how's the family" "did the baby come yet" "your porch remodel is coming along beautifully" "my he's getting big" etc. It's a newspaper for your own friends and family. I love it. I was a late bloomer. My mother in law shamed me into making an account. Now she probably wishes I'd shut up!

Re: Hey Forum FB friends....

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 6:55 am
by Coden
Linne - I am going to try to choose my time wisely. Let's see if it works! Ha! As far as my time being taken up by being a grandmother...our son lives in California, we live in Ky...California is 2,280 miles away from us...we get to go in November for 13 days...not sure when we'll be able to go back again.

Silverheels - I posted a Mornin' Glory just for you today. ; ) XOXO

Minde - I did the same thing, started reading the news on-line, reading more books, trying to break the cycle. I work Tues-Wed-Thurs, so those days are easy not to be on is the other 4 days that I am getting squat done. We'll see how good I am at choosing my time wisely come this weekend. I have a lot of stuff to do.


Re: Hey Forum FB friends....

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 7:31 am
by EagleRayLover
Your FB smile will be missed!! :)

Re: Hey Forum FB friends....

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:20 am
by Coden
EagleRayLover - I read what you wrote after coming home from a grueling 12 hour day at work and it made me smile and made my heart happy. Thank you!! XOXO

I will still post when I can, I did miss it the bit of time I was off it, mainly because of people such as yourself and the other forumites, and my other family and friends.

Now, I am off to work, my last day for the week...woo-hoo!!!