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EagleRayLover BD Trip Report Part IV

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 12:35 pm
by augie
Link to Part I: ... hp?t=23472
Link to Part II: ... hp?t=23479
Link to Part III: ... hp?t=23493

Saturday, June 9. After the long boat day the day before, we decided to let the tired boys sleep in today. Since we weren't rushing off to a beach, we decided to take advantage of the opportunity to scratch off a STJ bucket list item - to go and visit the Coral Bay Garden Center and - hopefully - to meet the world famous Josephine. After we turned on to the road by the Love City Mini-Mart, we noticed that it was flat and bereft of traffic. The perfect opportunity to cross another item off of that list - Leslie's first on island driving experience!


We made it unscathed to the garden center, where we were greeted by a diminutive, energetic woman that asked if she could help us. After she showed us all of the fresh produce that was available, I asked her if she was, in fact, the world renowned Josephine. She admitted to being the latter, and we had a delightful conversation with her before driving off with several bags full of fresh greens.

I thought that the drive their had been very tame, so I told Leslie that it was time for her to stretch her driving wings and handed her the keys to the jeep. A forty seven point turn had me briefly questioning that decision, but soon she was back on the road, back in charge, and driving like a left-sided veteran! I think that she expected me to take over before it was time to negotiate the driveway, but I figured that if she was really going to do this, she may as well get comfortable with the whole experience. She gulped hard, but negotiated the steep, curvy driveway like a pro. OK, like a pro in training!


We were having spotty cell phone reception, but finally got a text from Deb and Jay on St. Thomas, who let us know that they were coming over on the car barge to hang out for the day. We agreed to meet at Skinny Legs for lunch, and see where the day took us after that. Deb, Jay, and their friend Kyle were already seated, so we joined them, ordered food and drink, and let the fun begin!


We picked Salt Pond Bay as our beach du jour, so once lunch was done our little caravan set out in that direction. There were only a handful of cars in the parking lot, so we were able to find a spot with a picnic table and available shade, to drop our stuff. We spent a while just hanging out and talking - the ladies in the water and the men in the shade, for the most part.

One son opted for the sun...

While the other had it made in the shade...

Leslie took Deb and Shane, neither of who had ever been before, over to see Drunk Bay.


Another Leslie "first":

While they were gone, Jason took the opportunity to talk to one of a group of young ladies (there must have been a dozen of them together there!) that had set up "camp" on the beach close to us. Turns out that they were a tour group from Denmark that were wrapping up their Caribbean gap year study program! Sounds like a tough requirement...

It wouldn't feel right to come here without going for at least a short snorkel, so Leslie and I did just that:

Leslie found a friend:

But before long, I got tired...

We offered our guests the chance to come by the villa and rinse off in the pool, but they were concerned about catching the car barge so they headed home. That afforded us the chance to take the boys to The Tourist Trap for some refreshment and recreation before we headed home ourselves.



Finished the day with a dinner of grilled chicken, rice, and a salad featuring locally grown greens!


Sunday - June, 10 - Happy Birthday Leslie! Today is the featured event of the trip - our celebration of "Mom's" milestone birthday!


We started with breakfast at Donkey Diner (Leslie drove there) - good, plentiful, and served with a smile!



Birthday Mimosa!

Next up, we headed to Leinster Bay - Leslie still behind the wheel. Another first - when we've parked in the Annaberg lot in the past we've never been able to resist the lure of the water in nearby Leinster Bay, but today we put that on hold long enough to trek up the hill to visit the sugar mill ruins. We had this beautiful place completely to ourselves!




After we'd had our fill of the magnificent views it was time to grab our snorkel gear and get into that gorgeous water! We walked the trail past the beach, and all the way to the rocks that are somewhat adjacent to Waterlemon Cay. The water was clear, and as current free as I've ever experienced it. As we made our way out toward the cay it didn't take long to see some of the familiar sea life that we usually see here:




After a nice long snorkel we headed back to the jeep, then to the villa, to rinse off/clean up and get ready to head to town. By the time we were ready to leave we'd received word that Deb and Jay had already made it over on the ferry. We agreed to meet at the Tap Room and arrived there within minutes of each other. Now the celebration was ready to kick into high gear!


Amanda kept our glasses full, and, after much merriment, it was time to stumble over to the Beach Bar! We had a really nice time at the Beach Bar forum gathering. Among those in attendance were CaptainJay, JJShaw, NicinKC, Rhonda, Captain John, along with an assortment of spouses, significant others, and offspring!



Spice Cam birthday moment:

Leslie on stage for Barefoot Davis' rendition of "Happy Birthday"

Eventually, the "need for feed" (especially among a certain younger member of our drinking party!) became a priority. By this time most of the forum crowd has dispersed, so our family made the short walk over, and (for some of us) the long walk up the steps to Banana Deck. A great meal capped off a great day!


I have to say that I consider June 10th to be a day that the world, and myself in particular, is the recipient of a great gift!

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 1:17 pm
by CBama
still enjoying your reports!!!!

We did not take time to visit the sugar mill ruins...seeing your pictures makes me wish we had!

We also made the drive to Josephines on that FLAT road! saw the sign "tourists you are lost" We were not sure if we were at the correct location..Coral Bay Garden Center...We saw a man outside and he confirmed we were at the correct place..

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:04 pm
by ColumbiaSCTraveler
LOVE the turtle pic!
Happy [late] birthday, Leslie! There's nothing like celebrating birthdays on island!

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:17 pm
by Myheart'sinSTJ
Love your pics, especially the blue and green neon fish, so cool! We hiked the ruins and out along Leinster as well, it was beautiful, very few people. It has been 2 weeks today that we have been home and miss the island terribly, figuring a way to get back soon. Cheers!

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 8:41 pm
by Exit Zero
PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:17 pm Post subject:
"Love your pics, especially the blue and green neon fish"

This is a Queen Trigger Fish - seen on many local menus as 'Old Wife' - usually served as a whole fish - boiled [poached] in a seasoned broth with sliced onion, fungi, rice and peas, and ground provisions. Sometimes it is served fried, - scored, rubbed with lime and seasoned salt, and topped with a peppered creole sauce.
Very popular in the West Indian cuisine.

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 8:48 pm
by Myheart'sinSTJ
EXit Zero, thank sfor the info on the fish, I think it is to pretty to eat!

Re: EagleRayLover BD Trip Report Part IV

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 9:05 pm
by toni
augie wrote:I have to say that I consider June 10th to be a day that the world, and myself in particular, is the recipient of a great gift!
Aww, that's really sweet! :D

And Leslie, congrats on the driving experience-I'm a STJ driving virgin too even after 8 trips :oops: , maybe this next time I'll give it a try.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:16 am
by JJShaw
We enjoyed meeting everyone..enjoying the trip reports...Ive got to get busy on ours...:)

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:29 am
by Rhonda
Loving from trip reports! We had a great time at the Beach Bar.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:33 pm
by Coden
Awesome TR's and I can't wait to use them as tutorials for my newbies. :D

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 4:43 pm
by designbyroe
never knew leslie had not driven on she now is almost ready to handle some switchbacks...:)

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 8:02 pm
by EagleRayLover
Did lots of switchbacks in later days Rosi! Love island driving!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:33 pm
by mnfun2bme
A happy belated birthday! Can't think of a better way to spend a special day!