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This is why I do not have a Ticker to STJ.....

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 8:59 am
by Coden
This is why I do not have a Ticker to STJ.....and neither can be shared on FB or I will be killed.

:D #1 - We are going to be Grandparents at the end of September and it's a BOY!! We can't wait!! Our son and his girlfriend informed us of this back in early March. They are so excited, as are we. She is doing very well and the baby is too. The only bad thing is they live in stinkin' California and I don't!! We never thought we would be grandparents. Ever!

# 2 - Hubs dad is very, very ill. I can't see him surviving through this year. We are currently trying to do overnight trips here in Kentucky, just to get away for a bit and not think about it. It just breaks our heart how fast he is going down. It came out of the blue and I think we are all still in shock.

Hopefully, by next August, we'll be able to be on the Rock again.

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:46 am
by mit43
#1. Congrats! We have 4 Grandkids. I have no idea how that happened since we are only 29..... 8)

#2. So sorry to hear this. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:27 am
by Backtotheislands
Congratulations, Coden! That could be me. We found out the first week in March we will be 1st time grandparents in September. My youngest son and his girlfriend are having a boy! Ha! They are both still college students, but plan to graduate next August. I was in shock at first, but I'm now getting excited! God is in control.
I'm so sorry to hear about your FIL. That's such a struggle to watch our loved ones as they are dying. Hope you get back to SJ soon!

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:48 am
by msgcolleen
Congrats to you and Denny! Tell them that California is too far away and they need to move closer to you! Free babysitting too! :D Or maybe a move to the west coast is in your future?? :shock:
Sorry about your father-in-law and pray for his comfort and peace for the family.
I see St. John in your future . . . especially teaching your grandson how to snorkel! Hope to see you there too! 8)**hugs**

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 12:46 pm
by Coden
mit43 - I know what you mean, and although I am 55 and Hubs is 61...we are still like...wait, we're going to be grandparents? No way, we've not grown up yet. Ha!!

Backtotheislands - my gosh, I thought I was reading my own post! :D Congrats to you and I know about the shock factor! Our son is finished with his undergrad and has done 2 semesters of grad school. Hopefully he'll be able to finish...I'm freaking out that he won't. But, I am not worrying about it. :wink:

msgcolleen - I cannot wait to take our grandson to STJ and will the very minute I can. They've already given me permission to take him on a Disney cruise and to Disney Worl...yippee!!!

Thanks to you all for the kind words for my f-i-l. We'll get through this, I know, especially when we have so many good friends and family to help us through.

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:17 pm
by mindehankins
Congratulations on your grandbaby! We're getting one too, but aren't very excited about it....

So sorry to hear about your father in law. I hope he has a peaceful passing when the time comes.

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:16 pm
by Florida Girl
A grandbaby.... how exciting for you!! Tell the kids to move to Kentucky...California's too expensive! ;)

So sorry to hear about your FIL, sending you all hugs for peace and comfort.


Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:19 am
by Coden
mindehankins - sounds like I am going to have lots of new Forum grandparents to share in our joy. When is your grandbaby due and do you know what you are getting yet?

Florida Girl - they are trying to get out of California, but are probably stuck now until after the baby is born. But, where they live is a nice little college town and they have very doable rent, expenses, etc.

I wish they would either move back to Oregon, or, move East by a few states. At least by 1 time zone. LOL

Thanks to you both about the kind words for my FIL. We had a pretty good day yesterday. : )

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:44 am
by jayseadee
Congrats on your new grand baby! How wonderful for you and Den (and the kids).

Sorry to hear about your FIL. I know how hard that is. It's good you are close that you can spend time with him.

St. John ain't going anywhere.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:56 pm
by Coden
jayseadee - I know, excited!! I can hardly keep myself from buying everything I see. I've already sent a 4-in-1 crib to them. And 3 boxes of stuff I keep buying here and shipping there. I have to stop the madness!! :D

And I know, it is good that we are able to be here with him and help him as best we can. Thankfully both Den's sister and brother live here as well and they are all sharing in this.


Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:34 am
by linne
Congratulation with your coming pleasure- being grandparents. It means- among other things - that you will be looking after presents for the kid, when you are travelling to other places. I know - have just returned from Spain!


Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:40 am
by greyhoundmom
Coden, congratulations on that new little man in your life! Grands have an amazing ability to open your wallet and keep it open for many years! We have a 2nd year USC student and a rising HS freshman and we are 58 and 60! Yes, we started young!!! :D

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:43 pm
by Coden
Linne - thank you! We are so excited, and yes, presents, already I have to slap my hand from pulling out the credit card and buying everything!! I've sent 3 boxes of stuff already, and order and had delivered a 4-in-1 crib. I must stop!!

greyhoundsmom - wow! such exciting times for is a shame they grow up, eh? Just like our own babies! :D